Discover Stevens: Artificial Intelligence and Computing
The Center for Innovative Computing and Networked Systems (iCNS) at Stevens brings expert investigators together from multiple departments to drive breakthroughs in computing, electrical and electronics systems, computer hardware and software systems, power grid systems and applied artificial intelligence (AI).
At Stevens, we embrace technology as a central part of our research, academics, culture, and campus. Our tech-driven research enterprise is home to these cross-disciplinary centers and state-of-the-art facilities focused on research related to artificial intelligence, machine learning, and their real-world applications.
Stevens Institute for Artificial Intelligence
The Stevens Institute for Artificial Intelligence (SIAI) is an interdisciplinary, tech-driven collaboration of engineering, business, systems and design experts working toward solving pressing global problems in industry and the world. The center is composed of more than 100 faculty members from all academic units at Stevens (engineering, business, systems and arts & music) researching a variety of cross-disciplinary applications in AI and machine learning.
Center for Quantum Science and Engineering
The Center for Quantum Science and Engineering (CQSE) at Stevens Institute of Technology pursues innovative quantum engineering research, development and education including bringing photonic technologies into reality, networking, remote sensing, machine learning, big data processing and quantum computing.
Research Computing Services
Stevens Institute of Technology provides advanced computing infrastructure and services for sponsored or departmental research with large-scale computing needs to all faculty members and interdisciplinary research groups within the School of Engineering and Science.
Quantum Learning Space and Testing Facilities
The Stevens Quantum Space welcomes all students to learn, design and test innovative ideas based on the latest quantum technologies. Our state-of-the-art facilities promote innovative quantum engineering and provide a multiscale testbed for analyzing and testing new quantum devices and techniques.
AI and Machine Learning Research at Stevens
The Stevens Institute for Artificial Intelligence advances the fundamentals and applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning research to solve complex problems that advance technology — and make the world a better place. Launched in 2018, SIAI is Stevens’ newest and largest center. It is comprised of engineering, business, systems and design experts from across the university who share a collaborative research.
The educational experience in all of our more than 150 graduate programs is designed to imbue graduates with the mindset, skills, and abilities needed to stay relevant in a rapidly-evolving technological and professional landscape. The following programs prepare graduates for fields that develop and apply the latest AI and ML technologies.
Cybersecurity expert James Xiaojiang Du has developed, among other innovations, an IoT anomaly detection system that performs with over 97% accuracy.
Join a growing research community where scholars, leaders, students, and partners meet, join forces, share ideas, and pursue progress. The Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science offers a complete STEM package: engineering and science under one roof means new, unique opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.
More Research Highlights
The fourth annual TechPulse Report compared trends identified in its surveys from 2021 and 2023 to gain a deeper understanding of Americans’ perceptions of generative AI.