Patricia Anne Muisener (pmuisene)

Patricia Anne Muisener

Teaching Professor and Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies

Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology

McLean Hall 511B
(201) 216-8196


  • PhD (2001) University of Connecticut (Chemical Engineering)
  • MS (1999) University of Connecticut (Chemical Engineering)
  • BS (1995) University of Massachusetts (Chemical Engineering)


Dr. Muisener’s research interests include chemical education and polymeric materials at surfaces and interfaces.


Teaching Professor (Promotion, 09/22)
Associate Chair Undergraduate Education
Teaching Associate Professor and Associate Chair (09/15-08/22),
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Stevens Institute of Technology

Assistant Chair, Graduate Program Coordinator, Director of Academic Research Experience for Undergraduates and Senior Instructor (05/02-06/14),
Department of Chemistry, University of South Florida

Postdoctoral Fellow (03/2001 -05/2002), Department of Chemistry, University of South Florida

Institutional Service

  • CCB Undergraduate Education Committee Chair
  • Teaching Advisory Board Member
  • Tenure and Promotion Committee Member
  • Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC) Chair
  • SES Academic Teaching and Mentoring (ATEAM) Member
  • Stevens ADAPT S-STEM Member
  • CCB Undergraduate Education Committee Chair
  • Chemistry Lecturer Search Committee Chair
  • Teaching Advisory Board Member
  • CCB Administrative Committee Member
  • CCB Undergraduate Education Committee Chair
  • CCB Administrative Committee Member
  • Chemistry Lecturer Committee Chair
  • SES Graduate Curriculum Committee Member
  • STEM Task Force Member
  • SES Graduate Curriculum Committee Member
  • SES Undergradaute Curriculum Task Force Member
  • Stevens Graduate Curriculum Committee Member
  • SES Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member

Honors and Awards

2021 Alexander Crombie Humphreys Distinguished Teaching Associate Professor Award Stevens Institute of Technology, May 2021

Charter Member of the National Academy of Inventors, University of South Florida Chapter, inducted October 2010

USF Accessi-bull Outstanding Faculty Award offered by the USF Student Disabilities Office, October 2011

Outstanding Service and Exceptional Commitment Award, USF Alliance for the Advancement of Florida’s Academic Woman in Chemistry and Engineering April 2013

Professional Societies

  • ASEE – American Society of Engineering Education Member
  • ACS – American Chemical Society Member
  • International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Member

Grants, Contracts and Funds

Interdisciplinary REU/RET Site: Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Sustainable Energy and Bioengineering REU/RET Site at Stevens Institute of Technology, 2021-2024. Co-PI and co-program coordinator

REU Site: Summer Enhanced Experience funded by NSF 2012-2015. Co-PI and co-program coordinator

Integrated Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Research Experience for Undergraduates Program at the University of South Florida funded by NSF 2003-2005, co-PI and program coordinator

Patents and Inventions

Transparent polymer carbon nanotube composites and process for preparation, J. Harmon, L. Clayton, and P. Muisener, United States Patent 7094367, 2006

Carbon nanotube/polymer composites resistant to ionizing radiation, J
. Harmon, P. Muisener, L. Clayton and J. D’Angelo, United States Patent, 8815144, 2014


General Chemistry I, CH 115
General Chemistry II, CH 116
Coordinator for CH 115 and CH 116
Thermodynamics, CH 321
Professional Ethics, CH 301 and CH 501
Research Proposals for Undergraduate Research, CH 398