Eman Alomar

Assistant Professor

Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science

Department of Systems and Enterprises


  • PhD (2021) Rochester Institute of Technology (Software Engineering)


Dr. Eman AlOmar's research interests focus on the intersection of Software Engineering (SE) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), including software quality, software refactoring, software maintenance and evolution, empirical software engineering, natural language processing, mining software repositories, and technical debt.

I am always looking for self-motivated, hard-working undergrad and grad students to join my team. If you are interested, please look at my Google Scholar to see if you are passionate about any of these topics, and then contact me.

General Information

Eman AlOmar is an Assistant Professor in the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology. She completed her Ph.D. in Computing and Information Sciences at Rochester Institute of Technology in 2021. Her research interests lie at the intersection of software engineering and artificial intelligence with a focus on different software engineering areas such as software maintenance, software evolution, software refactoring, technical debt, software quality assurance, code review, and documentation. She has received four Best Paper Awards and Best Presentation Awards at IWoR 2019, MSR 2022, MSR 2024, and SIGCSE 2024. She has also received the Distinguished Doctoral Research Award at MSR 2023, and Best Reviewer Award at JSS 2022 and JSS 2023. Her collaborations with national and international researchers and industry leaders have resulted in ACM and IEEE publications in leading software engineering platforms.

She served as a program co-chair for IWoR and CSER, and regularly serves as a program committee member and journal reviewers of international conferences and journals in the field of software engineering, such as ICSE, ASE, ICSME, MSR, ICPC, MobileSoft, TSE, TOSEM, EMSE, and JSS.


Institutional Service

  • PhD program committee Member
  • System Engineer Leader Series Member
  • Non-Tenure Track Search Committee Member
  • Software Engineering Curriculum Commitee Member
  • Non-Tenure Track Search Committee Member
  • Software Engineering Curriculum Commitee Member
  • Conference on Systems Engineering Research Chair

Professional Service

  • Journal of Systems and Software - Editorial Board
  • International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction - Journal Reviewer
  • Empirical Software Engineering - Journal Reviewer
  • Automated Software Engineering - Journal Reviewer
  • Software Quality Journal - Journal Reviewer
  • International Conference on Software Engineering - Program Committee Member
  • International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) - Research track - Program Committee Member
  • International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) - Artifacts track - Program Committee Member
  • International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) - NIER track - Program Committee Member
  • International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME) - Registered Report track - Program Committee Member
  • Computing - Journal Reviewer
  • International Conference on AI Foundation Models and Software Engineering - Program Committee Member
  • International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering - Program Committee Member
  • International Conference on Mining Software Repositories - MSR award - Program Committee Member
  • International Conference on Mining Software Repositories - Program Committee Member
  • International Conference on Software Engineering - Tools track - Program Committee Member
  • International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering - Program Committee Member
  • International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation - Program Committee Member
  • Expert Systems With Applications - Journal Reviewer
  • Transactions on Software Engineering - Journal Reviewer
  • International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis - Program Committee Member
  • Scientific Reports - Journal Reviewer
  • Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology - Journal Reviewer
  • Journal of Software: Evolution and Process - Journal Reviewer
  • Automated Software Engineering - Journal Reviewer
  • Journal of Systems and Software - Journal Reviewer
  • International Conference on Mining Software Repositories - Program Committee Member
  • Conference on Systems Engineering Research - Technical Committee Co-chair
  • International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems - Program Committee Member
  • International Conference on Program Comprehension - Program Committee Member
  • Software Quality Journal - Journal Reviewer
  • Frontiers of Computer Science - Journal Reviewer
  • Artificial Intelligence Review - Journal Reviewer
  • Empirical Software Engineering - Journal Reviewer
  • Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - Journal Reviewer
  • International Conference on Automated Software Engineering - Program Committee Member
  • ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education - Program Committee Member
  • International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems - Program Committee Member
  • International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution- Program Committee Member
  • ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education - Program Committee Member
  • International Workshop on Refactoring - Program Co-Chair
  • International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization - Program Committee Member
  • Knowledge Management in Development of Data-Intensive Software Systems - Program Committee Member
  • International Workshop on Refactoring - Publicity Chair
  • International Conference of Object-oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications - Program Committee Member

Honors and Awards

• Jess H. Davis Memorial Award for Research Excellence at School of Systems and Enterprises, 2024.
• Best Mining Challenge Paper Award at International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2024.
• Best Paper Award at Best Technical Symposium on Computer
Science Education, 2024.
• Best Reviewer Award at Journal of Systems and Software, 2023.
• Best Doctoral Research Award at International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2023.
• Best Reviewer Award at Journal of Systems and Software, 2022.
• Best Mining Challenge Paper Award and Best Presentation Award at International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2022.
• RIT Outstanding Graduate Woman Achievement Award Nominee Award at Rochester Institute of Technology, 2021
• RIT Provost’s Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award Nominee Award at Rochester Institute of Technology, 2021
• Finalist: Best Paper Award at International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse, 2020
• International Student Outstanding Service Award Nominee at Rochester Institute of Technology, 2020
• Best Paper Award and Best Presentation Award at International Workshop on Refactoring, 2019

Professional Societies

  • ACM Member
  • IEEE Member

Selected Publications

Book Chapter:

1. E. A. AlOmar, M. W. Mkaouer, and A. Ouni. Mining and managing big data refactoring for design improvement: Are we there yet?. In Proceedings of Knowledge Management for Development of Data-Intensive Systems, 14 pages, 2020.

Journal Article:
1. E. A. AlOmar, M. W. Mkaouer, and A. Ouni. Behind the intent of extract method refactoring: A systematic literature review. Transactions on
Software Engineering, 27 pages, 2024 [TSE].
2. K. DePalma, I. Miminoshvili, C. Henselder , K. Moss, and E. A. AlOmar. Exploring ChatGPT’s code refactoring capabilities: An empirical
study. Expert Systems With Applications, 26 pages, 2024 [ESWA].
3. E. A. AlOmar, A. Ivanov, Z. Kurbatova, Y. Golubev, M. W. Mkaouer, A. Ouni, T. Bryksin, L. Nguyen, A. Kini, and A. Thakur. Just-in-time code duplicates extraction. Information and Software Technology, 33 pages, 2023 [IST].
4. A. Ouni, E. A. AlOmar, O. Hamdi, M. Cinnéide, M. W. Mkaouer, and M. A. Saied. On the impact of single and co-occurrent refactorings on
quality attributes in Android applications. Journal of Systems and Software, 30 pages, 2023 [JSS].
5. E. A. AlOmar, J. Liu, K. Addo, M. W. Mkaouer, C. Newman, A. Ouni, and Z. Yu. On the documentation of refactoring types. Automated Software Engineering Journal, 40 pages, 2021 [ASEj].
6. E. A. AlOmar, T. Wang, V. Raut, M. W. Mkaouer, C. Newman, and A. Ouni. Refactoring for reuse: An empirical study. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 31 pages, 2021 [ISSE].
7. W. Aljedaani, M. Aljedaani, E. A. AlOmar, M. W. Mkaouer, S. Ludi, and Y. Bani Khalaf. I cannot see you – The perspectives of deaf students to online learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: case study. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - education sciences, 20 pages, 2021 [Education Sciences].
8. P. Sagar, E. A. AlOmar, M. W. Mkaouer, A. Ouni, and C. Newman. Comparing commit messages and source code metrics for the prediction of refactoring activities. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute- [algorithms], 20 pages, 2021.
9. E. A. AlOmar, A. Peruma, M. W. Mkaouer, C. Newman, and A. Ouni. Behind the Scenes: On the relationship between developer experience and refactoring. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 27 pages, 2021 [JSEP].
10. A. Peruma, S. Simmons, E. A. AlOmar, C. Newman, M. W. Mkaouer, and A. Ouni. How do I refactor this? An empirical study on refactoring trends and topics in Stack Overflow. Empirical Software Engineering, 43 pages, 2021 [EMSE].
11. E. A. AlOmar, B. Christians, M. Busho, A. AlKhalid, A. Ouni, C. Newman, and M. W. Mkaouer. SATDBailiff - Mining and tracking self-admitted technical debt. Science of Computer Programming, 21 pages, 2021 [SCP].
12. E. A. AlOmar, M. W. Mkaouer, C. Newman, and A. Ouni. On preserving the behavior in software refactoring: A systematic mapping study. Information and Software Technology, 20 pages, 2021 [IST].
13. L. Marmolejos, E. A. AlOmar, M. W. Mkaouer, C. Newman, and A. Ouni. On the use of textual feature extraction techniques to support the automated detection of refactoring documentation. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 16 pages, 2021 [ISSE].
14. E. A. AlOmar, A. Peruma, M. W. Mkaouer, C. Newman, A. Ouni, and M. Kessentini. How we refactor and how we document it? On theuse of supervised machine learning algorithms to classify refactoring documentation. Expert Systems With Applications, 26 pages, 2020 [ESWA].
15. E. A. AlOmar, M. W. Mkaouer, and A. Ouni. Toward the automatic classification of Self-Affirmed Refactoring. Journal of Systems and Software, 20 pages, 2020 [JSS].

Conference Proceeding:

1. E. A. AlOmar, and M. W. Mkaouer. Cultivating software quality improvement in the classroom: An experience with ChatGPT. In Proceedings
of International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, 10 pages, 2024 [CSEE&T].
2. E. A. AlOmar, B. Knobloch; T. Kain; C. Kalish, M. W. Mkaouer, and A. Ouni. AntiCopyPaster 2.0: Whitebox just-in-time code duplicates
extraction. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, 5 pages, 2024 [ICSE].
3. E. A. AlOmar, M. W. Mkaouer, and A. Ouni. Automating source code refactoring in the classroom. In Technical Symposium on Computer
Science Education. ACM, 6 pages, 2024 [SIGCSE] [Class A] [Best Paper Award].
4. E. A. AlOmar, A. Venkatakrishnan, M. W. Mkaouer, C. Newman, and A. Ouni. How to refactor this code? An exploratory study on
developer-ChatGPT refactoring conversations. In Proceedings of International Conferences on Mining Software Repositories, 5 pages,
2024 [MSR].
5. M. Chouchen, N. Bessghaier, M. Begoug, A. Ouni, E. A. AlOmar, and M. W. Mkaouer. How do software developers use ChatGPT? An
exploratory study on GitHub pull requests. International Conferences on Mining Software Repositories, 5 pages, 2024 [MSR].
6. A. Peruma, E. A. AlOmar, W. Aljedaani, C. Newman, and M. W. Mkaouer. Insights from the field: Exploring students’ perspectives on bad unit
testing practices. Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 6 pages, 2024 [ITiCSE].
7. M. Begoug, M. Chouchen, A. Ouni, E. A. AlOmar, and M. W. Mkaouer. Fine-Grained Just-In-Time Defect Prediction at the Block Level in
Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC). In Proceedings of International Conferences on Mining Software Repositories, 12 pages, 2023 [MSR].
8. E. A. AlOmar, S. A. AlOmar, and M. W. Mkaouer. On the use of static analysis to engage students with software quality improvement: An experience with PMD. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, 13 pages, 2023 [ICSE].
9. E. A. AlOmar, M. W. Mkaouer, and A. Ouni. Automating source code refactoring in the classroom. In Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. ACM, 6 pages, 2023 [SIGCSE].
10. M. Begoug, N. Bessghaier, A. Ouni, E. A. AlOmar, and M. W. Mkaouer. What do Infrastructure-as-Code practitioners discuss: An empirical study on Stack Overflow. In Proceedings of the Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 12 pages, 2023 [ESEM].
11. A. Ouni, I. Saidani, E. A. AlOmar, and M. W. Mkaouer. An empirical study on continuous integration trends, topics and challenges in Stack Overflow. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering , 10 pages, 2023 [EASE].
12. E. A. AlOmar, A. Peruma, M. W. Mkaouer, C. Newman, A. Ouni. How is software reuse discussed in stack overflow?. In Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Systems Engineering Research. 10 pages, 2023 [CSER].
13. E. A. AlOmar, A. Ivanov, Z. Kurbatova, Y. Golubev, M. W. Mkaouer, A. Ouni, T. Bryksin, L. Nguyen, A. Kini, and A. Thakur. AntiCopyPaster: Extracting code duplicates as soon as they are introduced in the IDE. International Conferences on Automated Software Engineering, 2022 [ASE].
14. E. A. AlOmar, M. Chouchen, M. W. Mkaouer, and A. Ouni. Code review practices for refactoring changes: An empirical study on OpenStack. International Conferences on Mining Software Repositories, 13 pages, 2022 [MSR].
15. E. A. AlOmar, A. Peruma, M. W. Mkaouer, C. Newman, and A. Ouni. An exploratory study on refactoring documentation in issues handling. International Conferences on Mining Software Repositories, 5 pages, 2022 [MSR].
16. A. Peruma, E. A. AlOmar, C. Newman, M. W. Mkaouer, and A. Ouni. Refactoring debt: myth or reality? An exploratory study on the relationship between technical debt and refactoring. International Conferences on Mining Software Repositories, 5 pages, 2022 [MSR].
17. Y. Golubev, Z. Kurbatova, E. A. AlOmar, T. Bryksin, and M. W. Mkaouer. One thousand and one stories: A large-scale survey of software refactoring. In Proceedings of the 2021 29th ACM Sigsoft International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, 12 pages, 2021 [FSE].
18. E. A. AlOmar, H. Alrubaye, M. W. Mkaouer, A. Ouni, and M. Kessentini. Refactoring practices in the context of modern code review: An industrial case study at Xerox. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, 10 pages, 2021 [ICSE].
19. E. A. AlOmar, W. Aljedaani, M. Tamjeed, M. W. Mkaouer, and Y. El-Glaly. Finding the needle in a haystack: On the automatic identification of accessibility user reviews. In Proceedings of the 2021 annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021 [CHI].
20. A. Peruma, E. Hu, J. Chen, E. A. AlOmar, M. W. Mkaouer, and C. Newman. Using grammar patterns to interpret test method name evolution. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Programming Comprehension, 12 pages, 2021 [ICPC].
21. O. Hamdi, A. Ouni, E. A. AlOmar, M. Cinnéide, and M. W. Mkaouer. An empirical study on the impact of refactoring on quality metrics in Android applications. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems. 12 pages, 2021 [MOBILESoft].
22. E. A. AlOmar, P. Rodriguez, J. Bowman, T. Wang, B. Adepoju, K. Lopez, C. Newman, A. Ouni, and M. W. Mkaouer. How do developers refactor code to improve code reusability?. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse. Springer, 16 pages, 2020 [ICSR].
23. E. A. AlOmar, D. Barinas, J. Liu, M. W. Mkaouer, A. Ouni, C. Newman. An exploratory study on how software reuse is discussed in stack overflow. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse. Springer, 12 pages, 2020 [ICSR].
24. H. Alrubaye, D. Alshoaibi, E. A. AlOmar, M. W. Mkaouer, and A. Ouni. How does library migration impact software quality and comprehension? An empirical study. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse. Springer, 16 pages, 2020 [ICSR].
25. E. A. AlOmar. Towards better understanding developer perception of refactoring. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution. IEEE, 5 pages, 2019 [ICSME].
26. E. A. AlOmar, M. W. Mkaouer, A. Ouni, and M. Kessentini. On the impact of refactoring on the relationship between quality attributes and design metrics. In Proceedings of the Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. IEEE, 11 pages, 2019 [ESEM].


1. I. Aryendu, Y. Wang, F. Elkourdi, E. A. AlOmar. Intelligent code review assignment for large scale open source software stacks. In Proceedings of the fifth International Workshop on Human-Centric Software Engineering and Cyber Security. ACM, 8 pages, 2022 [HCSE@CS].
2. O. Hamdi, A. Ouni, E. A. AlOmar, and M. W. Mkaouer. An empirical study on code smells co-occurrences in Android applications. In Proceedings of the fifth International Workshop on Refactoring. IEEE, 8 pages, 2021 [IWOR].
3. E. A. AlOmar, A. Peruma, C. Newman, M. W. Mkaouer, and A. Ouni. On the relationship between developer experience and refactoring: An exploratory study and preliminary results. In Proceedings of the fourth International Workshop on Refactoring. IEEE, 8 pages, 2020 [IWOR].
4. A. Bogart, E. A. AlOmar, M. W. Mkaouer, and A. Ouni. Increasing the trust in refactoring through visualization. In Proceedings of the fourth International Workshop on Refactoring. IEEE, 8 pages, 2020 [IWOR].
5. E. A. AlOmar, M. W. Mkaouer, and A. Ouni. Can refactoring be self-affirmed? an exploratory study on how developers document their refactoring activities in commit messages. In Proceedings of the third International Workshop on Refactoring. IEEE, 8 pages, 2019 [IWOR].


SSW 625: Artificial Intelligent for Software Engineering
SSW 567: Software Testing, Quality Assurance, and Maintenance
SSW 325: Object-oriented Software Engineering
SSW 315: Object-oriented Software Engineering
EM 224: Informatics and Software Development
PIN 184: Pinnacle Scholar Seminar
PIN 183: Pinnacle Scholar Seminar