Smaran Dayal
Assistant Professor
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
- PhD (2022) New York University (Comparative Literature)
- MA (2016) Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (American Studies)
- BA (2012) Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (English and American Studies)
Institutional Service
- Stevens Summer Book Club Member
- Gender Studies Minor Committee Member
- Social Justice/Critical Race Studies Minor Committee Member
- Freedom to Learn Day of Action (Stevens Chapter) Chair
- Smithsonian NMAAHC Afrofuturism Field Trip Chair
- First Year Experience Introductory Video Member
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Organizing Committee Member
- Literature Major Committee Chair
Professional Service
- NYU English Department Speaker
Selected Publications
2020. Fictions of America: The Book of Firsts. New York: Warbler Press. (with Ulrich Baer)
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
2022. “Afterword: Anthropology and Science Fiction.” The Ordinariness of Cross-Time Relations. Special issue of Anthropology and Humanism.
2021. “Octavia Butler and the Settler Colonial Speculative: Xenogenesis and Planetary Loss.” Our Shared Planet. Special issue of American Studies.
2017. “Meine Freiheit, die es so noch nicht gibt: Alexander Weheliye’s Habeas Viscus.” Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies.
2016. “Cityzenship: Rightful Presence and the Urban Commons.” Affective Citizenship. Special issue of Citizenship Studies. (with Wanda Vrasti)
2022 [2020]. Che Gossett. “Abolitionistische Alternativen: Schwarzer Radikalismus und die Verweigerung von Reform.” In Abolitionismus: Ein Reader. Eds. Daniel Loick and Vanessa E. Thompson. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
2021 [1930]. M.P.T. Acharya. “Militarism in Asia: The Obligations of European Workers.” In Barricade: A Journal of Translation and Anti-Fascism.
2018 [2013]. Zülfukar Çetin. “The Dynamics of Queer Politics and Gentrification in Berlin.” In The Queer Intersectional in Contemporary Germany: Essays on Racism, Capitalism and Sexual Politics. Ed. Christopher Sweetapple.
2020. Fictions of America: The Book of Firsts. New York: Warbler Press. (with Ulrich Baer)
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
2022. “Afterword: Anthropology and Science Fiction.” The Ordinariness of Cross-Time Relations. Special issue of Anthropology and Humanism.
2021. “Octavia Butler and the Settler Colonial Speculative: Xenogenesis and Planetary Loss.” Our Shared Planet. Special issue of American Studies.
2017. “Meine Freiheit, die es so noch nicht gibt: Alexander Weheliye’s Habeas Viscus.” Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies.
2016. “Cityzenship: Rightful Presence and the Urban Commons.” Affective Citizenship. Special issue of Citizenship Studies. (with Wanda Vrasti)
2022 [2020]. Che Gossett. “Abolitionistische Alternativen: Schwarzer Radikalismus und die Verweigerung von Reform.” In Abolitionismus: Ein Reader. Eds. Daniel Loick and Vanessa E. Thompson. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
2021 [1930]. M.P.T. Acharya. “Militarism in Asia: The Obligations of European Workers.” In Barricade: A Journal of Translation and Anti-Fascism.
2018 [2013]. Zülfukar Çetin. “The Dynamics of Queer Politics and Gentrification in Berlin.” In The Queer Intersectional in Contemporary Germany: Essays on Racism, Capitalism and Sexual Politics. Ed. Christopher Sweetapple.
Images of Science in Literature (HLI 220; two sections)
Winter Intersession
Science Fiction (HLI 316)
Afrofuturism (HLI 307 / HAR 307)
Western Literature: Middle Ages to the Present (HLI 114)
Queer Fiction (HLI 391)
Images of Science in Literature (HLI 220)
Afrofuturism (HLI 307 / HAR 307)
Images of Science in Literature (HLI 220)
Images of Science in Literature (HLI 220; two sections)
Winter Intersession
Science Fiction (HLI 316)
Afrofuturism (HLI 307 / HAR 307)
Western Literature: Middle Ages to the Present (HLI 114)
Queer Fiction (HLI 391)
Images of Science in Literature (HLI 220)
Afrofuturism (HLI 307 / HAR 307)
Images of Science in Literature (HLI 220)