Maxine Fontaine (mkwan)

Maxine Fontaine

Teaching Associate Professor

Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Carnegie Laboratory 209
(201) 216-8315


  • PhD (2010) Aalborg University (Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering)
  • MS (2006) University of California, Davis (Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering)
  • BS (2004) University of Texas at Austin (Mechanical Engineering)


Dr. Fontaine's current research interests are focused on improving engineering pedagogy and increasing diversity in engineering.

General Information

Dr. Fontaine’s area of interests include biomechanics, especially related to locomotion and human movement.


Teaching Associate Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ (2021 – present)
Teaching Assistant Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ (2015 – 2021)
Adjunct Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ (2011 – 2015)

Institutional Service

  • Departmental Faculty Advisor to Pinnacle and Clark scholars Chair
  • ASEE Campus Representative for Stevens Chair
  • Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member
  • LAUNCH@Stevens Member
  • Women in Mechanical Engineering Group (Faculty & Student Group) Chair
  • SES SolidWorks Contact for IT Chair
  • Course Coordinator for ENGR 211: Statics & Intro to Engineering Mechanics Chair
  • Bio RCT PhD Qualifying Exam Committee Member
  • Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Association (MEGA) Member
  • SES Academic Teaching and Mentoring (ATEAM) Program Member
  • SES Dean's Faculty Advisory Council Member
  • Search Committee for ME Teaching Faculty Member
  • Internal Review Committee of ME Department Chair Member
  • Search Committee for ME Teaching Faculty and Lecturer Member
  • Departmental Self-Study Report for External Review Member
  • 2021 LeadHERship Conference Planning Committee Member
  • Program Committee - Preparation of ABET Self-Study Report Member
  • Course Coordinator for E120 Engineering Graphics Chair
  • Online Teaching Practices and Assessment Task Force Member
  • Course Coordinator for E120 Engineering Graphics Chair

Professional Service

  • ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Awards Committee Chair
  • ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Past Chair
  • ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Chair
  • ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Chair-Elect
  • ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Secretary-Treasurer
  • ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section / Stevens Institute of Technology Member of ASEE Conference Committee at Stevens
  • ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Conference Committee Member
  • ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Secretary-Treasurer Elect


ASEE Campus Representative for Stevens (August 2020-present)

Honors and Awards

2020 Harvey N. Davis Distinguished Teaching Assistant Professor Award

Professional Societies

  • ASEE – American Society for Engineering Education Member

Selected Publications

Conference Proceeding

  1. Fontaine, M.; Vallabh, C. (2024). Correlating Common Errors in Statics Problem Solving with Spatial Ability. 2024 ASEE Annual Conference \& Exposition.
  2. Fontaine, M.; Fisher, F.; Lytle, A. (2024). Establishing Baseline Measurements of Adaptive Expertise in First-Year STEM Students. ASEE.
  3. De Rosa, A.; Lytle, A.; Fontaine, M.; Fisher, F. (2023). Adaptive Expertise: A potential tool for supporting S-STEM student retention and graduation. ASEE.
  4. Fontaine, M. (2023). The Role of Spatial Ability in a Statics and Mechanics of Materials Course. ASEE.
  5. Fontaine, M.; Wang, L. (2023). Design Project of an Open-Source, Low-Cost, and Lightweight Robotic Manipulator for High School Students. ASEE.
  6. De Rosa, A.; Fisher, F.; Fontaine, M.; Lytle, A. (2022). Measurements of Adaptive Expertise among low-income STEM students. Penn State University Harrisburg, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: 2022 ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Fall Conference.
  7. Fontaine, M. (2022). Effects of training program implementation on improvement in spatial ability. ASEE. Minneapolis, MN.
  8. Fontaine, M. (2022). The relationship between persistence, effort, and achievement in a spatial skills training program. Newark, New Jersey: 2022 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference.
  9. De Rosa, A.; Fontaine, M. (2020). Best Overall 2019 Zone Paper and Zone 1 Winner - Implementation and First-year Results of an Engineering Spatial-skills Enhancement Program. 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access. Virtual On line: ASEE Conferences.
  10. Fontaine, M.; De Rosa, A. (2020). Longitudinal Analysis of Spatial Ability over an Undergraduate Engineering Degree Program. 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access. Virtual On line: ASEE Conferences.
  11. Fontaine, M. (2019). A comparison of spatial ability in first-year and graduating students in a 4-year engineering degree program (WIP). New York, NY: Paper presented at 2019 Fall Mid Atlantic States Conference.
  12. De Rosa, A.; Fontaine, M. (2019). Additional benefits of spatial-visualization skills workshops: assessing improvements in student self-efficacy and other affective skills.. 2019 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting. New York, NY: ASEE.
  13. De Rosa, A.; Metz, S. S.; Fontaine, M. (2019). A First-Year Engineering Spatial Skills Workshop: Implementation, Effectiveness, and Gender Differences. 2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity. Crystal City, Virginia: ASEE Conferences.
  14. Fontaine, M.; De Rosa, A. (2018). Implementation and First-Year Results of an Engineering Spatial Skills Enhancement Program. 2018 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting.


E 120, Engineering Graphics
E 126, Mechanics of Solids
ME 225, Dynamics
ME 322, Design VI
ME 358, Machine Dynamics & Mechanisms