Lindsey Cormack
Associate Professor of Political Science
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Lindsey Cormack is an associate professor of Political Science and Director of the Diplomacy Lab at Stevens Institute of Technology. She has authored two books, How to Raise a Citizen (And Why it’s Up to You to Do It) and Congress and U.S. Veterans: From the GI Bill to the VA Crisis. She created and maintains the digital database of all official Congress-to-constituent e-newsletters at www.dcinbox.com. She earned her PhD in Government from New York University. She currently serves as the Secretary for Manhattan Community Board 8.
Her research has been published in Political Behavior, Congress & the Presidency, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Political Science Research and Methods, American Politics Research, Politics & Policy, Politics Groups & Identities, Politics & Gender, The Journal of Gender Studies, Energy Economics, The Legislative Scholar as well as in popular outlets including the Bloomberg Businesswire, The New York Times, The Washington Post, FiveThirtyEight, ProPublica, Roll Call, The New York Post, NBC News, the LSE USCentre, and The Hill, The Conversation, The San Francisco Chronicle, and more.
Her research has been published in Political Behavior, Congress & the Presidency, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Political Science Research and Methods, American Politics Research, Politics & Policy, Politics Groups & Identities, Politics & Gender, The Journal of Gender Studies, Energy Economics, The Legislative Scholar as well as in popular outlets including the Bloomberg Businesswire, The New York Times, The Washington Post, FiveThirtyEight, ProPublica, Roll Call, The New York Post, NBC News, the LSE USCentre, and The Hill, The Conversation, The San Francisco Chronicle, and more.
General Information
DCinbox on X
DCinbox on X
While at NYU, Cormack worked with former Governor David A. Paterson as an educational liaison and adjunct instructor. Prior to joining Stevens, she taught at Yeshiva University.
Institutional Service
- IGNITE Chair
- Sigma Phi Epsilon Chair
- Board of Trustees Academic and Student Affairs Committee Member
- QSS Hiring Committee Chair Chair
- 10-Year Strategic Plan Committee Member
- Committee on Committees Member
- Major Advisor Chair
- Transfer advisor Chair
- Board of Trustees Facilities Committee Member
- (2) Lead on the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge at the request of President Nariman Farvardin Chair
- Committee on Committes Chair
Professional Service
- 3Streams Editor
- National Science Foundation Served as a reviewer and panelist for the National Science Foundation
- Academic Advisory Board Member for McGraw-Hill texts on American politics
- Editor of The Innovation Journal - ISSN 1715-3816
- Midwest Political Science Association Chair for the Political Communication section for the 2020 Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting
- Southern Political Science Association Pi Sigma Alpha Award Committee Southern Political Science Association Pi Sigma Alpha Award Committee
- Consulted on the American Contacts Congress project for Allison-Bunnell (AB) Consulting
Honors and Awards
2021 - Provost’s Online Teaching Excellence Award
2019 - Recipient of the Harvey N. Davis Distinguished Teaching Assistant Professor Award.
2019 - Recipient of the Student Government Association Distinguished Teaching Award.
2018 - Selected as a Scholar Bridge Builder, Jewish Community Relations Council of New York
MacCracken Graduate Fellowship, New York University, 2008–2013
NYU Summer Field Research Grant, 2011Pi Sigma Alpha Faculty Award in Political Science, Thesis, "The Olympics as a Political Forum: What to expect from China and Taiwan in 2008", 2007
2019 - Recipient of the Harvey N. Davis Distinguished Teaching Assistant Professor Award.
2019 - Recipient of the Student Government Association Distinguished Teaching Award.
2018 - Selected as a Scholar Bridge Builder, Jewish Community Relations Council of New York
MacCracken Graduate Fellowship, New York University, 2008–2013
NYU Summer Field Research Grant, 2011Pi Sigma Alpha Faculty Award in Political Science, Thesis, "The Olympics as a Political Forum: What to expect from China and Taiwan in 2008", 2007
Professional Societies
- PolNet – Chair of the Political Networks Political Ties Award Committee Member
- NYCDH – New York City Digital Humanities Member
- SPSA – Southern Political Science Association Member
- APSA – American Political Science Association Member
Grants, Contracts and Funds
CAL Research Seed Grant ($4,000) 2017-2018
Selected Publications
- Cormack, L. (2024). How to Raise a Citizen (And Why It’s Up to You to Do It). Jossey-Bass an imprint of Wiley.
www.howtoraiseacitizen.com. - Cormack, L. (2018). Congress and U.S. Veterans: From the GI Bill to the VA Crisis. New York, NY: Praeger.
Book Chapter
- Cormack, L. N.; Gulati, J. (2023). Voicing Support for Black Lives Matter in Congress and Its Impact on the 2020 House Elections. Identity Politics in US National Elections . Palgrave.
Invited Podcast
- Cormack, L. (2023). . Niskanen Center.
Journal Article
- Cormack, L. (2024). Black lives matter messaging across multiple congressional communication mediums. Politics, Groups, and Identities (pp. 1-25). Politics, Groups, and Identities.
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21565503.2023.2265896. - Cormack, L. (2024). More Choices, More Problems? Ranked Choice Voting Errors in New York City. American Politics Research. American Politics Research.
- Cormack, L. (2024). Cross-Platform Partisan Positioning in Congressional Speech. Political Research Quarterly . Political Research Quarterly .
https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/10659129241236685?journalCode=prqb. - Cormack, L. (2023). Conditional Congressional communication: how elite speech varies across medium (2 ed., vol. 11, pp. 394-401). Political Science Research and Methods .
https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/political-science-research-and-methods/article/conditional-congressional-communication-how-elite-speech-varies-across-medium/55843048FF94951843F5982B0F528DA4. - Marin Hellwege, J.; Cormack, L.. Writing “Home” in a Pandemic: The Prevalence of Gendered Topics in Congressional COVID-19 Communications. Women, Politics & Policy. Women, Politics & Policy.
- Brown, H.; Cormack, L. (2021). Angry about Fraud: How Congress Took up Trump’s Claims of Fraud. The Forum (1 ed., vol. 19, pp. 77-95). De Gruyter.
- Cormack, L.; , K. M.. Congressional Communication in a Pandemic: Follow the Leader Politics and Responsive Representation. Congress & The Presidency. Taylor & Francis.
- Karl, K.; Cormack, L. (2021). Big Boys Don’t Cry: Evaluations of Politicians Across Issue, Gender, and Emotion. Political Behavior .
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11109-021-09727-5. - Cormack, L.; Karl, K. (2021). Why Women Earn High Marks: Examining the Role of Partisanship and Gender in Political Evaluations. . Politics & Gender.
https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/politics-and-gender/article/abs/why-women-earn-high-marks-examining-the-role-of-partisanship-and-gender-in-political-evaluations/21119FD492E54FC801DD68AA9250C1D1. - Cormack, L.; Blum, R.; Shoub, K.. Conditional Congressional Communication: How Elite Speech Varies Across Medium. Political Science Research and Methods.
- Cormack, L.; Brown, H. (2021). A Decade of Congressional Efforts to Conduct and Communicate Oversight of Medicare and Medicaid. The Gerontological Society of America: Public Policy & Aging Report (2 ed., vol. 31, pp. 47-52).
https://doi.org/10.1093/ppar/prab003. - Cormack, L. (2019). Leveraging Peer-to-Peer Connections to Increase Voter Participation in Local Elections. Politics & Policy (2 ed., vol. 47, pp. 248-266).
Magazine/Trade Publication
- Cormack, L. (2024). How to Ensure Your College-Bound Kids Get to the Voting Booth. Parenting Teens & Tweens.
- Cormack, L. (2023). The Politically Feasible Path to Federal Legalization of Psychedelics.
https://medium.com/3streams/veterans-the-politically-feasible-path-to-federal-legalization-of-psychedelics-229c139cb352. - Cormack, L. (2023). Word Choice Matters: How Congressional Republicans are Fueling Political Dysfunction.
Newspaper Article
- Cormack, L. (2019). Veterans and the Republican Party? The contrast between cultural narratives and partisan ideology. The New Jersey Star Ledger. New Jersey.
- Cormack, L. (2023). Can Artificial Intelligence be Regulated?. The Times of India.
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/videos/international/can-artificial-intelligence-be-regulated/videoshow/99675688.cms. - Cormack, L. (2023). . Niskanen Center.
https://www.niskanencenter.org/how-congress-communicates/. - Cormack, L. (2023). Biden faces 'grim' prospects with new divided Congress. UPI.
https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2023/01/03/Congress-Biden-divided-government/3581672309881/. - Cormack, L. (2020). Voting By Mail This November: Could It Work? How Prepared Are We?. NEWS POINTS – Stevens Announcements CAMPUS & COMMUNITY.
quoted in this work
- Cormack, L. (2023). Can Artificial Intelligence be Regulated?. The Times of India.
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/videos/international/can-artificial-intelligence-be-regulated/videoshow/99675688.cms. - Cormack, L. (2023). Biden faces 'grim' prospects with new divided Congress. UPI.
HSS 363 Judicial Process
HHS 355 U.S. Foreign Relations
HHS 371 Modern US Presidency and the Legislative Process
HSS 379 International Politics
HSS 360 Public Policy Analysis
HSS 127 Introduction to Political Science I: National Government
HSS 128 Introduction to Political Science II: Judicial Process
CAL 510 Foundations of Technology and Policy
CAL 498 Thesis Preparation
CAL 499 Senior Thesis
HHS 355 U.S. Foreign Relations
HHS 371 Modern US Presidency and the Legislative Process
HSS 379 International Politics
HSS 360 Public Policy Analysis
HSS 127 Introduction to Political Science I: National Government
HSS 128 Introduction to Political Science II: Judicial Process
CAL 510 Foundations of Technology and Policy
CAL 498 Thesis Preparation
CAL 499 Senior Thesis