John Dzielski
Research Professor
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering
- PhD (1988) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)
- MS (1984) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)
- BS (1982) Carnegie-Mellon University (Mechanical Engineering)
Autonomous marine systems; especially underwater vehicles.
Supercavitation and supercavitating vehicle technology.
Acoustic technology for detecting airborne and marine systems.
Supercavitation and supercavitating vehicle technology.
Acoustic technology for detecting airborne and marine systems.
General Information
After earning his PhD, John Dzielski worked for almost 21 years at the Applied Research Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University. In his final position there he was head of the Unmanned Vehicle Systems Department, and directed the development of software for unmanned underwater vehicles as well as the operation of those vehicles at-sea. Since 2009, he has been with the Davidson Laboratory at Stevens Institute of Technology. In that position he directs research applying UUVs and acoustic technology to the protection of ports and maritime assets, and research related to UUV operations in estuaries. He also leads research in supercavitation and the modeling and control of supercavitating vehicles.
In over 30 years of working with UUVs John Dzielski has been responsible for developing and validating dynamical models for new and existing undersea vehicles. He has designed and supervised the implementation of autopilot and navigation algorithms for UUVs, the autonomous mission capabilities that make those vehicles useful, and the distributed real-time simulations of undersea systems that support integration, testing, and simulation-based performance evaluation. He has worked on numerous UUV programs ranging in size from 20kg to over 8200kg with mission times lasting from seconds to days. He has been involved in research and development of technology related to supercavitating vehicles and the development of control system concepts for those vehicles since 1995.
Before joining Penn State, he worked at the C. S. Draper Laboratory, where he performed analyses related to spacecraft stability and control. He also worked modeling rail vehicle dynamics for the Association of American Railroads in Chicago and with what was then DFVLR in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany.
In over 30 years of working with UUVs John Dzielski has been responsible for developing and validating dynamical models for new and existing undersea vehicles. He has designed and supervised the implementation of autopilot and navigation algorithms for UUVs, the autonomous mission capabilities that make those vehicles useful, and the distributed real-time simulations of undersea systems that support integration, testing, and simulation-based performance evaluation. He has worked on numerous UUV programs ranging in size from 20kg to over 8200kg with mission times lasting from seconds to days. He has been involved in research and development of technology related to supercavitating vehicles and the development of control system concepts for those vehicles since 1995.
Before joining Penn State, he worked at the C. S. Draper Laboratory, where he performed analyses related to spacecraft stability and control. He also worked modeling rail vehicle dynamics for the Association of American Railroads in Chicago and with what was then DFVLR in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany.
Professional Societies
- IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Member
Selected Publications
Conference Proceeding
- Serebryakov, V.; Moroz, V.; Kochin, V.; Dzielski, J. (2018). Experimental study on planing motion of a cylinder at angle of attack in the cavity formed behind an axisymmetric cavitator. Proceedings of the 32nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics. Office of Naval Research Global.
- Moroz, V.; Kochin, V.; Serebryakov, V.; Dzielski, J. (2018). Experimental Study of Planing Motion of a Cylinder Along the Nearly Axisymmetric Supercavity Surface. eBook. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Cavitation. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Journal Article
- Dunbar, D.; Hagedorn, T.; Blackburn, M.; Dzielski, J.; Hespelt, S.; Kruse, B.; Verma, D.; Yu, Z. (2023). Driving digital engineering integration and interoperability through semantic integration of models with ontologies. Systems Engineering (4 ed., vol. 26, pp. 365--378).
- Dzielski, J.. Aerodynamic-Torque Induced Motions of a Spinning Football and Why the Ball’s Longitudinal Axis Rotates with the Linear Velocity Vector. Dynamics (1 ed., vol. 2, pp. 27-39). Basel: MDPI.
- Xiao, L.; Xiao, L.; Xiao, L.; Dzielski, J. (2020). A case study on modularity violations in cyber‐physical systems. Systems Engineering (3 ed., vol. 23, pp. 338-349). Hoboken.
- Serebryakov, V.; Moroz, V.; Kochin, V.; Dzielski, J. (2019). Experimental Study on Planing Motion of a Cylinder at Angle of Attack in the Cavity Formed behind an Axisymmetric Cavitator. This is the paper from the 32nd Marine Hydrodynamics conference. It is an invited submission, and has been fast tracked for print publication. Digital version is available.. Journal of Ship Research. Society of Naval Architects.
https://doi.org/10.5957/JOSR.09180077. - Bone, M.; Blackburn, M.; Kruse, B.; Dzielski, J.; Hagedorn, T.; Grosse, I. (2018). Toward an Interoperability and Integration Framework to Enable Digital Thread. Systems (4 ed., vol. 6).
Magazine/Trade Publication
- Dzielski, J.; Blackburn, M. (2018). Implementing a Decision Framework in SysML Integrating MDAO Tools. INSIGHT Practitioners Magazine. INCOSE.
- Blackburn, M.; Peak, R. S.; Cimtalay, S.; Baker, A.; Ballard, M.; Rhodes, D. H.; Bone, M.; Dzielski, J.; Giffin III, R.; Kruse, B.; Smith, B.; Austin, M.; Coelho, M. (2019). Transforming Systems Engineering through Model-Centric Engineering (SERC-2019-TR-005 ed.). SERC.
https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/1073187.pdf. - Blackburn, M.; Verma, D.; Dillon-Merrill, R.; Blake, R.; Bone, M.; Chell, B.; Dove, R.; Dzielski, J.; Grogan, P.; Hoffenson, S.; Hole, E.; Jones, R.; Kruse, B.; Pochiraju, K.; Snyder, C.; Cloutier, R.; Grosse, I.; Hagedorn, T. (2018). Transforming Systems Engineering through Model-Centric Engineering (SERC-2017-TR-111 ed.). SERC.
Technical Report
- Blackburn, M.; Peak, R. S.; Cimtalay, S.; Baker, A.; Ballard, M.; Rhodes, D. H.; Bone, M.; Dzielski, J.; Giffin III, R.; Kruse, B.; Smith, B.; Austin, M.; Coelho, M. (2019). Transforming Systems Engineering through Model-Centric Engineering (SERC-2019-TR-005 ed.). SERC.
https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/1073187.pdf. - Dzielski, J. (2019). Tools Methods Framework for Shipboard Power and Energy Systems. no. Technical Report (SERC-2019-TR-0208 ed.). SERC.
- Blackburn, M.; Verma, D.; Dillon-Merrill, R.; Blake, R.; Bone, M.; Chell, B.; Dove, R.; Dzielski, J.; Grogan, P.; Hoffenson, S.; Hole, E.; Jones, R.; Kruse, B.; Pochiraju, K.; Snyder, C.; Cloutier, R.; Grosse, I.; Hagedorn, T. (2018). Transforming Systems Engineering through Model-Centric Engineering (SERC-2017-TR-111 ed.). SERC.