Yu Gan (ygan5)

Yu Gan

Assistant Professor

Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science

Department of Biomedical Engineering


  • PhD (2017) Columbia University (Electrical Engineering)


Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Imaging, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Machine Learning

Institutional Service

  • Data Science Committee Member
  • Faculty Search Committee Member
  • Departmental Graduate Curriculum Committee Member
  • Departmental Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member

Professional Service

  • IEEE International Symposium in Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) Organization Chair of special sessions
  • IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks Technical Program Committee Member
  • NIH ITD Study Section Panel reviewer
  • Brain Informatics Organization Co-Chair
  • NSF Smart Health Sensing Panel Panel Reviewer
  • NIH CIDH study section Panel Reviewer
  • SPIE Medical Imaging 2023 Program Committee and Reviewer
  • Frontiers in Physics Guest Topic Editor
  • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing Reviewer
  • IEEE Journal of Biomedical Health Informatics Reviewer
  • IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging Reviewer
  • Medical Image Analysis Reviewer
  • Biomedical Optics Express Reviewer
  • BMES 2022 Reviewer
  • MICCAI 2022, the 25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Reviewer
  • SPIE Medical Imaging 2022 Program Committee member, reviewer, and, session chair
  • NSF graduate research fellowship Panel reviewer
  • NSF CISE review panel Panel reviewer
  • NIH BIVT study section Panel reviewer


2022-present, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology
2018-2021, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the University of Alabama
2017-2018, Postdoc Research Scientist, Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University

Honors and Awards

Scialog Fellow, 2023
CAREER Award, NSF, 2023
Optics and Photonics Educational Scholarship, SPIE, 2014
Wei Foundation Scholarship, Columbia University, 2013

Professional Societies

  • ARVO – Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Member
  • Optica – Optica Member
  • IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Member
  • BMES – Biomedical Engineering Society Member
  • SPIE – Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Member

Grants, Contracts and Funds

Scialog Collaborative Award, PI, 2024
NSF: CAREER, Integrated Information and Informatics, PI, 2023
USDA/NIFA: Agricultural Engineering, co-PI (site-PI), 2023
USDA/NIFA: Data Science for Food and Agricultural Systems, PI, 2022
New Jersey Health Foundation, Research grant, PI, 2022
NIH: R21, NICHD, PI, 2021
Burroughs Wellcome Fund: Collaborative Research Travel Grants, PI, 2020
NSF: CRII, Smart and Connected Health, PI, 2020
NSF: PFI, co-PI, 2019


BME 460 Biomedical Digital Signal Processing Lab
BME 571 Machine Learning in Biomedical Application