Peter Popolo
Teaching Associate Professor
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Biomedical Engineering
- PhD (2007) The University of Iowa (Speech and Hearing Science)
- MS (1987) Rutgers University (Electrical Engineering)
- BS (1984) Rutgers University (Electrical Engineering)
General Information
Peter S. Popolo, Ph.D., is a Teaching Associate Professor in the Biomedical Engineering department. He holds a Ph.D. in Speech and Hearing Science from The University of Iowa, and BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from Rutgers University. He has worked in the medical device industry, where he developed speech and image processing products used by ear, nose, and throat (ENT) physicians. As a software developer and founder of Digital Health Applications, he created an iPhone app to study how daily videoconferencing during the Covid-19 pandemic impacts the voice. Dr. Popolo was a Research Engineer and Voice Scientist at the National Center for Voice and Speech, where he designed and built the Voice Dosimeter, an ambulatory voice monitoring device to study vocal fatigue in teachers, and he performed research in the areas of speaker identification and quantitative laryngeal imaging. His university teaching experience includes The University of Iowa, where he taught Instrumentation for Voice Analysis, and Acoustics of Speech and Hearing. His current interest is using vocal biomarkers (i.e., acoustic features of the voice) in conjunction with machine learning to screen for illness, such as Covid-19 infection, and to diagnose or monitor diseases, such as Parkinson’s or heart disease
Institutional Service
- New Student Convocation 2023 Member
- Commencement 2024 Undergraduate Ceremony Member
- Tau Beta Pi Faculty Advisor Member
- Admitted Student Weekend 2024 Member
- Tau Beta Pi Faculty Advisor Member
- First generation & Limited Income (FLI Network) Faculty Advisor & Mentor Member
- Stevens Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC) Member
- Commencement 2023 Undergraduate Ceremony Member
- New Student Convocation 2022 Member
- Academic Orientation Day Program Breakout Group Member
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Petrizzo, D. and Popolo, P.S. (2021). Smartphone Use in Clinical Voice Recording and Acoustic Analysis: A Literature Review. Journal of Voice, 35:499.E23-499.E28,
Popolo, P.S. and Johnson, A.M. (2020). Relating Cepstral Peak Prominence to Cyclical Parameters of Vocal Fold Vibration from High-Speed Videoendoscopy using Machine Learning: A Pilot Study. Journal of Voice, 35,P703-716.
Popolo, P.S. (2018). Investigation of Flexible High-Speed Video Nasolaryngoscopy. Journal of Voice, 32:529-537.
Popolo, P.S., Titze, I.R., & Hunter, E.J. (2011). Towards a self-rating tool of the inability to produce soft voice based on nonlinear events: A preliminary study. Acta Acustica United With Acustica, 97:373-381.
Popolo, P.S. and Titze, I.R. (2008). Qualification of a quantitative laryngeal imaging system using videostroboscopy and videokymography. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, 117:404-12.
Popolo, P.S., Svec, J.G. & Titze, I.R. (2005). Adaptation of a Pocket PC for use as a wearable voice dosimeter. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 48:780-91.
Svec, J.G., Popolo, P.S. & Titze, I.R. (2003). Measurement of vocal doses in speech: experimental procedure and signal processing. Logoped Phoniatr Vocol, 28:181-92.
Titze, I.R., Riede, T. & Popolo, P.S. (2008). Nonlinear source-filter coupling in phonation: II. Vocal exercises. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123: 1902–1915.
Svec, J.G., Titze, I.R. & Popolo, P.S. (2005). Estimation of sound pressure levels of voiced speech from skin vibration of the neck. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117:1386-94.
Titze, I.R., Svec, J.G. & Popolo, P.S. (2003). Vocal dose measures: quantifying accumulated vibration exposure in vocal fold tissues. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 2003, 46:919-32.
Emerich, K.A., Titze, I.R., Svec, J.G., Popolo, P.S. & Logan, G. (2005). Vocal range and intensity in actors: a studio versus stage comparison. Journal of Voice,19:78-83.
Conferences and Proceedings
Popolo, P.S. (2017). Investigation of Flexible High-Speed Video Nasolaryngoscopy. The Voice Foundation 46th Annual Symposium: Care of The Professional Voice, June 4, 2017, Philadelphia, PA.
Sanders, R.W., Popolo, P.S. (2008). Extraction of electric network frequency signals from recordings made in a controlled magnetic field. 125th Audio Engineering Society Convention, 2008, 2:1143-1150.
Popolo, P. S., Sanders, R. W., & Titze, I. R. (2007). Quantifying the speaking voice: Generating a speaker code as a means of speaker identification using a simple code-matching technique. 123rd Audio Engineering Society Convention, 1:456-468.
Popolo, P.S., Titze, I.R. (2007). Relating vocal fold amplitude of vibration to skin acceleration level on the anterior neck. MAVEBA (Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications), Firenze, Italy December 13-15, 2007.
Popolo, P.S., Svec, J.G., Titze, I.R. & Rogge-Miller, K. (2003). Introduction to a Pocket PC-Based Voice Dosimeter. The Voice Foundation 32nd Annual Symposium: Care of The Professional Voice, June 7, 2003, Philadelphia, PA.
Svec, J.G., Titze, I.R., Popolo, P.S. (2003). Vocal Dosimetry: Theoretical and Practical Issues. AQL 2003 Hamburg: Proceeding Papers for the Conference in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research.
Popolo, P.S., Rogge-Miller, K., Svec, J.G. & Titze, I.R. (2002). Technical considerations in the design of a wearable voice dosimeter. Proceedings 7th ICSLP, Denver, CO, 2002.
Petrizzo, D. and Popolo, P.S. (2021). Smartphone Use in Clinical Voice Recording and Acoustic Analysis: A Literature Review. Journal of Voice, 35:499.E23-499.E28,
Popolo, P.S. and Johnson, A.M. (2020). Relating Cepstral Peak Prominence to Cyclical Parameters of Vocal Fold Vibration from High-Speed Videoendoscopy using Machine Learning: A Pilot Study. Journal of Voice, 35,P703-716.
Popolo, P.S. (2018). Investigation of Flexible High-Speed Video Nasolaryngoscopy. Journal of Voice, 32:529-537.
Popolo, P.S., Titze, I.R., & Hunter, E.J. (2011). Towards a self-rating tool of the inability to produce soft voice based on nonlinear events: A preliminary study. Acta Acustica United With Acustica, 97:373-381.
Popolo, P.S. and Titze, I.R. (2008). Qualification of a quantitative laryngeal imaging system using videostroboscopy and videokymography. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, 117:404-12.
Popolo, P.S., Svec, J.G. & Titze, I.R. (2005). Adaptation of a Pocket PC for use as a wearable voice dosimeter. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 48:780-91.
Svec, J.G., Popolo, P.S. & Titze, I.R. (2003). Measurement of vocal doses in speech: experimental procedure and signal processing. Logoped Phoniatr Vocol, 28:181-92.
Titze, I.R., Riede, T. & Popolo, P.S. (2008). Nonlinear source-filter coupling in phonation: II. Vocal exercises. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123: 1902–1915.
Svec, J.G., Titze, I.R. & Popolo, P.S. (2005). Estimation of sound pressure levels of voiced speech from skin vibration of the neck. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117:1386-94.
Titze, I.R., Svec, J.G. & Popolo, P.S. (2003). Vocal dose measures: quantifying accumulated vibration exposure in vocal fold tissues. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 2003, 46:919-32.
Emerich, K.A., Titze, I.R., Svec, J.G., Popolo, P.S. & Logan, G. (2005). Vocal range and intensity in actors: a studio versus stage comparison. Journal of Voice,19:78-83.
Conferences and Proceedings
Popolo, P.S. (2017). Investigation of Flexible High-Speed Video Nasolaryngoscopy. The Voice Foundation 46th Annual Symposium: Care of The Professional Voice, June 4, 2017, Philadelphia, PA.
Sanders, R.W., Popolo, P.S. (2008). Extraction of electric network frequency signals from recordings made in a controlled magnetic field. 125th Audio Engineering Society Convention, 2008, 2:1143-1150.
Popolo, P. S., Sanders, R. W., & Titze, I. R. (2007). Quantifying the speaking voice: Generating a speaker code as a means of speaker identification using a simple code-matching technique. 123rd Audio Engineering Society Convention, 1:456-468.
Popolo, P.S., Titze, I.R. (2007). Relating vocal fold amplitude of vibration to skin acceleration level on the anterior neck. MAVEBA (Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications), Firenze, Italy December 13-15, 2007.
Popolo, P.S., Svec, J.G., Titze, I.R. & Rogge-Miller, K. (2003). Introduction to a Pocket PC-Based Voice Dosimeter. The Voice Foundation 32nd Annual Symposium: Care of The Professional Voice, June 7, 2003, Philadelphia, PA.
Svec, J.G., Titze, I.R., Popolo, P.S. (2003). Vocal Dosimetry: Theoretical and Practical Issues. AQL 2003 Hamburg: Proceeding Papers for the Conference in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research.
Popolo, P.S., Rogge-Miller, K., Svec, J.G. & Titze, I.R. (2002). Technical considerations in the design of a wearable voice dosimeter. Proceedings 7th ICSLP, Denver, CO, 2002.
BME 306 Intro to Biomedical Engineering
BME 322 Engineering Design VI
BME 445L Biosystems Simulation and Control
BME 482L Engineering Physiology Lab
BME 505L Biomaterials Lab
BME 322 Engineering Design VI
BME 445L Biosystems Simulation and Control
BME 482L Engineering Physiology Lab
BME 505L Biomaterials Lab