Tewodros Zewde
Teaching Associate Professor
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- PhD (2017) Syracuse Univeristy (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
General Information
Dr. Teddy Zewde was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He received his Ph.D. from Syracuse University in 2017. Dr. Zewde worked at several higher institutions and received awards for his excellence in teaching and advising responsibilities. His teaching interest falls into AI/Machine Learning, Electromagnetics, Wireless Communications, Digital Signal Processing, and Power Systems. Dr. Zewde is interested to do research in the area of wireless powered communication, energy-harvesting sensor networks, energy efficiency and optimization, embedded systems, cyber-physical networks, and engineering education. Also, he dedicated his time to develop effective ways for better education in engineering discipline. Dr. Zewde has published his research works in journals, and several peer-reviewed international conferences. Dr. Zewde is currently a Teaching Associate Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology. He is also a KEEN ambassador, and serves in IEEE community in reviewing conference and journal papers.
Teaching Associate Professor, Stevens Institute of Tech., Fall 2022 – Present
Associate Teaching Professor, Wichita State University, Fall 2021 – Fall 2022
Assistant Teaching Professor, Wichita State University, Fall 2017 – Spring 2021
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Syracuse University, 2012 – 2017
Lecturer, Defense Engineering College, 2010 – 2011
Associate Teaching Professor, Wichita State University, Fall 2021 – Fall 2022
Assistant Teaching Professor, Wichita State University, Fall 2017 – Spring 2021
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Syracuse University, 2012 – 2017
Lecturer, Defense Engineering College, 2010 – 2011
Institutional Service
- Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member
- DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Council Member
- Outreach and Alumni Committee Member
- Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member
- Dean's Faculty Advisory Council Member
- NTT Search Committee Member
- 2023 Dean's Faculty Advisory Council Member
- Internal Review Committee Member
Professional Service
- ASEE Member
- ASEE Member
Dean's Faculty Advisory Council @ Stevens, Jan. 2023 - Present
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee @ Stevens, Sep. 2022 - Present
WSU Faculty Senator @ WSU, 2018 - 2020, 2021-2022
Teaching and curriculum committee @ WSU, 2017 - 2022
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee @ Stevens, Sep. 2022 - Present
WSU Faculty Senator @ WSU, 2018 - 2020, 2021-2022
Teaching and curriculum committee @ WSU, 2017 - 2022
Honors and Awards
Stevens Institute of Technology, 2023
This award recognizes successful completion of a program that target to provide an opportunity to collaborate and learn from experts and a cohort of colleagues across the university to help advance knowledge and understanding of best pedagogical, instructional design and classroom teaching practices with the goal of helping students achieve at their highest levels.
Wichita State University, 2020
This award recognizes demonstration of qualities and practices that make significant contributions to the improvement of Academic advising at Wichita State University and beyond.
Wichita State University, 2019
This award acknowledges that the instructor have made a significant impact on the students, and their reflection on the instructor selfless guidance, care and passion.
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
Syracuse University, 2017
This award recognizes graduate assistants who have made distinguished contributions to Syracuse University by demonstrating excellence in significant instructional capacities, such as classroom teaching, laboratory or studio instruction, leading recitation or discussion sections, or assisting senior faculty members with high-enrollment courses.
Certificate of University Teaching
Syracuse University, 2017
It is the capstone of the Future Professoriate Program, and provides a tangible form of recognition to those FPP participants who pursue a program of professional development that demonstrates readiness to assume faculty responsibilities in higher education.
Stevens Institute of Technology, 2023
This award recognizes successful completion of a program that target to provide an opportunity to collaborate and learn from experts and a cohort of colleagues across the university to help advance knowledge and understanding of best pedagogical, instructional design and classroom teaching practices with the goal of helping students achieve at their highest levels.
Wichita State University, 2020
This award recognizes demonstration of qualities and practices that make significant contributions to the improvement of Academic advising at Wichita State University and beyond.
Wichita State University, 2019
This award acknowledges that the instructor have made a significant impact on the students, and their reflection on the instructor selfless guidance, care and passion.
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
Syracuse University, 2017
This award recognizes graduate assistants who have made distinguished contributions to Syracuse University by demonstrating excellence in significant instructional capacities, such as classroom teaching, laboratory or studio instruction, leading recitation or discussion sections, or assisting senior faculty members with high-enrollment courses.
Certificate of University Teaching
Syracuse University, 2017
It is the capstone of the Future Professoriate Program, and provides a tangible form of recognition to those FPP participants who pursue a program of professional development that demonstrates readiness to assume faculty responsibilities in higher education.
Professional Societies
- ASEE – American Society of Engineering Education Member
- IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Member
Selected Publications
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “Optimal resource allocation for energy harvesting communication networks under statistical queuing constraints” IEEE Tran. J. Sel. Area Commun. (JSAC), vol. 37, no. 2, Feb. 2019
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “NOMA-based energy-efficient wireless powered communications,” IEEE Tran. Green Commun. and Networking (TGCN), vol. 2, no. 3, Sep. 2018.
T. A. Zewde, R. Choi, and M. Cenk Gursoy, “Optimal resource allocation for SWIPT with in Full-Duplex Operation and Secrecy,” IEEE International Communication Conference (ICC) Workshop, Kansas City, KS, 2018.
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “Performance analysis of wireless-powered cellular networks with downlink SWIPT,” Invited paper IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Madrid, Spain, 2018.
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “NOMA-based energy-efficient wireless powered communication in 5G networks ” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2017.
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “Energy efficiency analysis of wireless-powered cellular networks,” IEEE Conference on Information Science and Systems (CISS), Baltimore, MD, 2017.
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “QoS-driven resource allocation for SWIPT with finite alphabet inputs” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), San Francisco, CA, Mar. 19-22, 2017
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “Energy-efficient time allocation for wireless energy harvesting communication networks” IEEE Global Communication (Globecom) Workshop, Washington, D.C., Dec. 8, 2016.
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “Energy-efficient full-duplex wireless information and power transfer”, IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Montreal, Canada, Sep. 18-21, 2016.
T. A. Zewde, and M. C. Gursoy, “Wireless-powered communication under QoS constraints”, IEEE International Communication Conference (ICC), Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, May 23-27, 2016.
T. A. Zewde, and M. C. Gursoy, “Energy-efficient resource allocation for SWIPT in multiple access channels”, IEEE 50th Conference on Information Science and Systems (CISS), Princeton, NJ, 2016.
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer with finite-alphabet input signals”, IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Boston, MA, Sep. 6-9, 2015.
T. A. Zewde, “An Investigation on improving power system quality and security via optimization of transmission and distribution losses”, 4th EESC, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “NOMA-based energy-efficient wireless powered communications,” IEEE Tran. Green Commun. and Networking (TGCN), vol. 2, no. 3, Sep. 2018.
T. A. Zewde, R. Choi, and M. Cenk Gursoy, “Optimal resource allocation for SWIPT with in Full-Duplex Operation and Secrecy,” IEEE International Communication Conference (ICC) Workshop, Kansas City, KS, 2018.
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “Performance analysis of wireless-powered cellular networks with downlink SWIPT,” Invited paper IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Madrid, Spain, 2018.
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “NOMA-based energy-efficient wireless powered communication in 5G networks ” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2017.
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “Energy efficiency analysis of wireless-powered cellular networks,” IEEE Conference on Information Science and Systems (CISS), Baltimore, MD, 2017.
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “QoS-driven resource allocation for SWIPT with finite alphabet inputs” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), San Francisco, CA, Mar. 19-22, 2017
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “Energy-efficient time allocation for wireless energy harvesting communication networks” IEEE Global Communication (Globecom) Workshop, Washington, D.C., Dec. 8, 2016.
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “Energy-efficient full-duplex wireless information and power transfer”, IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Montreal, Canada, Sep. 18-21, 2016.
T. A. Zewde, and M. C. Gursoy, “Wireless-powered communication under QoS constraints”, IEEE International Communication Conference (ICC), Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, May 23-27, 2016.
T. A. Zewde, and M. C. Gursoy, “Energy-efficient resource allocation for SWIPT in multiple access channels”, IEEE 50th Conference on Information Science and Systems (CISS), Princeton, NJ, 2016.
T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, “Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer with finite-alphabet input signals”, IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Boston, MA, Sep. 6-9, 2015.
T. A. Zewde, “An Investigation on improving power system quality and security via optimization of transmission and distribution losses”, 4th EESC, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
Probability and Random Process
Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Introduction to Wireless Systems
Introduction to Communications
Digital Signal Processing
Signals and Systems
Electronics I and II
Applied Engineering Electromagnetics
Fundamentals of Circuits I and II
Semiconductor Devices
Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Introduction to Wireless Systems
Introduction to Communications
Digital Signal Processing
Signals and Systems
Electronics I and II
Applied Engineering Electromagnetics
Fundamentals of Circuits I and II
Semiconductor Devices