Shared Equipment

Stevens Institute of Technology facilities provide state-of-the-art laboratory equipment for use campus-wide. Below are some of the equipment available in our facilities.

Center for Environmental Systems

Point of Contact: Tsanliang Su

  • Varian Saturn II gas chromatography/ Ion trap mass spectrometer (GC/MS) equipped with Tekmar 2016 purge & trap autosampler

  • Fison MD 800 gas chromatography/ Quadrupole mass spectrometer (GC/MS)

  • Varian Vista MPX Simultaneous Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES)

  • Varian 3600 gas chromatography equipped with TCD/FID/ECD detectors

  • Varian high performance liquid chromatography equipped with 9065 diode array detector

  • Fison Vg Quattro LC/MS/MS Spectrometer equipped with EI & APCI

  • Perkin-Elmer ABI 270-HT Capillary Electrophoresis

  • Tekmar Phoenix 8000 total organic carbon analyzer (TOC)

  • Toxicity characteristics leaching procedure (TCLP) apparatus

  • Varian Zeeman 400 Spectra-AA atomic absorption spectrometer

  • Hewlett Packard UV/VIS diode array spectrometer

  • Dionex IC25 Ion Chromatography equipped autosampler and fractional collector

  • Dionex IC/MS

  • Dionex ASE 300 Accelerated Solvent Extractor

  • Veeco Atomic Forced Microscope (AFM)

  • Thermo Nicolet Nexus 670 FT-IR spectrometer equipped with 10 metre Gas Cell and ATR Microscope

  • Optical and polarizing microscope capabilities for geological sample analysis

  • X-ray diffraction capabilities for mineralogical characterizations

  • Scanning electron microscope (SEM) for surface morphological studies

  • Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

  • Zeta potentiometer for solid surface charge analyses

  • Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer Banian Technology

  • KPA-11 Kinetic Phosphoresences Analyzer Chemchek Instruments, Inc.

  • IC Chromatography equipped with MSQ/ Conductivity detectors, Dionex Corporation

  • Liquid Scintillation Counter, TRI-CARB 2900TR, Perkin Elmer

Center for Healthcare Innovation

Points of Contact: Hongjun Wang/Helen Lee

  • Zeiss Confocal Microscope LSM 880

  • Echo Revolve Fluorescent Microscope

  • Attune Nxt Flowcytometer & cell sorter

  • iBright Gel Imager

  • Quant Studio 5 realtime PCR

  • Molecular Devices SpectraMax plate reader

  • PerkinEmer Atomic Absorption Spectrometer AAnalyst 200

  • HP Lipid Chromatography

  • Laboratory for Multiscale Imaging (LMSI), operated by Dr. Matt Libera

  • Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM): JEOL 2100 Plus 200 keV TEM/STEM

  • Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): Zeiss Auriga FIB/SEM

  • Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM): Bruker Bioscope Resolve Atomic Force Microscope

  • Optical Microscopy: Nikon E-1000 upright and Nikon Ti-E inverted microscope

Davidson Laboratory

Point of Contact: Jon Miller

  • 1 Teledyne 1200kHz Workhorse Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)

  • 1 Teledyne 1200kHz Workhorse Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)

  • 2 Nortek Continental Side-Looking ADCPs

  • 1 Nortek Aquadopp ADCPs

  • 1 Nortek high-frequency Aquadopp ADCP

  • 2 Nortek Vector single-point current meters with cable probe

  • 4 Campbell Scientific CRS456 water level sensors

  • 3 Campbell Scientific OBS 3+ (Optical Backscatter Sensors)

  • 1 Teledyne/Odom ETCV100 Echosounder and Data Logger

  • 2 Topcon GR-5 RTK GPS Receiver

  • 2 Topcon Geo 3G Field Controller

  • 1 Ashtec Z-Max GPS Surveying System

  • 2 YSI Sonde 6600EDS-M Water Quality Sensors

  • 1 YSI Sonde 600LS-BAT-C-T-SV Water Quality Sensor

  • 1 Campbell Scientific CR300x Data Logger

  • 10 Current Drifters with GPS for (4 are better for Sufzone)

  • 1 RBR Solo3 D|Wave16 – High-frequency pressure sensor for measuring waves and water level

  • 2 Ocean Sensor Systems Wave Logger III with 2-meter staffs

Laboratory for Multiscale Imaging

Point of Contact: Alex (Tseng-Ming) Chou

  • Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM):  JEOL 2100 Plus 200 keV TEM/STEM

  • Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM):  Zeiss Auriga FIB/SEM

  • Electron Microscopy (EM) Specimen Preparation

  • Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM):  Bruker Bioscope Resolve Atomic Force Microscope with integrated fluorescence microscope

  • Optical Microscopy:  Nikon E-1000 upright and Nikon Ti-E inverted microscope

  • X-Ray Diffraction:  Rigaku Ultima IV X-ray diffractometer

  • Image Analysis

Mass Spectrometry Laboratory

Point of Contact: Athula Attygale

  • Waters SYNAPT G2 HDMS Q-ToF Mass spectrometer

  • Ion mobility

  • Waters Quattro Ultima Mass spectrometer

  • Agilent GC-MS

  • Shimadzu GC-MS (QP-5050A)

  • Waters ZQ

  • Dionex Ion Chromatograph with Thermo Finnigan Surveyor MSQ

MicroDevice Laboratory

Point of Contact: Kyungnam Kang

  • Mask aligner:  Karl Suss MA6

  • Spin Coater/Drier:  Headway Research

  • Nanoimprinter:  Nanonex

  • Solvent Bench:  Clean Air Products

  • Wet Etch Bench:  Clean Air Products

  • Holplate System:  Alpha Multiservices

  • Ovens:  Alpha Multiservices

  • Surface Treatment:  PLasmaEtch PE50 O2 plasma

  • Nanomanipulator:  Zyvex KZ100

  • Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope: ESEM, Quanta FEG 450

  • Atomic Force Microscope:  AGM, Pacific Nanotechnology

  • Small Angle X-Ray Scattering:  SAXS, Bruker Nanostar

  • E-beam Evaporator:  Denton Vacuum

  • Thermal Evaporator:  Ladd Research

  • Molecular Vapo Deposition System:  Applied MST

  • Sputter Coater:  Pelco

  • Deep Reactive Ion Etcher:  DRIE, BMRTek

  • XeF2 Etcher:  Xactix

  • Inductively Coupled Plasma Etcher:  ICP, BMRTek

Learn more about Research at the Schaefer School