Kathleen Kellett (kkellett)

Kathleen Kellett


School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences


  • PhD (2023) Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (Childhood Studies)
  • MA (2014) Simmons University (Children's Literature)
  • MFA (2014) Simmons University (Writing for Children)
  • BA (2011) Knox College (Creative Writing)


Children’s and Adolescent Literature
Youth Media Studies
Youth Research and Digital Ethnography
Monster Studies

Selected Publications

Kellett, Kathleen. (2022). The Open Gates of Eden: Uncontainable Adolescence in Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials. In Containing Childhood: Space and Identity in Children’s Literature (Ed. D. Russell). University Press of Mississippi.

Kellett, Kathleen and Silver, Lauren. (2021). Witnessing Girlhood: Toward an Intersectional Tradition of Life Writing by Leigh Gilmore and Elizabeth Marshall (review). The Lion and the Unicorn, 45(1), 127-130.

Kellett, Kathleen. (2018). Beyond the Collapse of Meaning: Narratives of Monstrosity in Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials. University of Toronto Quarterly, Special Issue, Monster Studies, 87(1), 158-175.


Foundations in Writing and Critical Inquiry