Lei Wu
Professor and Anson Wood Burchard Chair Professor
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- PhD (2008) Illinois Institute of Technology (EE)
- MS (2004) Xi'an Jiaotong University (EE)
- BS (2001) Xi'an Jiaotong University (EE)
His current research involves optimization and statistical analysis applied to power system operations and electricity markets, the public policy and technical issues associated with electricity transmission and distribution under market restructuring, the economic implications of the integration of renewables, and the co-optimization of critical interdependent infrastructures. He is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award in 2013, the IBM Smarter Planet Faculty Innovation Award in 2011, the 2020 Jess H. Davis Memorial Award for Research Excellence at Stevens, and the Stevens 2023 Award for Research Excellence. He is a Fellow of IEEE.
He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering and the M.S. degree in systems engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 2001 and 2004, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago, IL, USA, in 2008.
From 2008 to 2010, he was a Senior Research Associate with the Robert W. Galvin Center for Electricity Innovation, IIT. He was a summer Visiting Faculty at NYISO in 2012. He was a Professor with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, USA, till 2018. He is currently a Professor with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ.
From 2008 to 2010, he was a Senior Research Associate with the Robert W. Galvin Center for Electricity Innovation, IIT. He was a summer Visiting Faculty at NYISO in 2012. He was a Professor with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, USA, till 2018. He is currently a Professor with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ.
Anson Wood Burchard Chair Professor 06/2022 - Present
Professor 09/2020 - Present
Associate Professor 01/2019 - 08/2020
Professor 09/2020 - Present
Associate Professor 01/2019 - 08/2020
Honors and Awards
Fellow of IEEE 2022
Jess H. Davis Memorial Award for Research Excellence, Stevens Institute of Technology 2020
National Science Foundation CAREER Award 2013
Jess H. Davis Memorial Award for Research Excellence, Stevens Institute of Technology 2020
National Science Foundation CAREER Award 2013
Professional Societies
- IEEE PES Fellow
- INFORMS Member
Patents and Inventions
Yikui Liu, Lei Wu, Yonghong Chen, and Yafei Yang, Transmission and Distribution Coordination for Distributed Energy Resources Integration to Electricity Markets, Application No. US 17/573,135, Jan. 2022.
Selected Publications
- Wu, L. (2023). Artificial Intelligence Enabled Computational Methods for Smart Grid Forecast and Dispatch. Springer.
Book Chapter
- Nguyen, C.; Wu, L.; Marwali, M.; Mukerji, R. (2018). Small Resource Integration Challenges for Large-Scale SCUC. Energy Markets and Responsive Grids (pp. 177--193). Springer.
- Shouxiang Wang, Lei Wu, Qi Liu,; Liang, D. (2018). Transportation and Power Grid in Smart Cities: Communication Networks and Services. In Smart Grid: Networking, Data Management, and Business Models,. John Wiley, UK,.
- Wu, L.; Liang, D. (2017). Transportation and Power Grid in Smart Cities: Communication Networks and Services. In Smart Grid: Networking, Data Management, and Business Models, John Wiley.
- Wang, H.; Zheng, S.; Chen, C.; Yang, W.; Wu, L.; Cheng, X.; Fei, M.; Hu, C. (2006). Discriminating fire detection via support vector machines. Intelligent Control and Automation (pp. 176--181). Springer.
Conference Proceeding
- Dello Rosso, G.; Lytle, A.; Hoffenson, S.; Wu, L. (2023). An Experimental Study of the Effect of Monetary Incentives and Fees on Consumer Energy Behavioral Intentions. The Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on System Engineering Research-System Engineering Towards a Smart and Sustainable.
- Zuo, K.; Wu, L. (2023). An Asymptotic Stability Guaranteed Droop-Free Control Scheme for Normalized Active Power Consensus in Microgrids. IEEE PES General Meeting.
- Zhong, Z.; Fan, N.; Wu, L. (2022). Robust Optimization for the Day-Ahead Scheduling of Cascaded Hydroelectric Systems. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2022..
- Dello Russo, G.; Hoffenson, S.; Lytle, A.; Wu, L. (2022). Agent-Based Modeling of Consumer and Producer Behavior in Sustainable Energy Markets. Denver, CO: IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting.
- Zuo, K.; Liu, Y.; Xia, J.; Yang, Y.; Wu, L.; Chen, Y. (2021). Impact of Distributed Energy Resource Integration on Real-time Energy Market Oscillation. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2021.
- Yang, Y.; Wang, F.; Chen, Y.; Wu, L. (2021). Real-time Market-to-Market Oscillation Management. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2021..
- Zuo, K.; Wu, L. (2021). Online Cooperative Feedback Control of Residential Community Microgrids with 100\% Renewable Energy. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2020..
- Wei, J.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, J.; Wu, L. (2020). Chance-constrained Two-stage Energy Hub Cluster Configuration for Integrated Demand Response Considering Multi-energy Load Uncertainty. IEEE PES General Meeting 2020.
- Zhou, Y.; Zhai, Q.; Wu, L.; Wu, J.; Xu, Z.; Ye, H.; Xie, X. (2020). On the Evaluation of Uncertainty Cost and Availability Benefit of Renewable Energy. IEEE PES General Meeting.
- Yang, Y.; Zhai, Q.; Guan, X.; Wu, L. (2019). Cascading Failure Propogation With Dynamic Load Variations: A Simulation and Mitigation Framework. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2019..
- Li, Y.; Ni, Z.; Zhao, T.; Yu, M.; Liu, Y.; Wu, L. (2019). Coordinated stochastic scheduling for improving wind power adsorption in electric vehicles-wind integrated power systems by multi-objective optimization approach. 2019 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (pp. 1--10).
- Omara, A.; Nogueira, M.; Kantarci, B.; Wu, L.; Li, J. (2019). Delay Sensitivity-aware Aggregation of Smart Microgrid Data over Heterogeneous Networks. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling Symposium..
- Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Wu, L.; Chen, Y.; Wang, F. (2019). Enhanced Combined-Cycle Unit Modeling: A Study on Operation Cost and Time-Dependent Startup Cost. IEEE PES General Meeting.
- Zhang, J.; Li, J.; Wu, L.; Kantarci, M. E.; Kantarci, B. (2019). Hierarchical Optimal Control of the Resilient Community Microgrid in Islanded Mode. 2019 IEEE PES General Meeting.
- Duman, S.; Li, J.; Wu, L. (2019). Moth Swarm Algorithm based Approach for the ACOPF considering Wind and Tidal energy. ICAIAME.
- Duman, S.; Li, J.; Wu, L. (2019). Symbiotic Organism Search Algorithm based Optimal Power Flow considering Uncertain Photovoltaic and Plug-in Electrical Vehicle System. ICAIAME.
- Tang, Z.; Liu, J.; Yang, Y.; Wu, L.; Liu, Y.; Liu, J. (2019). Tight Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Formulation for Energy Storage Assets in NCUC Problem. 2019 IEEE Power \& Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) (pp. 1--5).
- Nan, L.; Liu, T.; He, C.; Yang, Y.; Wu, L. (2019). Vulnerable Transmission Lines Identification Based on Complex Network Theory. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2019..
- Yikui Liu, Lei Wu,; Li, J. (2018). A Novel Integer Linear Programming Based Optimal PMU Placement Model. NAPS.
- Li, Y.; Li, J.; Wu, L. (2018). A Novel Integer Linear Programming Based Optimal PMU Placement Model. 2018 North American Power Symposium (NAPS) (pp. 1--6).
- Shengyi Wang, Jie Li,; Wu, L. (2018). An Integrated Distributed Economic Dispatch-Droop Control Architecture for Distribution System Operation. 2018 IEEE PES General Meeting, Portland,.
- Songming Zhu, Lei Wu,; Mousavian, S. (2018). Least-Cost Joint Placement of PMUs and Flow Measurements for Ensuring Topological Observability under N-2 Contingencies While Improving State Estimation Accuracy. NAPS.
- Zhu, S.; Wu, L.; Liu, Y.; Mousavian, S. (2018). Least-Cost Joint Placement of PMUs and Flow Measurements for Ensuring Topological Observability under N-2 Contingencies While Improving State Estimation Accuracy. 2018 North American Power Symposium (NAPS) (pp. 1--6).
- Omara, A.; Yuan, W.; Nogueira, M.; Kantarci, B.; Wu, L. (2018). Microgrid Data Aggregation and Wireless Transfer Scheduling in the Presence of Time Sensitive Events. MobiWac'18 Proceedings.
- Wu, C. D.; Lei (2018). Optimal Self-Scheduling of Combined-Cycle Units Considering Reserve Provision During Transition Process. 2018 IEEE PES General Meeting, Portland,.
- Wu, L.; Li, J. (2018). Privacy-preserving economic dispatch in competitive electricity market. 2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T\&D) (pp. 1--5).
- Li, J.; Wu, L. (2018). Privacy-Preserving Economic Dispatch in Competitive Electricity Market. 2018 IEEE PES T\&D Conference \& Exposition, Denver, Apr. 2018.
- Yikui Liu, Lei Wu,; Li, J. (2018). SDP Based Unit Commitment Via Moment Relaxation. NAPS.
- Li, Y.; Wu, L.; Li, J. (2018). SDP Based Unit Commitment Via Moment Relaxation. 2018 North American Power Symposium (NAPS) (pp. 1--6).
- Shouxiang Wang, Kai Wang, Fei Teng, Goran Strbac,; Wu, L. (2017). Optimal Allocation of ESSs for Mitigating Fluctuations in Active Distribution Network. 9th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2017). Cardiff, U.K.,.
- Dai, C.; Wu, L. (2016). A two-stage robust transmission expansion planning approach with multi-band uncertainty set. 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) (pp. 1--5).
- Chen, Z.; Wu, L. (2016). ADP based long-term renewable generation planning while considering the effects of hourly SCUC. 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) (pp. 1--5).
- Wang, Y.; Wu, L.; Wang, S. (2016). Challenges in applying the empirical mode decomposition based hybrid algorithm for forecasting renewable wind/solar in practical cases. 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) (pp. 1--5).
- Ortmeyer, T.; Wu, L.; Li, J. (2016). Planning and design goals for resilient microgrids. 2016 IEEE Power \& Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT) (pp. 1--5).
- Dean, D.; Ortmeyer, T.; Wu, L. (2016). Transportation modeling and data needs for fast charging electric vehicles. 2016 International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles \& International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC) (pp. 1--6).
- Chen, Z.; Wu, L. (2015). Effective load carrying capability evaluation for high penetration renewable energy integration. 2015 IEEE Power \& Energy Society General Meeting (pp. 1--5).
- Wang, Y.; Dai, C.; Liu, C.; Wu, L. (2015). Parallel Gaussian Elimination on Single-chip Cloud Computer. 2015 North American Power Symposium (NAPS) (pp. 1--5).
- Zhao, Z.; Wu, L. (2013). Stability analysis for power systems with price-based demand response via Cobweb Plot. Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting.
- Mart\'\inez-Mares, Alberto; Fuerte-Esquivel, C. R.; Wu, L.; Ortmeyer, T. (2012). Wind Energy Impact in Fossil Fuel Management: A Multi-Energy OPF Approach. Power and Energy Society General Meeting.
- Fu, Y.; Wu, L.; Li, Z. (2011). A hierarchically coordinated operation framework for optimally integrating PHEVs into power grids. 2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (pp. 1--5).
- Falahati, B.; Fu, Y.; Darabi, Z.; Wu, L. (2011). Reliability assessment of power systems considering the large-scale PHEV integration. 2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (pp. 1--6).
Journal Article
- Wang, W.; Wu, L. (2024). A Semi-Decentralized Real-Time Charging Scheduling Scheme for Large EV Parking Lots Considering Uncertain EV Arrival and Departure. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grig.
- Chen, X.; Liu, Y.; Wu, L. (2024). Towards Improving Unit Commitment Economics: An Add-On Tailor for Renewable Energy and Reserve Predictions. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
- Jiang, C.; Li, X.; Du, D.; Wu, L.; Findeisen, R. (2024). Cross-Domain Authentication Scheme Based on Distributed Two-Layer Collaborative Blockchains for Cyber-Physical Power Systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
- Zhou, Y.; Zhai, Q.; Xu, Z.; Wu, L.; Guan, X. (2024). Multi-stage Adaptive Stochastic-robust Scheduling Method with Affine Decision Policies for Hydrogen-based Multi-energy Microgrid. IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid.
- Zhong, Z.; Fan, N.; Wu, L. (2024). Multistage Stochastic Optimization for Mid-Term Integrated Generation and Maintenance Scheduling of Cascaded Hydroelectric System with Renewable Energy Uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research.
- Jiang, h.; Li, X.; Du, D.; Wu, L. (2024). Cyber-Physical Power Systems: Exploring a Streamlined Signcryption Scheme for Resource-limited Smart Terminals. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
- Zuo, K.; Wu, L. (2024). Hybrid Local-Global Power-Sharing Scheme for Droop-Free Controlled Microgrids. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy. SGEPRI.
- Cao, Y.; Cao, F.; Wang, Y.; Wang, J.; Wu, L.; Ding, Z. (2024). Managing Data Center Cluster as Non-Wire Alternative: A Case in Balancing Market. Applied Energy.
- Zhao, J.; Zhai, Q.; Zhou, Y.; Wu, L.; Guan, X. (2024). Adaptive Characteristic Modeling of Long-Period Uncertainties: A Multi-Stage Robust Energy Storage Planning Approach Based on the Finite Covering Theorem. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
- Liu, Y.; Huang, B.; Lin, Y.; Chen, Y.; Wu, L. (2024). Optimal SOC Headroom of Pump Storage Hydropower for Maximizing Joint Revenue from Day-ahead and Real-time Markets under RTO Dispatch. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.
- Wang, W.; Liu, Y.; Wei, W.; Wu, L. (2024). A Bilevel EV Charging Station and DC Fast Charger Planning Model for Highway Network Considering Dynamic Traffic Demand and User Equilibrium. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
- Liu, Y.; Chen, Y.; Merring, R.; Huang, B.; Wu, L. (2023). Analyzing Real-time Market Oscillation of Demand Response Resource Aggregation ---- A MISO Case. IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation.
- Liu, Y.; Chen, X.; Fan, N.; Zhao, Z.; Wu, L. (2023). Stochastic Day-ahead Operation of Cascaded Hydropower Systems with Bayesian Neural Network-based Scenario Generation: A Portland General Electric System Study. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems.
- Zhong, Z.; Fan, N.; Wu, L. (2023). Multistage Robust Optimization for the Day-Ahead Scheduling of Hybrid Thermal-Hydro-Wind-Solar Systems. Journal of Global Optimization.
- Ma, Q.; Wei, W.; Wu, L.; Mei, S. (2023). Life-aware Operation of Battery Energy Storage in Frequency Regulation. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
- Russo, G. D.; Hoffenson, S.; Lytle, A.; Wu, L. (2023). An Experimental Study of Consumer Attitudes and Intentions in Electricity Markets. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption.
- Gu, C.; Wang, J.; Wu, L. (2023). Distributed Energy Resource and Energy Storage Investment for Enhancing Flexibility under a TSO-DSO Coordination Framework. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.
- Xiao, H.; Pei, W.; Wu, L.; Ma, L.; Ma, T.; Hua, W. (2023). A novel deep learning based probabilistic power flow method for Multi-Microgrids distribution system with incomplete network information. Applied Energy.
- Gu, C.; Liu, Y.; Wang, J.; Li, Q.; Wu, L. (2023). Carbon-Oriented Planning of Distributed Generation and Energy Storage Assets in Power Distribution Network with Hydrogen-Based Microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
- Liu, W.; Liu, Y.; Wu, L. (2023). Model Predictive Control Based Voltage Regulation Strategy Using Wind Farm as Black-Start Source. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
- Du, D.; Li, X.; Jiang, C.; Fei, M.; Wu, L. (2023). A Novel Revocable Lightweight Authentication Scheme for Resource-Constrained Devices in Cyber-Physical Power Systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
- Li, X.; Jiang, C.; Du, D.; Wang, S.; Fei, M.; Wu, L. (2023). A Novel Efficient Signcryption Scheme for Resource-Constrained Smart Terminals in Cyber-Physical Power Systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.04198.
- Ma, J.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, S.; Wu, L.; Yang, Z. (2023). Comprehensive Probabilistic Assessment on Capacity Adequacy and Flexibility of Generation Resources. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems.
- Li, Z.; Wu, L.; Xu, Y.; Wang, L.; Yang, N. (2023). Distributed Tri-Layer Risk-Averse Stochastic Game Approach for Energy Trading Among Multi-Energy Microgrids. Applied Energy.
- Ma, J.; Jin, J.; Zhang, S.; Wang, X.; Liu, Y.; Wu, L.; Wang, F. (2023). Game-Theoretic Analysis of Market-Based Operation Mechanism for Energy Storage System. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (1 ed., vol. 59, pp. 180--191). IEEE.
- Hua, H.; He, C.; Liu, T.; Liu, X.; Wu, L. (2023). On the Solution to Optimal Topology Adjustment in Long-Term Power System Operation With Explicit Short-Circuit Current Limitation Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Lian, Y.; Li, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Yu, C.; Zhao, T.; Wu, L. (2023). Robust multi-objective optimization for islanded data center microgrid operations. Applied Energy.
- Chen, B.; Liu, T.; Liu, X.; He, C.; Nan, L.; Wu, L.; Su, X.; Zhang, J. (2022). A Wasserstein Distance-based Distributionally Robust Chance-constrained Clustered Generation Expansion Planning Considering Flexible Resource Investments. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Wu, L.; , Tongxin Zheng, Muhammad Marwali, Bernard Knueven, Yongpei Guan; , Peter Luh, Lei Wu, Bing Yan, Mikhail Bragin; , Haiwang Zhong, Anthony Giacomoni, Ross Baldick, Boris Gisin; , Qun Gu, Russ Philbrick, Fran Li (2022). Security-Constrained Unit Commitment for Electricity Market: Modeling, Solution Methods, and Future Challenges. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Zhong, Z.; Fan, N.; Wu, L. (2022). A Hybrid Robust-Stochastic Optimization Approach for Day-Ahead Scheduling of Cascaded Hydroelectric Systems in Restructured Electricity Market. European Journal of Operational Research.
- Zhou, Y.; Zhai, Q.; Wu, L. (2022). Optimal Operation of Regional Microgrids with Renewable and EnergyStorage:Solution Robustness and NonanticipativityAgainst Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
- Liu, Y.; Chen, X.; Wu, L.; Ye, Y. (2022). An IDM-based distributionally robust economic dispatch model for integrated electricity-heat-gas microgrid considering wind power. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems. CSEE.
- Zuo, K.; Wu, L. (2022). Enhanced Power and Energy Coordination for Batteries Under the Real-time Closed-loop, Distributed Microgrid Control. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
- Hua, H.; Liu, T.; Liu, X.; He, C.; Wu, L.; Nan, L.; Su, X. (2022). Optimal Allocation and Sizing of Fault Current Limiters Considering Transmission Switching With an Explicit Short Circuit Current Formulation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Li, X.; Jiang, C.; Du, D.; Li, W.; Fei, M.; Wu, L. (2022). A Novel State Estimation Method for Smart Grid under Consecutive Denial of Service Attacks. IEEE Systems Journal.
- Zuo, K.; Wu, L. (2022). A Review of Decentralized and Distributed Control Approaches for Islanded Microgrids: Novel Designs, Current Trends, and Emerging Challenges. The Electricity Journal.
- Du, D.; Zhu, M.; Li, X.; Fei, M.; Bu, S.; Wu, L.; Li, K. (2022). A survey on Cybersecurity Analysis, Attack Detection and Defense Strategies in Cyber-Physical Power Systems. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.
- Chen, B.; Liu, T.; Liu, X.; He, C.; Nan, L.; Wu, L.; Su, X. (2022). Distributionally Robust Coordinated Expansion Planning for Generation, Transmission, and Demand Side Resources Considering the Benefits of Concentrating Solar Power Plants. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Liu, Y.; Wu, L.; Shahidehpour, M. (2022). Dispatch Insurance for ISO-Market Participating DERs in Distribution Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Zuo, K.; Wu, L. (2022). Eigenvalue-based Stability Analysis for Droop-free Controlled Islanded Microgrid with Symmetric/Asymmetric Communication Network. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
- Zhou, Y.; Zhai, Q.; Wu, L.; Shahidehpour, M. (2022). A Data-Driven Variable Reduction Approach for Transmission-Constrained Unit Commitment of Large-Scale Systems. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy. SGEPRI.
- Ma, L.; Wu, L.; Liu, N.; Pei, W. (2022). A Two-Step Approach for Multi-Topology Identification and Parameter Estimation ofPower Distribution Networks. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems.
- [J174] Yue Yin, Chuan He, Tianqi Liu,; Wu, L. (2022). Risk-averse Stochastic Midterm Schedule of Thermal-Hydro-Wind System: A Network-Constrained Clustered Unit Commitment Approach. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
- Ma, L.; Wu, L. (2022). A General Topology Identification Framework for Distribution Systems Using Smart Meter and $\mu$-PMU Measurements. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems.
- Wei, J.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, J.; Wu, L.; Zhao, P.; Jiang, Z. (2022). Decentralized Demand Management Based on Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers Algorithm for Industrial Park with CHP Units and Thermal Storage. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (1 ed., vol. 10, pp. 120--130). SGEPRI.
- Li, Y.; Huang, J.; Liu, Y.; Ni, Z.; Shen, Y.; Hu, W.; Wu, L. (2021). Economic Dispatch with High Penetration of Wind Power using Extreme Learning Machine Assisted Group Search Optimizer with Multiple Producers Considering Upside Potential and Downside Risk. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy. SGEPRI.
- Liudong Chen, Nian Liu, Chenchen Li,; Wu, L. (2021). Multi-Party Stochastic Energy Scheduling for Industrial Integrated Energy Systems. Applied Energy.
- Chen, L.; Liu, N.; Li, C.; Wu, L.; Chen, Y. (2021). Multi-party stochastic energy scheduling for industrial integrated energy systems considering thermal delay and thermoelectric coupling. Applied Energy (vol. 304, pp. 117882). Elsevier.
- Yang, N.; Qin, T.; Wu, L.; Huang, Y.; Huang, Y.; Xing, C.; Zhang, L.; Zhu, B. (2021). A Multi-agent Game Based Joint Planning Approach for Electricity-Gas Integrated Energy Systems Considering Wind Power Uncertainty. Electric Power Systems Research.
- Liu, Y.; Chen, X.; Wu, L.; Ye, Y. (2021). An IDM-based Distributionally Robust Economic Dispatch Model for IEHG-MG Considering Wind Power Uncertainty. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems.
- Chen, X.; Yang, Y.; Liu, Y.; Wu, L. (2021). Feature-driven Economic Improvement for Network-constrained Unit Commitment: A Closed-loop Predict-and-optimize Framework. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Li, Z.; Wu, L.; Xu, Y.; Zheng, X. (2021). Stochastic-Weighted Robust Optimization Based Bi-layer Operation of A Multi-energy Home Considering Practical Thermal Loads and Battery Degradation. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
- Woo, J.; Wu, L.; Lee, S.; Park, J.; Roh, J. (2021). D-STATCOM d-q axis Current Reference Control Applying DDPG Algorithm in the Distribution System. IEEE Access.
- Li, h.; Wu, L.; Xu, Y.; Moazeni, S.; Tang, Z. (2021). Multi-Stage Real-time Operation of A Multi-energy Microgrid With Electrical and Thermal Energy Storage Assets: A Data-Driven MPC-ADP Approach. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
- Nan Yang, Zhengqiang Dong, Lei Wu, Lei Zhang,; Xun Shen, Daojun Chen, Binxin Zhu,; Liu, Y. (2021). A Comprehensive Review of Security-constrained Unit Commitment. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.
- Zhou, Y.; Zhai, Q.; Wu, L.; Shahidehpour, M. (2021). A Data-Driven Variable Reduction Approach for Fast Unit Commitment of Large-Scale Systems. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.
- Jie Chen, Xiaoqing Huang, Yijia Cao, Longyi Li,; Ke Yan, Lei Wu,; Liang, K. (2021). Electric vehicle charging schedule considering shared charging pile based on Generalized Nash Game. International Journal of Electrical Power \& Energy Systems.
- Wang, X.; Yang, J.; Zhang, K.; Zhang, S.; Wu, L. (2021). Game-theoretic analysis of market-based operation mechanism for demand response resources. International Journal of Electrical Power \& Energy Systems.
- Nan Yang, Cong Yang, Lei Wu, Xun Shen,; Junjie Jia, Zhengmao Li, Daojun Chen, Binxin Zhu,; Liu, S. (2021). Intelligent Data-Driven Decision-making Method for Dynamic Multi-Sequence: An E-Seq2Seq Based SCUC Expert System. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
- Duman, S.; Li, J.; Wu, L.; Yorukeren, N. (2021). Symbiotic organisms search algorithm-based security-constrained AC--DC OPF regarding uncertainty of wind, PV and PEV systems. Soft Computing (14 ed., vol. 25, pp. 9389--9426). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Li, Z.; Xu, Y.; Wu, L.; Zheng, X. (2021). A Risk-Averse Adaptively Stochastic Optimization Method for Multi-Energy Ship Operation Under Diverse Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (3 ed., vol. 36, pp. 2149--2161). IEEE.
- Li, Z.; Xu, Y.; Wu, L.; Zheng, X. (2021). Adaptive Risk-Averse Chance-Constrained Stochastic Coordination of Hybrid AC/DC Multi-Energy Ships Considering Renewable Energy and Ship Swinging. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Liu, Y.; Wu, L.; Chen, Y.; Li, J. (2021). Integrating High DER-Penetrated Distribution Systems into ISO Energy Market Clearing: A Feasible Region Projection Approach. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Liu, Y.; Wu, L.; Li, J. (2021). A Two-stage Peer-to-peer Energy Trading Model for Distribution Systems with the Participation of the Utility. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems.
- Yin, Y.; Liu, T.; Wu, L.; He, C.; Liu, Y. (2021). Day-Ahead Risk-Constrained Stochastic Scheduling of Multi-Energy System. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy. SGEPRI.
- Wei, J.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, J.; Wu, L. (2021). Distribution LMP-based Industrial Park Demand Management with a Bi-level Programming Approach. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
- Wei, W.; Shen, Z.; Wu, L.; Shafie-khah, M.; Catalao, J. P. (2021). Economic Dispatch of Power Systems with LMP-dependent Demands: A Non-iterative MILP Model Energy. Energy.
- Liu, Y.; Wu, L. (2021). Integrating Distributed Energy Resources into the Independent System Operators’ Energy Market: A Review. Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports.
- Zhou, Y.; Zhai, Q.; Wu, L. (2021). Multistage Transmission-Constrained Unit Commitment with Renewable Energy and Energy Storage: Implicit and Explicit Decision Methods. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
- Liu, Y.; Wu, L.; Chen, Y.; Li, J.; Yang, Y. (2021). On Accurate and Compact Model of High DER-Penetrated Sub-Transmission/Primary Distribution Systems in ISO Energy Market. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
- Yikui Liu, Zao Tang,; Wu, L. (2021). On Secured Spinning Reserve Deployment of Energy-Limited Resources Against Contingencies. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Ma, J.; Zhang, S.; Wu, L.; Liu, Y.; Wang, X.; Li, X. (2021). Probabilistic Evaluation of Marginal Price and Capacity Adequacy for Power Systems with Elastic Demand. Electric Power Systems Research.
- Li, Z.; Wu, L.; Xu, Y. (2021). Risk-Averse Coordinated Operation of a Multi-energy Microgrid Considering Voltage/Var Control and Thermal Flow: An Adaptive Stochastic Approach. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
- Liu, Y.; Wu, L.; Yang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Baldick, R.; Bo, R. (2021). Secured Reserve Scheduling of Pumped-Storage Hydropower Plants in ISO Day-ahead Market. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Duman, S.; Li, J.; Wu, L.; Yorukeren, N. (2021). Symbiotic organisms search algorithm-based security-constrained AC--DC OPF regarding uncertainty of wind, PV and PEV systems. Soft Computing (pp. 1--38). Springer.
- Yin, Y.; Liu, T.; Wu, L.; He, C.; Liu, Y. (2021). Frequency-Constrained Multi-Source Power System Scheduling Against N-1 Contingency and Renewable Uncertainty Energy. Energy.
- Li, Y.; Cai, Y.; Zhao, T.; Liu, Y.; Wang, J.; Wu, L.; Zhao, Y. (2021). Multi-Objective Optimal Operations of Centralized Battery Swap Charging System with Photovoltaic. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.
- Duman, S.; Li, J.; Wu, L. (2021). AC Optimal Power Flow with Thermal-Wind-Solar-Tidal Systems using the Symbiotic Organisms Search Algorithm. IET Renewable Power Generation.
- Yang, Y.; Wu, L. (2021). Machine Learning Approaches to the Unit Commitment Problem: Current Trends, Emerging Challenges, and New Strategies.
- Tang, Z.; Liu, Y.; Wu, L.; Liu, J.; Gao, H. (2021). Reserve Model of Energy Storage in Day-ahead Joint Energy and Reserve Markets: A Stochastic UC Solution. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
- Wei, J.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, J.; Wu, L. (2020). ADMM-based Decentralized Demand Management of Industrial Park with CHP Units and Thermal Storage. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.
- Yin, Y.; Liu, T.; Wu, L.; He, C.; Liu, Y. (2020). Day-ahead risk-constrained stochastic scheduling of thermal-hydro-wind-solar system. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.
- Yang, Y.; Lu, X.; Wu, L. (2020). Integrated Data-Driven Framework for Fast SCUC Calculation. IET Generation, Transmission \& Distribution.
- Baepark, J.; Roh, J.; Wu, L. (2020). Real-Time Optimal Power Flow Using Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm. IEEE Access.
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- Liu, Y.; Wu, L.; Li, J. (2020). A Fast LP-Based Approach for Roust Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problem: A Feasible Region Projection Method. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Bao, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Wu, L.; Chen, D. (2020). Cascading Failure Propagation Simulation in Integrated Electricity and Natural Gas Systems. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy. SGEPRI.
- Li, X.; Dong, J.; Du, D.; Wu, L.; Fei, M. (2020). Impact of PHEV in active distribution network under gas station network attack. ISA transactions (vol. 104, pp. 192--203). Elsevier.
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- Haiwen Chen, Shouxiang Wang, Lei Wu,; Wang, J. (2019). A Novel Smart Meter Data Compression Method via Stacked Convolutional Sparse Auto-encoder. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems.
- Du, D.; Li, X.; Li, W.; Chen, R.; Fei, M.; Wu, L. (2019). ADMM-Based Distributed State Estimation of Smart Grid under Data Deception and Denial of Service Attacks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS: SYSTEMS.
- Shouxiang Wang, Lu Yu, Lei Wu, Yichao Dong,; Wang, H. (2019). An Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm for Optimal Location of Battery Swapping Stations Considering Multi-Type Electric Vehicle Scale Evolution. IEEE Access.
- Li, Y.; Ni, Z.; Zhao, T.; Yu, M.; Liu, Y.; Wu, L. (2019). Coordinated Scheduling for Improving Wind Power Adsorption in Electric Vehicles-Wind Integrated Power Systems by Multi-objective Optimization Approach. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
- Liu, Y.; Wu, L.; Li, J. (2019). D-PMU Based Applications for Emerging Active Distribution Systems: A Review. Electric Power Systems Research.
- He, C.; Zhang, X.; Liu, T.; Wu, L. (2019). Distributionally Robust Scheduling of Integrated Gas-Electricity Systems with Demand Response. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Tao Ding, Yiting Xu, Lei Wu, Wei Wei (2019). Energy Flow Optimization for Integrated Power-Gas Generation and Transmission Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
- Wang, X.; Zhang, K.; Zhang, S.; Wu, L. (2019). Equilibrium Analysis of Electricity Market With Demand Response Exchange to Counterbalance Bid Deviations of Renewable Generators. IEEE Systems Journal. IEEE.
- Xian Wang, Ying Zhang, Shaohua Zhang, Xue Li,; Wu, L. (2019). Equilibrium Analysis of Electricity Markets With Microgrids Based on Distributed Algorithm. ieee access.
- Su, X.; He, C.; Liu, T.; Wu, L. (2019). Full Parallel Power Flow Solution: A GPU-CPU Based Vectorization Parallelization and Sparse Techniques for Newton-Raphson Implementation. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
- Chen, D.; Bao, Z.; Wu, L. (2019). Integrated coordination scheduling framework of electricity-natural gas systems considering electricity transmission N-1 contingencies and gas dynamics. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.
- Wang, S.; Dong, Y.; Wu, L.; Yan, B. (2019). Interval Overvoltage Risk Based PV Hosting Capacity Evaluation Considering PV and Load Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (3 ed., vol. 11, pp. 2709--2721). IEEE.
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- Zhejing Bao, Yangli Ye,; Wu, L. (2019). Multi-Timescale Coordinated Schedule of Interdependent Electricity-Natural Gas Systems Considering Electricity Grid Steady-State and Gas Network Dynamics. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems.
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- Wang, S.; Wang, K.; Wu, L.; Wang, C. (2019). Polar Affine Arithmetic: Optimal Affine Approximation and Operation Development for Computation in Polar Form Under Uncertainty. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) (1 ed., vol. 45, pp. 1--29). ACM New York, NY, USA.
- Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Wu, L. (2019). State Estimation of Three-Phase Four-Conductor Distribution Systems with Real-Time Data from Selective Smart Meters. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Liu, Y.; Wu, L.; Li, J. (2019). Towards accurate modeling of dynamic startup/shutdown and ramping processes of thermal units in unit commitment problems. Energy (vol. 187, pp. 115891). Pergamon.
- Jun Shu, Rui Guan, Lei Wu,; Han, B. (2018). A Bi-level Approach for Determining Optimal Dynamic Retail Electricity Pricing of Large Industrial Customers. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
- Dai, C.; Chen, Y.; Wang, F.; Wan, J.; Wu, L. (2018). A Configuration-Component-Based Hybrid Model for Combined-Cycle Units in MISO Day-Ahead Market. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2 ed., vol. 34, pp. 883--896). IEEE.
- Yamin Wang, Lei Wu,; Li, J. (2018). A Fully-Distributed Asynchronous Approach for Multi-Area Coordinated Network-Constrained Unit Commitment. Optimization and Engineering.
- Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Wu, L. (2018). ACOPF for Three-Phase Four-Conductor Distribution Systems: Semidefinite Programming Based Relaxation with Variable Reduction and Feasible Solution Recovery. IET Generation Transmission and Distribution.
- Shouxiang Wang, Kei Wang, Fei Tneg, Goran Srbac,; and, L. W. (2018). An affine arithmetic-based multi-objective optimization method for energy storage systems operating in active distribution networks with uncertainties. Applied Energy,.
- Zhu, S.; Wu, L.; Mousavian, S.; Roh, J. H. (2018). An optimal joint placement of PMUs and flow measurements for ensuring power system observability under N-2 transmission contingencies. International Journal of Electrical Power \& Energy Systems (vol. 95, pp. 254--265). Elsevier.
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- Chuan He, Lei Wu, Tianqi Liu, Wei Wei,; Wang, C. (2018). Co-optimization Scheduling of Interdependent Power and Gas Systems with Electricity and Gas Uncertainties. Energy.
- Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Wu, L. (2018). Coordinated optimal network reconfiguration and voltage regulator/DER control for unbalanced distribution systems. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (3 ed., vol. 10, pp. 2912--2922). IEEE.
- Chuan He, Xiaping Zhang, Tianqi Liu, Lei Wu,; Shahidehpour, M. (2018). Coordination of Interdependent Electricity Grid and Natural Gas Network -- A Review. Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports.
- Li, u.; Zhao, T.; Liu, C.; Yu, Z.; Li, K.; Wu, L. (2018). Day-ahead Coordinated Scheduling of Hydro and Wind Power Generation System Considering Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
- Yubin He, Mingyu Yan, Mohammad Shahidehpour, Zhiyi Li,; Chuangxin Guo, Lei Wu,; Ding, Y. (2018). Decentralized Optimization of Multi-Area Electricity-Natural Gas Flows Based on Cone Reformulation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Cheng Wang, Wei Wei, Jianhui Wang, and, Lei; Wu, L. (2018). Equilibrium of Interdependent Gas and Electricity Markets with Marginal Price Based Bilateral Energy Trading. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Xueneng Su, Tianqi Liu,; Wu, L. (2018). Fine-Grained Fully Parallel Power Flow Calculation by Incorporating BBDF Method into A Multi-Step NR Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Zhao, C.; Zhang, S.; Wang, X.; Li, X.; Wu, L. (2018). Game Analysis of Electricity Retail Market Considering Customers’ Switching Behaviors and Retailers’ Contract Trading. IEEE Access.
- Shouxing Wang, Leijiao Ge, Shengxia Cai,; Wu, L. (2018). Hybrid interval AHP-entropy method for electricity user evaluation in smart electricity utilization. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.
- Wang, S.; Ge, L.; Cai, S.; Wu, L. (2018). Hybrid interval AHP-entropy method for electricity user evaluation in smart electricity utilization. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (4 ed., vol. 6, pp. 701--711). SGEPRI.
- Yuanzheng Li, Ping Wang, Hoay Beng Gooi, Jian Ye; ,; Wu, L. (2018). Multi-Objective Optimal Dispatch of Microgrid under Uncertainties via Interval Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
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- Zhejing Bao, Wanrong Qiu, Lei Wu, Feng Zhai,; Wenjing Xu, Baofeng Li, Zhijie Li (2018). Optimal Multi-Timescale Demand Side Scheduling Considering Dynamic Scenarios of Electricity Demand. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
- Yuanzheng Li, Zhao Tianyang, Wang Ping, Gooi Hoay Beng; , Lei Wu, Ye Jian (2018). Optimal Operation of Multi-Microgrids via Cooperative Energy and Reserve Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatic.
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- Chuan He, Chenxi Dai, Lei Wu,; Liu, T. (2018). Robust Network Hardening Strategy for Enhancing Resilience of Integrated Electricity and Natural Gas Distribution Systems Against Natural Disasters. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
- Zhao, Q.; Wang, S.; Qin, X.; Mousavian, S.; Wu, L. (2018). Simulation and analysis of UHV half wavelength and DC hybrid transmission system. Global Energy Interconnection (3 ed., vol. 1, pp. 366--375). Elsevier.
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- Mousavian, S.; Kantarci, M. E.; Wu, L.; Ortmeyer, T. (2017). A Risk-based Optimization Model for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Response to Cyber Attacks. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
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- Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Wu, L.; Ortmeyer, T. (2017). Chordal Relaxation Based ACOPF for Unbalanced Distribution Systems with DERs and Voltage Regulation Devices. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
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- Dajun Du, Rui Chen, Xue Li, Lei Wu,; Peng Zhou,; Fei, M. (2017). Malicious data deception attacks against power systems: A new case and its detection method. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control.
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- Chuan He, Tianqi Liu, Lei Wu,; Shahidehpour, M. (2017). Robust Coordination of Interdependent Electricity and Natural Gas Systems in Day-ahead Scheduling for Facilitating Volatile Renewable Generations via Power-to-Gas Technology. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.
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- Dai, C.; Wu, L.; Wu, H. (2016). A Multi-Band Uncertainty Set Based Robust SCUC With Spatial and Temporal Budget Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (6 ed., vol. 31, pp. 4988--5000). IEEE.
- Zhao, Z.; Wu, L.; Zhang, S.; Li, X. (2016). An enhanced network-constrained uc model for leveraging system operation cost and financial profitability of incentive-based dr loads. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (1 ed., vol. 9, pp. 3--13). IEEE.
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- Khodaei, A.; Wu, L.; Aminifar, F.; Bahramirad, S.; Parvania, M.; Qiu, F.; Aguero, J. R.; Kwasinski, A. (2016). Guest Editorial Power Grid Resilience. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (6 ed., vol. 7, pp. 2805--2806). IEEE.
- Liu, X.; Shahidehpour, M.; Cao, Y.; Wu, L.; Wei, W.; Liu, X. (2016). Microgrid risk analysis considering the impact of cyber attacks on solar PV and ESS control systems. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (3 ed., vol. 8, pp. 1330--1339). IEEE.
- Wang, Y.; Wu, L. (2016). On practical challenges of decomposition-based hybrid forecasting algorithms for wind speed and solar irradiation. Energy (vol. 112, pp. 208--220). Pergamon.
- Li, J.; Liu, Y.; Wu, L. (2016). Optimal operation for community-based multi-party microgrid in grid-connected and islanded modes. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2 ed., vol. 9, pp. 756--765). IEEE.
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- He, C.; Wu, L.; Liu, T.; Shahidehpour, M. (2016). Robust co-optimization scheduling of electricity and natural gas systems via ADMM. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (2 ed., vol. 8, pp. 658--670). IEEE.
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- Zhu, S.; Wu, L.; Guan, X.; Wu, J. (2016). SCUC-based optimal power tracing approach for scheduling physical bilateral transactions and its verification via an integrated power-money flow analysis. IET Generation, Transmission \& Distribution (10 ed., vol. 10, pp. 2399--2409). IET Digital Library.
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- Chen, Z.; Wu, L.; Shahidehpour, M. (2014). Effective load carrying capability evaluation of renewable energy via stochastic long-term hourly based SCUC. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (1 ed., vol. 6, pp. 188--197). IEEE.
- Hu, B.; Wu, L.; Marwali, M. (2014). On the robust solution to SCUC with load and wind uncertainty correlations. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (6 ed., vol. 29, pp. 2952--2964). IEEE.
- Shu, J.; Wu, L.; Zhang, L.; Han, B. (2014). Spatial power network expansion planning considering generation expansion. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (4 ed., vol. 30, pp. 1815--1824). IEEE.
- Kamalinia, S.; Wu, L.; Shahidehpour, M. (2014). Stochastic midterm coordination of hydro and natural gas flexibilities for wind energy integration. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (4 ed., vol. 5, pp. 1070--1079). IEEE.
- Kamalinia, S.; Shahidehpour, M.; Wu, L. (2014). Sustainable resource planning in energy markets. Applied Energy (vol. 133, pp. 112--120). Elsevier.
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- Wu, L. (2013). An Improved Decomposition Framework for Accelerating LSF and BD Based Methods for Network-Constrained UC Problems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (4 ed., vol. 38, pp. 3977--3986). IEEE.
- Chen, Z.; Wu, L.; Li, Z. (2013). Electric demand response management for distributed large-scale internet data centers. IEEE transactions on Smart Grid (2 ed., vol. 5, pp. 651--661). IEEE.
- Khodayar, M. E.; Wu, L.; Li, Z. (2013). Electric vehicle mobility in transmission-constrained hourly power generation scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2 ed., vol. 4, pp. 779--788). IEEE.
- Khodayar, M. E.; Shahidehpour, M.; Wu, L. (2013). Enhancing the Dispatchability of Variable Wind Generation by Coordination With Pumped-Storage Hydro Units in Stochastic Power Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS (3 ed., vol. 28, pp. 2808--2818). IEEE.
- Guan, Y.; Fu, Y.; Liu, C.; Powell, W.; Ryan, S.; Watson, J.; Wu, L. (2013). Guest Editorial: Introduction to the special section on optimization methods and algorithms applied to smart grid. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (4 ed., vol. 4, pp. 2121--2121). IEEE.
- Wu, L. (2013). Impact of price-based demand response on market clearing and locational marginal prices. IET Generation, Transmission \& Distribution (10 ed., vol. 7, pp. 1087--1095). IET.
- Zhao, Z.; Wu, L. (2013). Impacts of high penetration wind generation and demand response on LMPs in day-ahead market. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (1 ed., vol. 5, pp. 220--229). IEEE.
- Fu, Y.; Li, Z.; Wu, L. (2013). Modeling and Solution of the Large-Scale Security-Constrained Unit Commitment. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on (4 ed., vol. 28, pp. 3524--3533). IEEE.
- Wang, S.; Li, Z.; Wu, L.; Shahidehpour, M. (2013). New Metrics for Assessing the Reliability and Economics of Microgrids in Distribution System. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on (3 ed., vol. 28, pp. 2852--2861). IEEE.
- Chen, Z.; Wu, L. (2013). Residential appliance DR energy management with electric privacy protection by online stochastic optimization. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (4 ed., vol. 4, pp. 1861--1869). IEEE.
- Shu, J.; Wu, L.; Li, Z.; Shahidehpour, M.; Zhang, L.; Han, B. (2012). A New Method for Spatial Power Network Planning in Complicated Environments. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on (1 ed., vol. 27, pp. 381--389). IEEE.
- Wu, L.; Shahidehpour, M.; Li, Z. (2012). Comparison of Scenario-Based and Interval Optimization Approaches to Stochastic SCUC. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on (2 ed., vol. 27, pp. 913--921). IEEE.
- Khodaei, A.; Shahidehpour, M.; Wu, L.; Li, Z. (2012). Coordination of Short-Term Operation Constraints in Multi-Area Expansion Planning. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on (4 ed., vol. 27, pp. 2242--2250). IEEE.
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- Falahati, B.; Fu, Y.; Wu, L. (2012). Reliability Assessment of Smart Grid Considering Direct Cyber-Power Interdependencies. Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on (3 ed., vol. 3, pp. 1515--1524). IEEE.
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- Wu, L.; Shahidehpour, M. (2010). Accelerating the Benders decomposition for network-constrained unit commitment problems. Energy Systems (3 ed., vol. 1, pp. 339--376). Springer.
- Liu, C.; Shahidehpour, M.; Wu, L. (2010). Extended Benders decomposition for two-stage SCUC. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on (2 ed., vol. 25, pp. 1192--1194). IEEE.
- Wu, L.; Shahidehpour, M.; Fu, Y. (2010). Security-constrained generation and transmission outage scheduling with uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (3 ed., vol. 25, pp. 1674--1685). IEEE.
- Wu, L.; Shahidehpour, M. (2009). Financial risk evaluation in stochastic PBUC. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (4 ed., vol. 24, pp. 1896--1897). IEEE.
- Roh, J. H.; Shahidehpour, M.; Wu, L. (2009). Market-based generation and transmission planning with uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (3 ed., vol. 24, pp. 1587--1598). IEEE.
- Wu, L.; Shahidehpour, M.; Liu, C. (2009). MIP-based post-contingency corrective action with quick-start units. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (4 ed., vol. 24, pp. 1898--1899). IEEE.
- Wu, L.; Shahidehpour, M.; Li, T. (2008). Cost of reliability analysis based on stochastic unit commitment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (3 ed., vol. 23, pp. 1364--1374). IEEE.
- Wu, L.; Shahidehpour, M.; Li, T. (2008). GENCO's risk-based maintenance outage scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (1 ed., vol. 23, pp. 127--136). IEEE.
- Wu, L.; Shahidehpour, M.; Li, T. (2007). Stochastic security-constrained unit commitment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2 ed., vol. 22, pp. 800--811). IEEE.
Ph.D. Thesis
- Wu, L. (2008). Stochastic security-constrained operational planning in power systems. Illinois Institute of Technology.