Research Excellence

Insights in Action

Embarking on ambitious research initiatives has been a major component of the strategy to address the changes of the digital economy at the School of Business. In order to drive innovation in business, faculty researchers and students work closely with industry practitioners and regulators to solve the most pressing problems. This approach ensures that research at Stevens is rooted in applicability and can make an impact.

Support from companies helps fund fellowships and internships at the school, and also offers access to invaluable industry data that gives researchers the resources to improve decision-making capabilities for business leaders. Research papers use advanced analytics in examining everything from currency risk to tax policy. Uncovering new ways to harness the power of data analytics is at the heart of nearly every research project at the School of Business.

A key component of the school’s success in research has been the aggressive recruiting of top faculty and Ph.D. students, who bring with them a diversity of backgrounds and a passion for developing and sharing new ideas. However, at Stevens, research projects aren’t solely the domain of faculty and doctoral students; students at every level participate in these initiatives to push knowledge forward. Undergraduates are encouraged to work alongside faculty researchers through summer fellowships or undertake their own research projects. Graduate students gain invaluable experience through collaborative research that emphasizes applicability and makes them more attractive to potential employers.

The technology-driven disruption in business has provided ample opportunities for impactful research for Stevens faculty, and the results have been impressive, with an explosion in publications in the elite journals, growth in competitive grants from government and industry, and significant faculty recognitions. Just in the three year period 2018-21, the number of faculty publications in the FT50 category of journals versus the period 2009-2012 has increased six-fold.

Research productivity has also skyrocketed. While the number of faculty has grown by 87% between 2012 and 2022, the total number of publications has increased by 236% and the number of FT50 publications has increased by 312%, indicating the school’s emphasis on quality and impact.

Similarly, research funding has grown significantly. Just in the 4-year period 2017-21, more than $5 million in grants have been awarded or pledged from government agencies, foundations, or private industry, including the National Science Foundation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Nicholson Foundation, the National Endowment for Financial Education, PwC, Capco, Jefferies, UBS, JPMorgan Chase, Pfizer, Wiley, and more.

Jordan SuchowSPOTLIGHT:
Jordan Suchow
Assistant Professor

As an expert in cognitive science, Dr. Suchow is not your typical business professor. He holds a Ph.D. from Harvard University and his research focuses on developing computational models of individual and group perception, learning, memory and decision-making, with an eye toward applying these models to the creation of new technologies. He is the recipient of a number of grants, and his work and has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, the Psychological Bulletin, Nature Human Behavior, and other journals.