Shirantha Welikala (swelikal)

Shirantha Welikala

Assistant Professor

Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


  • PhD (2021) Boston University (Systems Engineering)
  • MS (2019) Boston University (Systems Engineering)
  • BS (2015) University of Peradeniya (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)


Cyber-Physical Systems
Network Systems
Multi-Agent Systems
Control and Optimization
Applied Artificial Intelligence

General Information

Shirantha Welikala is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA (joined Fall 2023). He received the B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, in 2015 and the M.Sc. and the Ph.D. degrees in Systems Engineering from Boston University, Brookline, MA, USA, in 2019 and 2021, respectively. From 2015 to 2017, he was a Temporary Instructor/Research Assistant in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. From 2021 to 2023, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA. His main research interests include control and optimization of cooperative multi-agent systems, control of networked systems, passivity-based control, control and topology co-design, machine-learning, robotics, and smart grid. He has received several awards, including the 2015 Ceylon Electricity Board Gold Medal, the 2019 and 2023 President's Awards for Scientific Research in Sri Lanka, the 2021 Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award in Systems Engineering at Boston University and the 2022 Best Paper Award at the 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation held in Athens, Greece.

Institutional Service

  • Graduate Curriculum Committee Member
  • Non-committee services Member

Professional Service

  • Springer Reviewer
  • Systems and Control Letters (Elsevier) Reviewer
  • IEEE Control Systems Letters Reviewer
  • IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control Reviewer
  • Automatica (Elsevier) Reviewer

Honors and Awards

[A15] Best paper award, 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Athens, Greece, 2022.
[A14] Rising Star in Cyber-Physical Systems, 1st CPS Rising Stars Workshop, University of Virginia, VA, USA, 2022.
[A13] President’s Award for Scientific Research, Government of Sri Lanka, 2022.
[A12] Outstanding Dissertation Award, Division of Systems Engineering, Boston University, MA, USA, 2021.
[A11] President’s Award for Scientific Research, Government of Sri Lanka, 2019.
[A10] Ceylon Electricity Board Gold Medal, for the Best Performance in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2015.
[A9] Ceylon Electricity Board prize, for the Best Performance in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2015.
[A8] Prof. W.P. Jayasekara Prize, for the Best Final Year Research Project in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2015.
[A7] Prof. E.F. Bartholomeusz Prize, for the Best Performance in Engineering Mathematics, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2015.
[A6] Prof. E.F. Bartholomeusz Prize, for the Best FYRP in terms of Engineering Mathematics, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2015.
[A5] Prof. W.M.G. Fernando Prize, for the Best Performance in Electronic Communications, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2015.
[A4] Bronze Medal - International Physics Olympiad, Bangkok, Thailand, 2011.
[A3] Participant - Asian Physics Olympiad, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2011.
[A2] Gold Medal - National Physics Olympiad, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2010.
[A1] Silver Medal - National Mathematics Olympiad, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2010.

Professional Societies

  • IEEE PES – IEEE Power & Energy Society Member
  • IEEE RAS – IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Member
  • IEEE SMC – IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Member
  • IEEE-CSS – IEEE Control Systems Society Member
  • IESL – Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka Member
  • IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Member

Selected Publications

Book Chapters
[BC1] Shirantha Welikala, Hai Lin, and Panos J. Antsaklis. Decentralized Analysis and Synthesis of Networked Systems. 2024.

Journal Papers
[J15] Shirantha Welikala, Zihao Song, Hai Lin, and Panos J. Antsaklis. Dissipativity-based decentralized co-design of distributed controllers and communication topologies for vehicular platoons. Automatica (Submitted), 2023 [Submitted Version]
[J14] Zihao Song, Shirantha Welikala, Panos J. Antsaklis, and Hai Lin. Distributed adaptive backstepping control for vehicular platoons with mismatched disturbances using vector string lyapunov functions. IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems (submitted), 2023. [Submited Version]
[J13] Shirantha Welikala, Hai Lin, and Panos J. Antsaklis. A decentralized analysis and control synthesis approach for networked systems with arbitrary interconnections. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 2024. [IEEExplore]
[J12] Shirantha Welikala, Christos G. Cassandras, Hai Lin, and Panos J. Antsaklis. A new performance bound for submodular maximization problems and its application to multi-agent optimal coverage problems. Automatica, 144:110493, 2022. [ScienceDirect]
[J11] Samuel C. Pinto, Shirantha Welikala, Sean B. Andersson, Julien M. Hendrickx, and Christos G. Cassandras. Minimax persistent monitoring of a network system. Automatica, 149:110808, 2023. [ScienceDirect]
[J10] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G. Cassandras. Distributed estimation in network systems using event-driven receding horizon control. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 2022. [IEEExplore]
[J9] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G. Cassandras. Greedy initialization for distributed persistent monitoring in network systems. Automatica, 134:109943, 2021. [ScienceDirect]
[J8] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G. Cassandras. Event-driven receding horizon control for distributed persistent monitoring in network systems. Automatica, 127:109519, 2021. [ScienceDirect]
[J7] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G. Cassandras. Distributed non-convex optimization of multi-agent systems using boosting functions to escape local optima. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 2020. [IEEExplore]
[J6] Chuangchuang Sun, Shirantha Welikala, and Christos G. Cassandras. Optimal composition of heterogeneous multi-agent teams for coverage problems with performance bound guarantees. Automatica, 117:108961, 2020. [ScienceDirect]
[J5] Shirantha Welikala, Neelanga Thelasingha, Muhammed Akram, Parakrama B. Ekanayake, Roshan I. Godaliyadda, and Janaka B. Ekanayake. Implementation of a robust real-time non-intrusive load monitoring solution. Applied Energy, 238:1519–1529, 2019. [ScienceDirect]
[J4] Shirantha Welikala, Chinthaka Dinesh, Parakrama B. Ekanayake, Roshan I. Godaliyadda, and Janaka B. Ekanayake. Incorporating appliance usage patterns for non-intrusive load monitoring and load forecasting. IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, 10:448–461, 2019. [IEEExplore]
[J3] Chinthaka Dinesh, Shirantha Welikala, Yasitha S. Liyanage, Parakrama B. Ekanayake, Roshan I. Godaliyadda, and Janaka B. Ekanayake. Non-intrusive load monitoring under residential solar power influx. Applied Energy, 205:1068–1080, 2017. [ScienceDirect]
[J2] Zanahul Farnaz, H.S. Sajith, Anuradha Abeysekara, Shirantha Welikala, Prabath J. Binduhewa, Parakrama B. Ekanayake, and Lilantha Samaranayake. Dc motor torque control using state estimation. Control and Intelligent Systems, 44, 2016. [ACTA Press]
[J1] Shirantha Welikala, Dananjaya Liyanage, Anuradha D. Abeysekara, Parakrama B. Ekanayake, Roshan I. Godaliyadda, and Janaka V. Wijayakulasooriya. Control strategy for navigation of a reconnaissance robotic system. Control and Intelligent Systems, 44, 2016. [ACTA Press]

Conference Papers
[C25] Shirantha Welikala, Hai Lin, and Panos J. Antsaklis. Supply chain networks: A dissipativity based decentralized approach to analysis, distributed controller synthesis, and topology design. In (in progress), 2024 [Current Version]
[C24] Zihao Song, Shirantha Welikala, Panos J Antsaklis, and Hai Lin. Dissipativity-based decentralized control and topology co-design for vehicular platoons with disturbance string stability. In Proc. of 63rd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (accepted), 2024 [Accepted Version]
[C23] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G Cassandras. Performance-guaranteed solutions for multi-agent optimal coverage problems using submodularity, curvature, and greedy algorithms. In Proc. of 63rd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (accepted), 2024 [Accepted Version]
[C22] Shirantha Welikala, Hai Lin, and Panos J. Antsaklis. Decentralized and compositional interconnection topology synthesis for linear networked systems. In Proc. of 31th Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation, pages 728–733, 2023[IEEExplore]
[C21] Zihao Song, Shirantha Welikala, Panos J. Antsaklis, and Hai Lin. Adaptive backstepping control for vehicular platoons with mismatched disturbances using vector string lyapunov functions. In Proc. of American Control Conf., pages 4525–4530, 2023. [ IEEExplore]
[C20] Shirantha Welikala, Hai Lin, and Panos J. Antsaklis. Non-linear networked systems analysis and synthesis using dissipativity theory. In Proc. of American Control Conf., pages 2951–2956, 2023. [ IEEExplore]
[C19] Shirantha Welikala, Hai Lin, and Panos J. Antsaklis. On-line estimation of stability and passivity metrics. In Proc. of 61st IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pages 267–272, 2022. [IEEExplore]
[C18] Shirantha Welikala, Hai Lin, and Panos J. Antsaklis. A generalized distributed analysis and control synthesis approach for networked systems with arbitrary interconnections. In Proc. of 30th Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation, pages 803–808, 2022. [IEEExplore]
[C17] Zihao Song, Vince Kurtz, Shirantha Welikala, Panos J. Antsaklis, and Hai Lin. Robust approximate simulation for hierarchical control of piecewise affine systems under bounded disturbances. In Proc. of American Control Conf., pages 1543–1548, 2022. [IEEExplore]
[C16] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G. Cassandras. Event-driven receding horizon control of energy-aware dynamic agents for distributed persistent monitoring. In Proc. of 60th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pages 1898–1904, 2021. [IEEExplore]
[C15] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G. Cassandras. Event-driven receding horizon control for distributed estimation in network systems. In Proc. of American Control Conf., pages 1559–1564, 2021. [IEEExplore]
[C14] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G. Cassandras. Event-driven receding horizon control for distributed persistent monitoring on graphs. In Proc. of 59th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pages 92–97, 2020. [IEEExplore]
[C13] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G. Cassandras. Asymptotic analysis for greedy initialization of threshold-based distributed optimization of persistent monitoring on graphs. In Proc. of 21st IFAC World Congress, volume 53, pages 3433–3438, 2020. [ScienceDirect]
[C12] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G. Cassandras. Distributed non-convex optimization of multi-agent systems using boosting functions to escape local optima. In Proc. of American Control Conf., pages 2723–2728, 2020. [IEEExplore]
[C11] Yasitha S. Liyanage, Shirantha Welikala, Chinthaka Dinesh, Parakrama B. Ekanayake, Roshan I. Godaliyadda, and Janaka B. Ekanayake. Real-time non-intrusive appliance load monitoring under supply voltage fluctuations. In Proc. of 17th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, pages 106–114, 2017. [IEEExplore]
[C10] Jagannath Wijekoon, Yasitha Liyanage, Shirantha Welikala, and Lilantha Samaranayake. Yaw and pitch control of a twin rotor mimo system. In Proc. of 12th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Industrial and Information Systems, 2017. [IEEExplore]
[C9] Jagannath Wijekoon, Yasitha Liyanage, Shirantha Welikala, and Lilantha Samaranayake. Pitch control of a twin rotor system using error dynamics based nonlinear controller. In Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) Transactions, pages 349–353, 2017. [IESL Proc.]
[C8] R.A.G.U.U. Ranathunga, S. Haputhanthri, E.D.K.S. Siriwardhana, M.P.B. Ekanayake, G.M.R.I. Godaliyadda, B.G.L.T. Samaranayake, J.J. Wijetunga, and W.R.C.B.S. Welikala. Designing a non-linear controller for an autonomous underwater mobile robotic system. In Proc. of Peradeniya Univ. Intl. Research Sessions, 2016. [Published Version]
[C7] Shirantha Welikala, Chinthaka Dinesh, Parakrama B. Ekanayake, Roshan I. Godaliyadda, and Janaka B. Ekanayake. A real-time non-intrusive load monitoring system. In Proc. of 11th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Industrial and Information Systems, pages 850–855, 2016. [IEEExplore]
[C6] Shirantha Welikala, Chinthaka Dinesh, Roshan I. Godaliyadda, Parakrama B. Ekanayake, and Janaka B. Ekanayake. Robust non-intrusive load monitoring (nilm) with unknown loads. In Proc. of IEEE Intl . Conf. on Information and Automation for Sustainability, pages 1–6, 2016. [IEEExplore]
[C5] W.R.C.B.S. Welikala, D.P. Liyanage, A.H.A.D. Abeysekara, M.P.B. Eakanayake, G.M.R.I. Godaliyadda, and J.V. Wijayakulasooriya. Versatile non-linear control strategy for reconnaissance robotic system. In Proc. of 10th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Industrial and Information Systems, pages 332–337, 2015. [IEEExplore]
[C4] A.H.A.D. Abeysekara, D.P. Liyanage, W.R.C.B.S. Welikala, G.M.R.I. Godaliyadda, M.P.B. Eakanayake, and J.V. Wijayakulasooriya. Depth map generation for a reconnaissance robot via sensor fusion. In Proc. of 10th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Industrial and Information Systems, pages 320–325, 2015. [IEEExplore]
[C3] D.P. Liyanage, W.R.C.B.S. Welikala, G.M.R.I. Godaliyadda, M.P.B. Ekanayake, and J.V. Wijayakulasooriya. Accurate depth map from stereo web camera setup. In Proc. of Peradeniya Univ. Intl. Research Sessions, page 91, 2015. [iPURSe Proc.]
[C2] W.R.C.B.S. Welikala, A.H.A.D. Abeysekara, G.M.R.I. Godaliyadda, M.P.B. Ekanayake, and J.V. Wijayakulasooriya. Odometry-based positioning and navigation system for indoor omnidirectional robot. In Proc. of Peradeniya Univ. Intl. Research Sessions, page 92, 2015. [iPURSe Proc.]
[C1] W.R.C.B.S. Welikala, A.H.A.D. Abeysekara, D.P. Liyanage, M.P.B. Ekanayake, G.M.R.I. Godaliyadda, and J.V. Wijayakulasooriya. Multi sensor fusion for position and indoor navigation. In Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) Transactions, pages 445–453, 2015. [Published Version]

ArXiv Papers
[A17] Mohammad Javad Najafirad and Shirantha Welikala. Distributed dissipativity-based controller and topology co-design for dc microgrids. arXiv e-prints, page 2404.18210, 2024. [ArXiv ID: 2404.18210]
[A16] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G Cassandras. Performance-guaranteed solutions for multi-agent optimal coverage problems using submodularity, curvature, and greedy algorithms. arXiv e-prints, page 2403.14028, 2023. [ArXiv ID: 2403.14028]
[A15] Shirantha Welikala, Zihao Song, Hai Lin, and Panos J Antsaklis. Dissipativity-based decentralized co-design of distributed controllers and communication topologies for vehicular platoons. arXiv e-prints, page 2312.06472, 2023. [ArXiv ID: 2312.06472]
[A14] Shirantha Welikala, Hai Lin, and Panos J. Antsaklis. Smooth robustness measures for symbolic control via signal temporal logic. arXiv e-prints, page 2305.09116, 2023. [ArXiv ID: 2305.09116]
[A13] Shirantha Welikala, Hai Lin, and Panos J. Antsaklis. Decentralized and compositional interconnection topology synthesis for linear networked systems. arXiv e-prints, page 2305.03030, 2023. [ArXiv ID: 2305.03030]
[A12] Shirantha Welikala, Hai Lin, and Panos J. Antsaklis. Centralized and decentralized techniques for analysis and synthesis of non-linear networked systems. arXiv e-prints, page 2209.14552, 2022. [ArXiv ID: 2209.14552]
[A11] Zihao Song, Shirantha Welikala, Panos J. Antsaklis, and Hai Lin. Distributed adaptive backstepping control for vehicular platoons with mismatched disturbances using vector string stability. arXiv e-prints, page 2207.02101, 2022. [ArXiv ID: 2207.02101]
[A10] Shirantha Welikala, Hai Lin, and Panos J. Antsaklis. A generalized distributed analysis and control synthesis approach for networked systems with arbitrary interconnections. arXiv e-prints, page 2204.09756, 2022. [ArXiv ID: 2204.09756]
[A9] Shirantha Welikala, Hai Lin, and Panos J. Antsaklis. On-line estimation of stability and passivity metrics. arXiv e-prints, page 2204.00073, 2022. [ArXiv ID: 2204.00073]
[A8] Zihao Song, Vince Kurtz, Shirantha Welikala, Panos J. Antsaklis, and Hai Lin. Robust approximate simulation for hierarchical control of piecewise affine systems under bounded disturbances. arXiv e-prints, page 2203.02084, 2022. [online] [ArXiv ID: 2203.02084]
[A7] Samuel C. Pinto, Shirantha Welikala, Sean B. Andersson, Julien M. Hendrickx, and Christos G. Cassandras. Minimax multi-agent persistent monitoring of a network system. arXiv e-prints, page 2201.06607, 2022. [ArXiv ID: 2201.06607]
[A6] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G. Cassandras. Event-driven receding horizon control of energy-aware dynamic agents for distributed persistent monitoring. arXiv e-prints, page 2102.12963, 2021. [online] [ArXiv ID: 2102.12963]
[A5] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G. Cassandras. Event-driven receding horizon control for distributed estimation in network systems. arXiv e-prints, page 2009.11958, 2020. [ArXiv ID: 2009.11958]
[A4] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G. Cassandras. Event-driven receding horizon control for distributed persistent monitoring in network systems. arXiv e-prints, page 2003.11713, 2020. [ArXiv ID: 2003.11713]
[A3] Chuangchuang Sun, Shirantha Welikala, and Christos G. Cassandras. Optimal composition of heterogeneous multi-agent teams for coverage problems with performance bound guarantees. arXiv e-prints, page 2003.05587, 2020. [ArXiv ID: 2003.05587]
[A2] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G. Cassandras. Asymptotic analysis for greedy initialization of threshold-based distributed optimization of persistent monitoring on graphs. arXiv e-prints, page 1911.02658, 2019. [ArXiv ID: 1911.02658]
[A1] Shirantha Welikala and Christos G. Cassandras. Distributed non-convex optimization of multi-agent systems using boosting functions to escape local optima: Theory and applications. arXiv e-prints, page 1903.04133, 2019. [Online]. Available: [ArXiv ID: 1903.04133]


EE 602 Analytical Methods in Electrical Engineering (Fall 2023, Fall 2024)
EE/CPE 345 Modeling and Simulation (Spring 2024)