Jose Tribo (jtribo)

Jose Tribo

Professor and Area Coordinator of Management & Marketing

School of Business


  • PhD (1997) Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona (Business Economics)
  • BS (1991) Universitat of Barcelona (Theoretical Physics)


Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategy, Innovation, Corporate Finance

General Information

Josep A. Tribó is a Professor of Strategy at the School of Business at Stevens. He is the Area co-Coordinator of Management & Marketing. He also holds the position of Professor (on leave) at the Department of Business Administration at Carlos III University in Madrid. His Ph.D is in Business Economics from the Autonoma University of Barcelona, Spain (1997), and he has a Bachelor of Science in Theoretical Physics from the University of Barcelona (1991). He teaches graduate and undergraduates courses of Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategic Planning, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Finance. His research interests are Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategy, Innovation, Corporate Governance and the Financing of R&D. He has published in refereed journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Industrial Economics, Research Policy, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Corporate Governance: An International Review, among others. He has a significant number of citations (Scholar). He was the head of the Business Department at Carlos III University (2011-2017). He is a long-distance runner. He loves Futbol (Soccer) and he is a Barca supporter. Josep is the father of David and Daniela who were born in the US.


23 years of experience at Universidad Carlos III in Madrid where I hold a professorship position
4 years at Stevens Institute of Technology

Institutional Service

  • Stevens Center for Sustainability Member
  • Management Programs Academic Committee Member
  • Ph D Committee of the Ph D in Business Administration Member
  • University Committee on Promotions and Tenure (UCPT) Member
  • Graduate Curriculum Committee (School and Institute) Member
  • Area Coordinator Chair
  • Hanlon Financial Center Member
  • Business School Research Committee Member
  • Institute Curriculum Committee Member
  • Research and Entrepreneurship Faculty Committee Member

Professional Service

  • Corporate Governance: An International Review Editorial Board Member


Professor Universidad Carlos III in Madrid (on leave)

Professional Societies

  • SMS – Strategic Management Society Member
  • AoM – Academy of Management Member

Selected Publications

Conference Proceeding

    Journal Article

    1. Rodriguez, G.; Gutierrez, M.; Tribo, J. (2024). Signaling and herding in reward-based crowdfunding. Small Business Economics (June ed., vol. 2024). Berlin and New York: Springer
    2. Valero, J.; Surroca, J.; Tribo, J.; Gutierrez, L.; Montiel, I. (2023). Innovation vs. Standardization: The Conjoint Effect of Eco-Innovation and Environmental Certifications on Firm Environmental Performance. Research Policy (FT50) (4 ed., vol. 52). Elsevier.
    3. Tribo, J.; Gutierrez, L.; Montiel, I.; Surroca, J. (2022). Rainbow wash or rainbow revolution? Dynamic stakeholder engagement for the sustainable development goals. Journal of Business Ethics (FT50) (vol. 180, pp. 1113–1136). Springer Nature: Springer.
    4. Cortés, J. H.; Tribo, J.; Adamuz, M. d. (2020). Are syndicated loans truly less expensive?. Journal of Banking and Finance (vol. 120).
    5. Zhang, Y.; García Lara, J. M.; Tribo, J. (2020). Unpacking the black box of trade credit to socially responsible customers. Journal of Banking and Finance (vol. 119).
    6. Gutiérrez, M.; Papiashvili, N.; Tribo, J.; Vazquez, A. B. (2020). Managerial incentives for attracting attention. European Financial Management (4 ed., vol. 26, pp. 896-937).
    7. Surroca, J. A.; Aguilera, R. V.; Desender, K.; Tribo, J. (2020). Is managerial entrenchment always bad and corporate social responsibility always good? A cross-national examination of their combined influence on shareholder value. Strategic Management Journal (FT50) (5 ed., vol. 41, pp. 891-920).
    8. Tribo, J. (2019). Banks' equity holdings and their impact on securities issues. Corporate Governance: An International Review (1 ed., vol. 27, pp. 45-60).
    9. García-Romero, A.; Escribano, Á.; Tribo, J. (2017). The impact of health research on length of stay in Spanish public hospitals. Research Policy (FT50) (3 ed., vol. 46, pp. 591-604).
    10. Surroca, J.; Prior, D.; Tribo, J. (2016). Using panel data dea to measure CEOs' focus of attention: An application to the study of cognitive group membership and performance. Strategic Management Journal (FT50) (2 ed., vol. 37, pp. 370-388).
    11. Mariano, B.; Tribo, J. (2015). Creditor Intervention, Investment, and Growth Opportunities. Journal of Financial Services Research (2 ed., vol. 47, pp. 203-228).
    12. Blanco, B.; Garcia Lara, J. M.; Tribo, J. (2015). Segment Disclosure and Cost of Capital. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (3-4 ed., vol. 42, pp. 367-411).
    13. Kim, M.; Surroca, J.; Tribo, J. (2014). Impact of ethical behavior on syndicated loan rates. Journal of Banking and Finance (1 ed., vol. 38, pp. 122-144).
    14. Blanco, B.; García Lara, J. M.; Tribo, J. (2014). The relation between segment disclosure and earnings quality. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy (5 ed., vol. 33, pp. 449-469).
    15. Surroca, J.; Tribo, J.; Zahra, S. A. (2013). Stakeholder pressure on MNEs and the transfer of socially irresponsible practices to subsidiaries. Academy of Management Journal (FT50) (2 ed., vol. 56, pp. 549-572).
    16. Barcos, L.; Barroso, A.; Surroca, J.; Tribo, J. (2013). Corporate social responsibility and inventory policy. International Journal of Production Economics (2 ed., vol. 143, pp. 580-588).
    17. Gutiérrez, M.; Tribo, J.; Mariano, B. (2012). Ownership structure and minority expropriation: The case for multiple blockholders. Applied Financial Economics (24 ed., vol. 22, pp. 2075-2083).
    18. Torres, A.; Bijmolt, T. H.; Tribo, J.; Verhoef, P. (2012). Generating global brand equity through corporate social responsibility to key stakeholders. International Journal of Research in Marketing (1 ed., vol. 29, pp. 13-24).
    19. Torres, A.; Tribo, J. (2011). Customer satisfaction and brand equity. Journal of Business Research (10 ed., vol. 64, pp. 1089-1096).
    20. Surroca, J.; Tribo, J.; Waddock, S. (2010). Corporate responsibility and financial performance: The role of intangible resources. Strategic Management Journal (FT50) (5 ed., vol. 31, pp. 463-490).
    21. Tribo, J.; Alfaro, J. A. (2010). Managing External Knowledge Flows: The Moderating Role of Absorptive Capacity. Research Policy (vol. 38, pp. 96-105).
    22. Tribo, J. (2009). Does the effect of public support for R&D depend on the degree of appropriability?. Journal of Industrial Economics (4 ed., vol. 47, pp. 736-767).
    23. Tribo, J. (2007). Corporate ethical identity as a determinant of firm performance: a test of the mediating role of stakeholder satisfaction. Journal of Business Ethics (FT50) (1 ed., vol. 76, pp. 35-53).


    MGT 699 Strategic Management, BT 301 Introduction to Strategy, EMT 715 Strategic Business Management, MGT 712 Survey of Organization and Management Theories (Ph D in Management)