Graduate Studies and Experience - Year 2 Report

Graduate student recruitment is improving, and enrollment trends are positive. Selectivity is low, but improving. Year 2 has shown progress in attracting more full-time graduate students, and a graduate enrollment diversification strategy has been launched.

Goal G1

Enhance the selectivity of our graduate admissions by admitting 45 percent of applicants by 2017 and 35 percent by 2022 from a baseline of 60 percent in 2011. Simultaneously increase the size of the full-time Ph.D. and master’s student population by at least 30 percent by 2022 from the Fall 2011 baseline of 1,248.


The Office of Graduate Admissions was restructured during Year 2. A new Associate Dean was appointed, and experienced admissions professionals were hired.  Overall, graduate headcount increased from 3,093 to 3,233 from Fall 2013 to Fall 2014.  Total graduate credit hours increased 20 percent over Year 1.As a result of an international diversification strategy, the number of countries submitting greater than 10 applications increased by 55 percent. Applications from India and Iran have doubled, 1,250 and 111 this year, respectively; deposits from Indian students have increased from 82 last year to 244 this year; and applications from Brazil increased from a single application last year to 63 this year.A graduate fellows program was launched during Year 2 and was used to attract highly qualified students and to assist in shaping the graduate demographic. 

Year 3: Increase number of domestic and full-time graduate students; continue to diversify the number of countries of origin of our graduate population; refine graduate financial aid strategy; increase recruitment of research-active Ph.D. students.


Goal G2

From a baseline of 36 (including three international), we will double the number of off-campus/corporate domestic and international graduate partnerships, with an emphasis on the domains of particular significance to Stevens.


An experienced professional was hired and named as Dean of the Center for Corporate Education and Professional Education.  The Center is managing off-campus corporate programs and providing support to students and faculty who travel to corporate learning events. 

Year 3: Develop and implement a robust corporate, professional, and online strategy.

Goal G3

Undertake specific initiatives to improve our graduate faculty teaching performance and student learning.


Preliminary steps, including the establishment of the Center for Faculty Advancement and regular review of teaching evaluations, faculty performance discussions that include teaching evaluations, and implications for reappointment of non-tenured and adjunct faculty have been initiated during Year 2.  

Year 3: Develop a cohesive and integrated plan, including policies, incentives, recognition/rewards, training/support and assessment/feedback for improved teaching and learning.

Goal G4

Develop and formalize mechanisms to ensure all graduate students, including part-time and off-campus students, have opportunities to engage with the Stevens community as part of their curricular studies, as well as through extra-curricular activities.


A Year 3 priority, work is already underway, with the creation of the Graduate Student Enrichment Series, designed to expand the extracurricular offerings available to graduate students.  This series provides a cultural orientation for international students, job search strategies and career preparation assistance, and community-building programs including the Ph.D. Network. 

Year 3: Develop inventory and assessment tools to gauge the level of participation and impact of programming.