
SSE research labResearch with real-world applicability is a fundamental component of the School of Systems & Enterprises' (SSE's) academic fabric. From addressing the nation's need for more resilient infrastructure to improving healthcare systems to developing low-cost, reliable wireless broadband access technologies to investigate cyber security challenges across domains, research at SSE is a dynamic interplay of academia, government and industry. SSE's research collaborations blur the boundaries between academic and government/industry to foster intellectual breakthroughs that can be translated to a wide range of modern-day initiatives.

SSE works with internal and external stakeholders to create powerful technologies, tools and sustainable solutions that address pressing technical and social complexities while expanding human knowledge through analysis, innovation and insight.

Research Centers

Research at the School of Systems and Enterprises (SSE) is conducted through two state-of-the-art centers. These centers are designed to enable researchers to collaborate with academia and industry partners and find the most innovative and effective solutions to today's biggest challenges.

From health informatics to safer bridges, from homeland security to coastal forecasting and planning, from infrastructure, cybersecurity and vessel design to smartphone applications that change the game, research at SSE is building a safer, smarter world. 

Acquisition Innovation Research Center (AIRC)

The Acquisition Innovation Research Center (AIRC) was established in September 2020 by the Department of Defense (DoD) to infuse the innovation and alternative methods needed to better respond to the rapid increase of technological advancements critical to today’s warfighter. As an operational academic research arm of the DoD, AIRC will bring a robust and scalable capability that reduces the impedance to innovation inherent in policies, practices and procedures, and provide rapid responses to warfighter needs by conducting research that uses “out of the box” thinking to address the most critical challenges facing the DoD.

Center for Complex Systems & Enterprises (CCSE)

The large-scale systems and critical infrastructures that society depends on are increasingly gaining complexity with expanding levels of networked activity. Understanding and improving these systems requires an approach that cuts across the engineering and physical sciences, incorporating economics, finance, management, behavior and social sciences. 

The goal of the Center for Complex Systems & Enterprises (CCSE) is to enable insight and value gained from interactively exploring real and computationally imagined complex systems from an inter- and transdisciplinary holistic approach. Thus, the center not only creates methods, practices and tools, but also leverages and incorporates existing approaches and solutions.