Media Relations

Faculty Experts
Stevens’ professors are experts in diverse fields and can serve as resources for journalists writing stories on subjects ranging from artificial intelligence, quantum mechanics, climate change, engineering, politics and bio ethics. Journalists consult our faculty for incisive commentary, expert analysis and insightful perspectives on current events. To secure an expert on countless topics ranging from national and state politics to artificial intelligence to sustainable energy, please contact Kara Panzer, Interim Director of Public & Media Relations, at 845-475-4594 or [email protected], and we will coordinate an interview as soon as possible.

Visiting Campus
If you would like to visit Stevens’ campus to interview, photograph or record faculty, staff or students, we can help you arrange parking details, verify certificates of insurance, and escort you to interviews. Please be in touch with any questions, and we would be happy to assist you. Reach out to Kara Panzer, Interim Director of Public & Media Relations, at 845-475-4594 or [email protected].

AP Campus Insights Project
Stevens Institute of Technology participates in an invitation-only initiative that aims to easily connect academic experts with news organizations around the world, through the platforms of The Associated Press. This is accomplished through the production of short and informative news videos featuring faculty and administrators, which provide clarity and context around emerging and breaking news.
View Highlights of Our Media Coverage
Our experts are frequently featured or quoted in national, regional and international news stories about their research and knowledge of timely topics.