Joseph Helsing (jhelsing)

Joseph Helsing


Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


  • PhD (2018) University of North Texas (Computer Science & Engineering)
  • MS (2013) University of North Texas (Computer Science & Engineering)
  • BA (2010) Austin College (Computer Science)


September 2023 – Present
Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Stevens Institute of Technology

2020 – 2023
Assistant Professor, Department of Math and Computer Science
Muhlenberg College

2019 – 2020
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science
University of North Texas

2018 – 2019
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Computer Science
University of North Texas

2015 – 2018
Teaching Fellow, Department of Computer Science
University of North Texas

Institutional Service

  • Committee on Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness Member
  • SES Dean’s Faculty Advisory Council Member
  • ECE Graduate Committee Member

Honors and Awards

ECE Outstanding Teaching Award (AY 2023-2024)

Professional Societies

  • ACM – Association for Computing Machinery Member


Stevens Institute of Technology
AAI/CPE/EE 551: Engineering Programming: Python
EE 553: Engineering Programming: C++

Muhlenberg College
CSI 102: Computer Science I: Introduction to Game Programming
CSI 107: Computer Science I: Computational Physics
CSI 111: Computer Science II
CSI 210: Software Engineering
CSI 220: Data Structures and Algorithms
CSI 305: Database Systems
CSI 310: Programming Languages
CSI 350: Operating Systems

University of North Texas
CSCE 1030: Computer Science I
CSCE 2100: Foundations of Computing I
CSCE 2110: Foundations of Computing II
CSCE 4010: Social Issues in Computing
CSCE 4011: Engineering Ethics