Significant progress has been made in Year 2 on efforts toward shared governance; increased transparency; reorganizations to align mission, resources and accountability; and enhanced diversity on campus.
Goal C1
From a baseline of 2011, our faculty will increasingly reflect greater diversity from multiple perspectives, including ethnicity and gender.
An academic climate study (survey and interviews) was conducted by external researchers as part of the National Science Foundation ADVANCE grant to Stevens. Baseline data have identified key areas to address to improve faculty work satisfaction, particularly for women faculty. With responses from 64 percent of the full-time faculty, including over 76 percent of the women faculty, the report provides a representative perspective on campus issues and areas for improvement. Modest progress was made in efforts to increase faculty diversity. From 2013 to 2014, the percentage of tenured and tenure-track women faculty increased from 22.37 percent to 24.32 percent, while the percentage of tenure-track women faculty increased from 24.56 percent in 2013 to 31.03 percent in 2014.
Year 3: Continue to implement programs specified in ADVANCE grant.
Goal C2
Stevens will have identified the metrics by which we identify “exemplary faculty members.”
A formal policy for identifying "exemplary faculty members" has been developed, approved by the Faculty Senate and the Academic Council and is being reviewed by the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board, with adoption by the full Board of Trustees proposed for Year 3.
Year 3: Nomination and selection process to begin in Year 3.
Goal C3
A study of the organizational structure at Stevens will be completed to ensure clarity with regard to accountability, alignment with mission and enhanced effectiveness and efficiency in the use of resources.
Effectiveness and efficiency initiatives continued in Year 2 throughout the University including new leadership at the Cabinet level with the addition of a new Vice President for Development, reorganizations and new appointments within administrative and academic divisions, and new approaches to increase ROI of university resources for greater impact. Representative examples of Efficiency and Effectiveness initiatives taking place within and among the major academic and administrative units at Stevens include: the formation of a new University Events Office within the Division of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs; outsourced marketing efforts for undergraduate recruitment; new approaches to optimizing financial aid; implementation of new enterprise systems for human capital management; adoption of a new enterprise system for undergraduate and graduate admissions; implementation of a CRM system for alumni, donors, and friends; financial analysis of academic expenditures based on credits and other metrics; weekly monitoring of key financial metrics, and others. In addition, implementation of guidelines for review and reappointment of academic administrators commenced, and was applied for three academic leaders in Year 2. Annual performance objectives have been set for all members of the Cabinet, Vice Provosts and Deans specifying ambitious progress targets and, where applicable, quantitative metrics.
Year 3: Efficiency and effectiveness priorities in Year 3 include successful implementation of all major IT systems initiatives including the Virtual Learning Environment and the Workday HCM system; sick leave and disability policy reforms; and ongoing analysis of optimization of institutional resources and ROI.
Goal C4
A faculty leadership development program will be established.
Plans are underway for a “Shadow-the-Provost Program” to be launched next year, which will give selected faculty members visibility into university and academic enterprise operations. The charter of the Center for Faculty Advancement will include leadership development activities for faculty. Also in Year 2, Stevens joined the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, which provides education and programs for various aspects of faculty development.
Year 3: Develop a process to select faculty for leadership development programs; assess program activities; make improvements.
Goal C5
Stevens will complete an university-wide review of the academic organization with respect to interdisciplinary educational programs and research.
The review process and associated templates were developed. Five units/departments are being reviewed this year, with a schedule being developed to review all units on a five-year cycle.
Year 3: A report will be issued describing the process and criteria for the periodic review of interdisciplinary education and research programs. A schedule will be developed for 2015 for the review of five programs and research centers in Year 3.
Goal C6
An examination of all academic programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels will be completed by Fall 2013 to ensure strategic and fiscal alignment.
The review process and associated templates were developed, and a pilot review was completed of Mechanical Engineering programs.
Year 3: With leadership from the Provost’s Office and the participation of the Faculty Senate, criteria, processes, and schedules for this analysis are in development. Ten units will be reviewed as of April 2015, and all programs will undergo an annual review thereafter.
Goal C7
All salaries (faculty at all levels and disciplines, administrative and staff positions) at Stevens will be benchmarked against an appropriate peer group to ensure quality and ability to attract the very best talent.
A significant number of existing and new administrative and staff positions were benchmarked using the CUPA-HR databases. All benchmarking used our peer group institutions as available and included other institutions as appropriate.
Year 3: Remaining positions to be benchmarked will be assembled into appropriate categories for peer group comparisons. Completion is scheduled for June, 2015. Executive salaries have been reviewed by an external consultant. Results are being presented to the Board of Trustees in December 2014. The next review of faculty salaries is tentatively scheduled for FY2016.