Gregory Prastacos (gprastac)

Gregory Prastacos


School of Business

Babbio Center 408A
(201) 216-8700


​​​​• Operations and Supply Chain Management
• Technology & Innovation Management
• Leadership, Values, Ethics

General Information

Gregory P. Prastacos is the Dean of the School of Business at Stevens Institute of Technology, where he also serves as Professor of Management Science. He holds a bachelor's and a master's in computer science and a doctorate in operations research, all from Columbia University. Before joining Stevens he was Professor of Management Science and Rector of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Athens, Greece. Prior to AUEB, he was on the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. He has held visiting appointments at a number of Universities and Research Institutes in Europe and Asia.

Dr. Prastacos' research interests are in the areas of analytics, innovation and technology management, and digital transformation. He has published 11 books and monographs and more than 60 papers in international academic journals and edited volumes. His papers have appeared in some of the top journals in his field, such as Management Science, Operations Research, Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Information and Management, Long Range Planning, and others. His book on “Managerial Decision Making” has been translated in Chinese and published by Tsinghua University Press (2011). Another recent book he co-edited on "Leadership through the Classics" has been published by Springer (2013).

For his work on the logistics of perishable inventory he has been awarded the Edelman Award by TIMS/INFORMS. For his work on financial management under uncertainty, he has been awarded the 1st prize of the Hellenic OR Society. His work on blood inventory management has been cited in the centennial issue of Science as exemplary OR work internationally. His work on competency modeling has been used worldwide as a basis for successful HR practice. His work on absorptive capacity has been selected among the best papers of the Academy of Management. In 2008, INFORMS honored him with an Honorary Medal for significant achievements in Operations Research. Throughout his career he has received numerous teaching excellence and exceptional contribution awards (2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010).

Dr. Prastacos possesses significant academic leadership experience. As dean at Stevens (since February 2012), he has launched a number of initiatives that have transformed the school from a school of technology management to an accredited school of business. Since he joined Stevens, new undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs were launched, undergraduate and graduate enrollments have increased significantly, and a best-ever retention rate of 95% and a record placement record of 100% have been achieved. The number of research-active faculty has tripled, while publications in the FT50 journals have increased by 450%. Fundraising has significantly increased, two endowed chairs have been pledged and filled. A number of faculty support and student-centric initiatives have been put in place, and international agreements have been signed. Outreach to industry has grown with advisory boards across all programs, and multiple cohorts running with a number of Fortune 500 companies. In May 2015, the school was granted accreditation by AACSB, the first non-STEM related accreditation in Stevens’ 140 years of history, was formally renamed to the School of Business, and started appearing in national rankings. In February 2021 the school was ranked by US News no. 68 among the best business schools in the country, its online MBA was ranked no. 35, its online (non-MBA) programs were ranked no. 14, and its online MBA Analytics program was ranked no. 16 in the country.

As Rector of AUEB (2007-2011) he spearheaded the internationalization of the university, increased the number of graduate programs offered, enhanced the research activity and funding, established the alumni association of the University, and significantly enhanced the university's outreach efforts. Fundraising increased significantly, both from the private and public sectors. Νew fully computerized online registration and administrative systems were installed, increasing drastically the efficiency and level of service to faculty and students. The Business Confucius Institute of Athens, the International Entrepreneurship Chair, and several joint academic programs with European Universities through the EU program Hermes were established, increasing significantly AUEB's international outreach and impact. A new internal research funding program from the University's savings was established to support junior faculty research. During his term, the number of high-quality research publications was increased by 49% and the number of editorial positions by faculty by 29%. The profile of the University was significantly raised through active promotion, excellence campaigns and international recognitions. A number of important CSR and outreach activities took place, including the adoption of AUEB’s first strategy for the environment, the re-launch of AUEB’s alumni association, the promotion of UN’s Global Compact initiative, activities to assist during the economic crisis, and an increase in corporate outreach.

Prior to becoming Rector at AUEB, he was the founding director (1999-2007) of AUEB’s International MBA Program (, widely considered as the No. 1 MBA program in Greece. During his term, the program was accredited by AMBA (2005), gained international visibility, appeared in international rankings (2006), and grew to attract students from more than 25 countries. In 2010 the school was awarded “The Most Innovative Business School in Southern Europe, 2010”. Dr. Prastacos was also the founding director (2000-2011) of AUEB’s Management Science Laboratory (, a leading ISO-certified management research center in Europe, that has attracted significant funding from the European Union and other national and private funding organizations.

Dr. Prastacos has significant consulting experience. As an independent consultant, as well as an ex-Senior Partner and Chairman of Deloitte’s Management Consulting Practice in Greece (1997-2002), he has helped numerous organizations to develop strategies and systems and improve performance through organizational restructuring, IT systems and strategy, personnel development, balanced scorecard strategies, etc. The organizations he has worked with include major companies in banking, insurance, airline, airport management, postal services, health, mining, Internet service providers, and municipalities.

Dr. Prastacos is the Co-Chair of AACSB's Digital Transformation Affinity Group and the Principal Investigator of MaCuDE - an international program sponsored by AACSB and supported by more than 100 business schools globally to revise the management curriculum for the digital era. He is an elected Fellow of the Washington Academy of Sciences, serves on the editorial board of several academic journals, and is on the board of his home school, Athens College. He has previously served on the Board of NEBDA, the Northeast Business Deans Association, Co-Chairman of the Business Confucius Institute of Athens, a joint initiative between Greece and China, and has been on the Board of Directors (BoD) of the Hellenic Management Association, the BoD of the Hellenic OR Society, the BoD of the Onassis Foundation (USA), the Scientific Council of the Greek National Economic Research Institute, as well as the BoD’s of a number of companies. He is a frequent speaker to conferences, and an advisor to universities and private industry.



2012-Current: Stevens Institute of Technology, School of Business, Dean and Professor of Management Science.

1981-2012: The Athens University of Economics and Business, Professor of Management Science (1981-2012), Rector of the University (2007-2011), Founding Director of the MBA International Program (1999-2007), Founding Director of the Management Science Research Laboratory (2000-2011), Founding Chairman of the Department of Management Science and Technology (1997-1999), Vice-Chairman of the University Research Center (1997-1999)

1978-1982: The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Assistant Professor of Decision Sciences

1974-78: The Lindsley Kimball Research Institute of the New York Blood Center, Research Fellow (1977-78), Research Assistant (1974-76)

1977-1978: Columbia University, Graduate School of Business, Adjunct Assistant Professor

1986-1987: University of Paris IX-Dauphine, Laboratoire LAMSADE, France, Visiting Professor of Decision Sciences

1986-1987: Researcher A', National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)

1983 – 2011: Short-term Visiting positions at various Universities in Switzerland, France, Spain, India, and China.


Over 30 years of consulting experience in a variety of roles and industries. Indicative projects he has led include the following:

Banking and Finance: Decision Support Systems for Assets and Liabilities Management of a major bank; Decision Support Systems for pension, career and manpower planning; Developing a Bonus System for a banking organization; Cash Management System for the Postal Services Organization.

Transport and Logistics: Analysis of the Economic Impact of the Athens International Airport; Design of a “Reverse Supply Chain” for Used Lubricants; Governance issues of the Athens Transportation Authority.

Telecoms: Re-organization and Development of IT strategy for a Mobile Telephony provider; Development of a Citizen-Relationship-Management system for the City of Athens; Feasibility Study for the Financial Portal of a major Internet provider.

Higher Education: Development of a Balanced Scorecard Strategy for an international University; Development of an Operational Excellence Observatory for European Universities; Development of Management Training and Management Research in Lithuania.

Strategy and Balanced Scorecard Strategies: Identification of branch profiles of a commercial bank; Development of a Competencies Management Framework for HR Management; Development of a Balanced Scorecard Performance Management System for the IT division of a bank; Development of the CRM strategy of a major insurance company.

Heath Sector: Numerous projects that have to do with issues of logistics in blood management; Studied the National Blood Systems of several countries and has provided advice on a number of policy issues; Numerous projects on the organization of hospitals, the introduction of computerized processes, the introduction of systems analysis techniques for improved efficiency and decision making.

Manufacturing: Development of a Forecasting Data Mart for the analysis and forecasting for a major international car company and its competitors’ sales; Development of a client / server Sales Analysis Information System for a major international consumer products company; Implementation of the Blue Books methodology for the Financial Reporting & Control system of a major international mining company.

Energy: Member of the 6-member experts’ panel of the Greek government to carry on the privatization of a major lignite ore in North Greece: preparation of specs for international bids, evaluation of bids, negotiations, and finalization of contracts; Development of the Business Plan for the National Institute of Geological Studies of Greece.


2015-2018: Onassis Foundation USA: non-executive member of the BoD

2007-2011: AUEB Asset Management Company: Chairman of the BoD

1996-2002: Deloitte Consulting (GR): Chairman of the BoD

1986-2002: Hellenic Scientific Computerland: Chairman of the BoD

1986-1996: OMAS SA: CEO and Chairman of the BoD


1986: Launched the OMAS SA management consulting company (GR). The company grew to become a market leader in Decision Support Systems, Business Intelligence Systems, Data Warehousing, and Customer Relationship Management. In 1996, after 10 years of continuous growth, the company merged with Deloitte & Touche (GR), to create Deloitte & Touche Consulting. He remained as Chairman of the Board and equity partner of Deloitte & Touche Consulting until 2002, when he exited the company, in order to focus on the development of the MSL Laboratory and the MBA International program at AUEB.


2018 – Current: Co-Founder and Co-Chair, Digital Innovation Affinity Group, AACSB. This is an affinity group composed of about 95 Deans and faculty of AACSB-accredited Business Schools who develop activities centered on the issue of digital transformation.

2017 – Current: Reviewer of Business Schools for AACSB accreditation. Member of the 3-member peer review teams for the re-accreditation of three accredited business schools (2016, 2020, 2021).

2017-2020: Member of the Strategic Committee, HERMES Network of European Business Schools. This is a network of 25 (mostly European) Business Schools developing activities that promote international mobility and dual degree programs.

2016-2019: Member of the Board of Directors, NEBDA-Northeast Business Deans Association. Chair of the Issues Committee.

Honors and Awards

Honorary Medal for significant achievements in Operations Research by the Institute for Management Sciences and Operations Research (INFORMS) at the INFORMS Annual Practice Conference, Baltimore, USA (2008).

Selection of paper (co-authored with Brachos D., Söderquist, K.E. and Kostopoulos K.) “Knowledge Effectiveness Social Context and Innovation”, published in Journal of Knowledge Management, as a Highly Commended paper at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence (2008).

Selection of papers among the Best Papers of the Academy of Management Conference (2007, 2009).

Teaching Excellence and Exceptional Contribution Awards, Athens University of Economics and Business (2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010).

Best Paper Award for paper (co-authored with Paraskevopoulos D. and Ioannou G.) “A Decision Support System for Waste Lube Oils Collection”, presented at the 11th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China (2005).

Elected Fellow of the Washington Academy of Sciences, for significant contributions in Operations Research and Applications in Health Care Management (1983).

1st Hellenic Prize in Operations Research, awarded by the Hellenic Operations Research Society (HELORS) for contributions made in investment theory (1981).

1st World Prize in the Practice of Management Science (Edelman Award), awarded by the Institute of Management Sciences (INFORMS / TIMS), for significant contributions in inventory management and logistics, and their applications to health care delivery systems (1979).

Grants, Contracts and Funds

Has been awarded and has led more than 25 major research projects, funded by European Commission (EC), the Ministry of Research of Greece, the CNRS (France), the Foundation of Research of Cyprus, and others. Indicative projects where he participated as a PI include:

2019: Development of the Management Curriculum for the Digital Era (MaCuDE). A project sponsored by AACSB International and funded by PwC. About 100 business schools participate internationally. (Ongoing, since 2019).

2009: Evaluation of the impact of the Athens International Airport (AIA). Grant from AIA, 2009.

2006: Evaluation of the impact of European R+D programs on the innovation and competitiveness of European firms, and formulation for guidelines for improvement of innovation European Commission. Lots 1 and 2 (European Commission (EC) - DG Enterprises, 2006-08).

2004: Mapping of research activities, personnel, and potential, as well as formulation of guidelines for research policy and research collaborations among the Black Sea countries (EC: BS-RESPOT, 2004-06).

2002: Evaluating scenaria of development of the various technological sectors, and the impact of innovation on various sectors (EC - FORESIGHT, 2002-03).

2001: Evaluation of the socio-economic impact of the Community Framework Program (EC - DG Research, 2001-02).

1996: Development and analysis of alternative scenaria on blood self-sufficiency in Europe (EC - DG V: Employment, Industrial Relations, Social Affairs, 1996-97).

1996: Development of innovative measures for the introduction of long-term unemployed in the labor market. Evaluator for the European Commission (EC - DG XVI: Regional Policy, 1996-97).

1996: Identification of the impact of Information Society on Management and Organizations, and development of the MBA curriculum on and for the Information Society (EC - DG III: Industry, 1996-98).

1996: Development of tools for fast development of executive information systems (General Secretariat of Research & Technology of Greece, 1996-98).

1995: Evaluation, feasibility study and strategy recommendation for the development of management training and management research in Lithuania (EC -DG I: External Relations, 1995-96).

1994: Development of technologies for flexible production groups in the clothing industry. Evaluator for the European Commission (EC - DG XII: Science, Research and Development, 1994-95).

1990: Reengineering of processes, development of information systems prototypes, and regional organizational transformation for the European blood industry. (EC - DG V: Employment, Industrial Relations, Social Affairs, 1990-93).

1989: Case study analysis of the vulnerability of Information Systems in the banking and health sectors of Greece, Italy and France (EC - DG XII: Science, Research and Development, 1989-91).

1988: Development and implementation of Computer-Integrating-Manufacturing modules for the clothing industry (European Commission (EC) -DG XII: Science, Research and Development, 1988-90).

In addition, he has served repeatedly as evaluator of proposals submitted for funding to the EC and to other funding organizations, as well as expert advisor on innovation and R+D management.


Was the main doctoral advisor to the following doctoral students:

· Alexander Papalexandris, “A Methodology for Developing a Balanced Scorecard”, 2007. Currently Associate Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business.

· Dimitris Brachos, “Knowledge Management and Knowledge Sharing Networks”, 2007. Currently with a consulting firm.

· Sophia Filippidou, “Change Management in the Public Sector”, 2007. Currently General Manager of family business.

· Kostas Kostopoulos, “Strategic Innovation Management: Group Learning and the role of Group Context in Determining the Performance of Innovative Project Teams”, 2007. Currently Associate Professor at the University of Piraeus.

· Georgia Skintzi, “Supply Chain Management: An Inventory Theoretic Approach”, 2004. Currently Researcher at the National Center of Economic Research of Greece.

· Manolis Kritikos, “Mathematical Models and Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Problems using Geographical Information Systems”, 2000. Currently Associate Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business.

In addition, he has served on numerous additional doctoral committees as member of the 3-member advisory board.


2008 – Current: Operational Research – An International Journal, Springer

2005 – Current: European Journal of International Management, Sage

2002 – Current: International Journal of Information Technology & Management, Interscience

1992 – 1995: Interfaces, Editor-at-Large, INFORMS


1. G. Prastacos. (2021). “Higher Education as a Driver for Economic Growth in the Digital Era”, panel discussion in the Capital Link Annual Sustainability Forum, April 22, 2021.

2. G. Prastacos. (2021). “Teaching the Next Generation: management in the Digital Era”, 2021 AACSB Deans Conference, February 23, 2021, and also in the 2021 AACSB Innovative Curriculum Conference, March 10, 2021.

3. G. Prastacos. (2019-20). “Developing the Management Curriculum for the Digital Era”, a series of talks at the AACSB conferences in Vancouver (2019), Edinburgh (2019), San Antonio (2019), Nashville (2020).

4. G. Prastacos. (2019). “Leadership in the Digital Era: Lessons from the past, challenges for the future”, International Conference on New Technologies and New Management, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China, May 2019.

5. G. Prastacos. (2017). “Curriculum in Action: How Innovative Curricula Maximizes Impact,” panel member at MAACBA (Middle Atlantic Association of Colleges for Business Administration), 2017.

6. G. Prastacos. (2016). “Capitalizing on Big Data”, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Beijing, China, January 2016. A similar talk was also given to Jinan University, Guangzhou, China, January 2016.

7. G. Prastacos. (2014). "Building Strategic University-Industry Collaborations", 2nd World Summit on Accreditation (WOSA-2), New Delhi, India, March 2014.

8. G. Prastacos. (2013). "An Input-Output Analysis to Measure the Economic Impact of the Athens International Airport (AIA)", 1st Airport Chief Executives Symposium, Athens, Greece, October 2013.

9. G. Prastacos. (2013). "Building Analytical Capabilities on Today's Cutting-Edge Organizations", 42nd IFTDO Conference, New Delhi, India, April 2013. A similar talk was given to the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), Beijing, China, June 2013

10. G. Prastacos. (2011). "Developing Managerial Skills for Successful Investments", 1st Hellenic-China Business Partnering Conference, Athens, Greece, June 2011.

11. G. Prastacos. (2011). “Academic Excellence in Management Education”, Inaugural Ceremony of AUEB’s NOBEL Economics Series, Megaron Mousikis, Athens, Greece, April 2011.

12. G. Prastacos. (2011). “Business Education in the Information Economy: Leadership, Responsibility and Entrepreneurship”, Rectors' Conference, Washington, DC, January 2011.

13. G. Prastacos. (2010). "Crafting and Implementing Business Strategy for the Next Generation Global Enterprises", Session chairman and invited speaker in the Indian National HRD Network Conference "Towards the Next Orbit", Gurgaon, India, December 2010.

14. G. Prastacos. (2010). "Educational Policies and Best Practices for Developing Entrepreneurial Culture", Young Entrepreneurs of Europe Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.

15. G.P. Prastacos. (2010). "Management and Leadership in a Changing World", Conference "Dialogue of Civilizations between Greece and China", Athens, Greece, April 2010.

16. G. Prastacos. (2010). "Personal Lessons of Entrepreneurship", INSPIRUS Conference, Mumbai, India, February 2010.

17. G. Prastacos. (2009). “Developing an Observatory for Operational Excellence of Universities”, Annual Meeting of UNICA Universities, Paris, France, November 2009.

18. G. Prastacos. (2009). “Strategic Decision Making in Supply Chain Management”, University of Strasbourg, France, 2009.

19. G. Prastacos. (2009). “Bridging the ties between Greece and China”, Confucius Institute Opening Ceremony, Megaron Mousikis, Athens, Greece, October 2009.

20. G. Prastacos. (2009). “Academic Collaborations as a Means for Cultural Exchange and Business Development”, Adriatic-Ioanian Conference, Corfu, Greece, 2009.

21. G.P. Prastacos. (2009). “Career Planning: Unlocking your Own Potential”, Novo Nordisk Annual Leaders Meeting, Executive Training Program, Milan, Italy, January 2009.

22. G. Prastacos. (2008). "Developing Interfaces between academia and industry", 26th All-India National Conference of Personnel Managers, Baroda, India.

23. G. Prastacos. (2008). "Teaching Professionalism: An Example of Evidence-Based Teaching", 26th All-India National Conference of Personnel Managers, Baroda, India.

24. G.P. Prastacos. (2007). “Creating Value in a World Without Boundaries”, BSH Annual Meeting, Athens, Greece, December 2007.

25. G.P. Prastacos. (2007). “Indo-Greek Relationships: History and Prospects”, NMIMS University, Mumbai, India, April 2007.

26. G.P. Prastacos. (2007). “Managing Supply Chain Risks”, Université Robert Schumann, Strasbourg, France, 2007.

27. G.P. Prastacos. (2007). “Decision Technologies in Human Resources Management”, PwC, 3rd International Conference, Athens, Greece, 2007.

28. G.P. Prastacos. (2007). "Supply Chain Management for Vending Operations", Invited talk at the European Vending Association Conference, EurOps 2007, Athens, Greece.


As of May 1, 2021: Google Scholar Citations:


1. Kostopoulos, K. C.; Bozionelos, N.; Prastacos, G. (2009). Team learning activities and team effectiveness: The role of psychological safety and task conflict. Proceedings of the Academy of Management 2009 Annual Meeting: Green Management Matters, AOM 2009.

2. Kostopoulos, Konstantinos, Papalexandris, A. and Prastacos, G. (2008) The Effects of Organizational Unit ACAP on Innovation and Performance. Proceedings of the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting. Google Scholar link

3. G Skintzi, T. Karantana, G. Ioannou, G.P. Prastacos. (2007). Cooperative and non-cooperative strategies in a three-node serial supply chain. Proceedings of the 14th EUROMA Conference "Managing Operations in Expanding Europe", Ankara, Turkey, pp. 1-6. Google Scholar link

4. Kostopoulos, K. C.; Brachos, D. A.; Papalexandris, A.; Philippidou, S.; Prastacos, G. (2007). Organizational unit ACAP: Social context and performance outcomes. Academy of Management 2007 Annual Meeting: Doing Well by Doing Good, AOM 2007.

5. L Kyrgidou, A Papalexandris, KE Soderquist, G Ioannou, GP Prastacos. (2006). Putting Competencies into Action in Greek shipping: Implementing a competency typology as a unique source of competitive advantage. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Engineering Management Conference, pp. 499-503.

6. Ioannis Katsikis, Klas Eric Soderquist, Gregory Prastacos (2006). Innovation Hot Spots: The Case of Computer Services Sector in the Region of Attica, Greece. Proceedings of the 46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association: "Enlargement, Southern Europe and the Mediterranean", Volos, Greece.

7. T. Karantana, G Ioannou, G. Skintzi, G Prastacos. (2006). Understanding the Drivers and Factors that Increase Supply Chains Exposure to Internal and External Risks. Proceedings of EurOMA International Conference: Moving up the Value Chain. Google Scholar link

8. Georgia Skintzi, George Ioannou, Gregory Prastacos. (2005). Flexible Warehousing Policies. Proceedings of the 12th EUROMA Operations and Global Competitiveness, Budapest, Hungary, pp.725-734.

9. Kostopoulos, K. C.; Brachos, D. A.; Prastacos, G. (2004). Determining factors of ERP adoption: An indicative study in the Greek market. IEEE International Engineering Management Conference (vol. 1, pp. 287-291).

10. D. Brachos, K.E. Soderquist, G. Prastacos (2003). Knowledge Sharing Networks (KSNs) critical success factors: A comprehensive study of knowledge. Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Oxford, pp. 111-120. Google Scholar link

11. Ioannou, G.; Papalexandris, A.; Prastacos, G.; Soderquist, E. (2002). Implementing a balanced scorecard at a software development company. IEEE International Engineering Management Conference (vol. 2, pp. 743-748).

12. Kostopoulos, K. Spanos, Y., Prastacos, G. (2002). The Resource – Based View of the Firm and Innovation: Identification of Critical Linkages. Proceedings of the second European Academy of Management Conference,pp. 1-19. Google Scholar link

13. Soderquist, K. E., Prastacos, G. (2002). Knowledge Transfer in NPD Projects: Lessons from 12 Global Corporations. Proceedings of OKCL 2002, the third European Conference on Organizational Knowledge. Google Scholar link

14. Y. Spanos, G. Prastacos, K.E. Soderquist. (2002). Understanding organizational capabilities: An architectural perspective. Strategic Management Conference. Google Scholar link.

15. Y. Spanos, G. Prastacos. (2002). Dynamic capabilities and structural effects on innovation strategy. World Congress on Intellectual Capital. Google Scholar link

16. Ioannou, G., Skintzi, G., Prastacos, G. (2001). Inventory Positioning in Single Product Supply Chains. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Analysis and Design of Manufacturing Systems, pp.49-58. Google Scholar link

17. Spanos, Y.; Prastacos, G.; Poulymenakou, A. (2000). The impact of information and communication technologies on firm structure: Evidence from an economy in transition. Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, vol. 2, pp. 573-579).

18. T. Karantana, G Ioannou, G. Skintzi, G Prastacos. (2006). Understanding the Drivers and Factors that Increase Supply Chains Exposure to Internal and External Risks. Proceedings of EurOMA International Conference: Moving up the Value Chain. Google Scholar link


1. Dominick, P.; Iordanoglou, D.; Prastacos, G.; Reilly, R.. Espoused values of the “Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For”: Essential themes and implementation practices. Journal of Business Ethics (forthcoming).

2. K. Kostopoulos, G.P. Prastacos, K.E. Soderquist, N. Vonortas. (2019). "Market, Firm, and Project-level Effects on the Innovation Impact of Collaborative R&D Projects", Journal of Knowledge Economy, 10, 1384-1403.

3. Kostopoulos, K. C.; Spanos, Y. E.; Prastacos, G. (2013). Structure and Function of Team Learning Emergence: A Multilevel Empirical Validation. Journal of Management (6 ed., vol. 39, pp. 1430-1461).

4. M. Kritikos, R.N. Markellos, G. Prastacos. (2010). "Corporate real estate analysis: evaluating telecom branch efficiency in Greece", Applied Economics, 42 (9), 1133-1143.

5. K.E. Soderquist, A. Papalexandris, G. Ioannou, G.P. Prastacos. (2010). "From task-based to competency-based: A typology and process supporting a critical HRM transition", Personnel Review, 29 (9), 325-346.

6. G. Skintzi, G. Ioannou, G. Prastacos. (2008). "Investigating warehousing policies", International Journal of Production Economics, 112 (2), 955-970.

7. G. Ioannou, M.N. Kritikos, G.P. Prastacos. (2008). "An assignment-based heuristic for vehicle routing with time windows", Operational Research, 8 (3), 219-233.

8. S. Philippidou, M. Karageorgiou, C. Tarantilis, K.E. Soderquist, G. Prastacos. (2008). "Meeting the challenge of technology‐driven change within an institutional context: The Greek case", Public Administration: An International Quarterly, 86 (2), 429-442.

9. Paraskevopoulos, D. C.; Repoussis, P.; Tarantilis, C. D.; Ioannou, G.; Prastacos, G. (2008). A reactive variable neighborhood tabu search for the heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem with time windows. Journal of Heuristics, 14 (5), 425-455.

10. Vakola, M.; Soderquist, K. E.; Prastacos, G. (2007). Competency management in support of organisational change. International Journal of Manpower, 28 (3), 260-275.

11. Argyropoulou, M.; Ioannou, G.; Prastacos, G. (2007). Enterprise Resource Planning implementation at Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: An initial study of the Greek market. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 3 (4), 406-425.

12. D. Brachos, K. Kostopoulos, K. E. Soderquist, G. Prastacos. (2007). "Knowledge effectiveness, social context and innovation", Journal of Knowledge Management, 11 (5), 31-44.

13. M. Kritikos, G. Ioannou, G.P. Prastacos. (2006). "Application of Data Envelopment Analysis to vehicle routing problems", Astrolavos, 6 (2), 136-155.

14. C.D. Tarantilis, G. Ioannou, G. Prastacos. (2005). "Advanced vehicle routing algorithms for complex operations management problems", Journal of Food Engineering, 70 (3), 455-471.

15. G.P. Prastacos, K. E. Soderquist, M. Vakola. (2005). "A Strategic Forward-Looking Approach to Competency Modeling", Business Leadership Review, 2 (1), 1-8.
Google Scholar link

16. Papalexandris, A.; Ioannou, G.; Prastacos, G.; Soderquist, K. E. (2005). An integrated methodology for putting the balanced scorecard into action. European Management Journal, 23 (2), 214-227.

17. Tarantilis, C. D.; Ioannou, G.; Kiranoudis, C. T.; Prastacos, G. (2005). Solving the open vehicle routing problem via a single parameter metaheuristic algorithm. Journal of the Operational Research Society (56 (5), 588-596.

18. K. Kostopoulos, D. Brachos, G. Prastacos. (2004). "Determinants of Technological Innovation Adoption: The Case of ERP Systems in Greek SME's", Cahiers du Management Technologique, 13 (2), 39-51.

19. G. Ioannou, K.C. Pramataris, G.P. Prastacos. (2004). "Quality function deployment approach to web site development: Applications for electronic retailing", Cahiers du Management Technologique, 13 (3), 1-18.
Google Scholar link

20. Spanos, Y. E.; Prastacos, G. (2004). The effects of environment, structure, and dynamic capabilities on product innovation strategy. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 4 (6), 620-638.

21. S. S. Philippidou, K.E. Soderquist, G.P. Prastacos. (2004). "Towards new public management in Greek public organizations: leadership vs. management, and the path to implementation", Public Organization Review, 4 (4), 317-337.

22. Tarantilis, C. D.; Ioannou, G.; Kiranoudis, C. T.; Prastacos, G. (2004). A threshold accepting approach to the open vehicle routing problem. RAIRO - Operations Research, 38 (4), 345-360.

23. Y. E. Spanos, G. Prastacos. (2004). "Understanding organizational capabilities: towards a conceptual framework", Journal of Knowledge Management, 8 (3), 31-43.

24. Papalexandris, A.; Ioannou, G.; Prastacos, G. (2004). Implementing the Balanced Scorecard in Greece: A software firm's experience. Long Range Planning, 37 (4), 351-366.

25. G. Ioannou, G. Prastacos, G. Skintzi. (2004). "Inventory positioning in multiple product supply chains", Annals of Operations Research, 126 (1-4), 195-213.

26. G. Ioannou, M. Kritikos, G. Prastacos. (2003). "A problem generator-solver heuristic for vehicle routing with soft time windows", Omega, 31 (1), 41-53.

27. G. Skintzi, G. Ioannou, G.P. Prastacos, T. Coats. (2003). "Modeling of facilities for head injuries in London", Operational Research, 3 (3), 197-212.

28. Spanos, Y. E.; Prastacos, G.; Poulymenakou, A. (2002). The relationship between information and communication technologies adoption and management. Information and Management, 39 (6), pp. 659-675.

Ioannou, G.; Kritikos, M. N.; Prastacos, G. (2002). Map-Route: A GIS-based decision support system for intra-city vehicle routing with time windows. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53 (8), 842-854.

30. G.P. Prastacos, K.E. Soderquist, Y.E. Spanos, L. van Wassenhove. (2002). "An Integrated Framework for Managing Change in the New Competitive Landscape", European Management Journal, 20 (1), 55-71.

31. G. Skintzi, G. Ioannou, G. Prastacos. (2001). "Inventory Positioning in Single Product Supply Chains", Cahiers du Management Technologique, 11 (2), 33-40.

32. Y. Spanos, G. Prastacos, V. Papadakis. (2001). "Greek Firms and EMU: Contrasting SMEs and Large-Sized Enterprises", European Management Journal, 19 (6), 638-648.

33. G. Ioannou, M. Kritikos, G. Prastacos. (2001). "A greedy look-ahead heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time windows", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 52 (5), 523-537.

34. Prastacos, G.; Ipsilandis, P.; Kalogerakis, M. (1995). A decision support system for manpower planning in large organizations. Journal of Decision Systems, 4 (2), 139-153. Google Scholar link

35. A. Federgruen, G. Prastacos, P.H. Zipkin. (1986). "An allocation and distribution model for perishable products", Operations Research, 34 (1), 75-82.

36. G. Cosmetatos, G.P. Prastacos. (1985). "An Approximate Analysis of the D/M/1 Queue with Deterministic Customer Impatience", RAIRO- Recherche Opérationnelle, 19 (2), 133-142.

37. Prastacos, G. (1984). Blood Inventory Management: An Overview of Theory and Practice. Management Science, 30 (7), 777-800.

38. G. Cosmetatos, G.P. Prastacos. (1983). "An Approximation for a Perishable Inventory System with Fixed Size Periodic Replenishments", Advances in Management Studies, 2 (4), 233-239.

39. G.P. Prastacos. (1983). "Optimal Sequential Investment Decisions under Conditions of Uncertainty", Management Science, 29 (1), 118-134.

40. G.P. Prastacos. (1982). "Topological problems in Computer Network Design", Spoudai, 838-848.

41. Prastacos, G. (1981). Allocation of Perishable Product Inventory. Operations Research. 29 (1), 95-107.

42. Cohen, M. A.; Prastacos, G. (1981). Critical number ordering policy for LIFO perishable inventory systems. Computers and Operations Research, 8 (3), 185-195.

43. G.P. Prastacos, E. Brodheim. (1980). "PBDS: A Decision Support System for Regional Blood Management", Management Science, 26 (5), 451-463.

44. Brodheim, E.; Prastacos, G. (1979). A regional blood management system with prescheduled deliveries. Transfusion, 19 (4), 455-462.

45. Prastacos, G.; Brodheim, E. (1979). Computer-based regional blood distribution. Computers and Operations Research, 6 (2), 69-77.

46. Prastacos, G. (1979). LIFO distribution systems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 30 (6), 539-546.

47. Prastacos, G. (1978). Optimal myopic allocation of a product with fixed lifetime. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 29 (9), 905-913.

48. E. Brodheim, G.P. Prastacos. (1979). "The Long Island blood distribution system as a prototype for regional blood management", Interfaces, 9 (5), 3-20.

49. E. Brodheim, R. Hirsch, G. Prastacos. (1976). "Setting inventory levels for hospital blood banks", Transfusion, 16 (1), 63-70.

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1. G.P. Prastacos, F. Wang, K.E. Soderquist (eds.). (2013). Leadership through the Classics: Learning Management and Leadership from Ancient East and West Philosophy. Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-32445-

2. G.P. Prastacos. Managerial Decision Making: Theory and Practice, published in English (2009), and Chinese (2011). Tsinghua University Press. ISBN: 978-7-302-20679-8.

3. G.P. Prastacos. (2011). The Greek University in the New Era: Challenges and Opportunities. a collection of interviews and articles in the Greek press (2000-2011) concerning the needs for improvement in the Greek university system. Ehedoros Press, Thessaloniki, 2011, ISBN: 978-960-99971-1-9.

4. G. Licht, W. Polt, R. Wintjes, G. Prastacos, et al. (2009). Benchmarking Strategies and Methodologies of National, European and International R&D Programmes, to Assess and Increase their Impact on Innovation, ZEW – Leibnitz Centre for European Economic Research. Google Scholar link.

5. G. Bonas, W. Polt, G.P. Prastacos, T. Celik, B. Malitsky. (2007). "Research Potential of Black Sea Countries", Report FP6-510665, International Center for Black Sea Countries.

6. G.P. Prastacos. (2004). Management Science in Action: Applications in the Modern Enterprise, Stamoulis Press (in Greek), ISBN: 960-351-420-9.

7. G.P. Prastacos. (2003). Management Science: Decision Making in the Information Society, Stamoulis Press (in Greek), ISBN: 960-351-501-9.

8. L. Georghiou, J. Rigby, H. Cameron, N. Vonortas, G. Prastacos, (2002). Assessing the Socio-Economic Impact of the Framework Program, Policy Research in Engineering Science and Technology PREST, University of Manchester, England. Google Scholar link

9. Philippidou, S. Soderquist, K. E. Prastacos, G. (2002). Exploring the Organization – Environmental link: Change as Coevolution, Report ESCG-SPR-WPS-02-02, Groupe ESC Grenoble. Google Scholar link

10. G. Pogorel, G.P. Prastacos, (2002). "Annual monitoring report on the RTD activities conducted under the EC and the Euratom research frameworks", ISBN: 92-828-6263-1, European Commission.

11. G.P. Prastacos (ed.). (1986). Management Science and Information Technology, HELORS (in Greek).


1. G. P. Prastacos (2020). “Leadership in the Digital Era: Learnings from the past and challenges for the future”, in Galanaki, E., Nikandrou, I., Panayiotopoulou, L. (eds.) An Anthology on Human Resources Management, Organizational Behavior and Special Issues in Management, Volume in Honor of Professor N. Papalexandri, Athens University of Economics and Business. 338-353.

2. L. Despotidou, G.P. Prastacos. (2013). "Professionalism in Business: Insights from Ancient Philosophy", Leadership through the Classics: Lessons from Ancient East and West Philosophy, G. Prastacos, F Wang, E Soderquist (eds.), Springer-Verlag. 437-455.

3. G. Prastacos. (2010). "Training in Business Administration: Responsibility and Innovation in the Knowledge Society ", The University in the 21st Century, N. Stavrakakis (ed.), Plethro Publications (in Greek). 293-305.

4. I. Tatsiopoulos, G.P. Prastacos. (1991). "A Shop Floor Decision Support System for the Clothing Industry", Computer Applications in Production and Engineering, G. Doumeingts, J. Browne, M. Tomljanovich (eds), North Holland. 141-148.

5. A. Brilis, D. Giokas, M. Vassiloglou, G.P. Prastacos. (1990). "Mathematical Programming for Assets and Liabilities Management in a Commercial Bank", Operational Research 90, Hugh Bradley (ed.), North-Holland. 149-157.

6. G.P. Prastacos, N. Paterakis. (1990). "Solon: An Expert System for Evaluating Investments", Operational Research 90, Hugh Bradey (ed.), North Holland. 189-199.

7. I. Tatsiopoulos, G.P. Prastacos. (1989). "Development of a basic CIM module for the clothing Industry", Computer Integrated Manufacturing, C. O΄Brien (eds.), Springer Verlag. 281-289.

8. G.P. Prastacos. (1987). "Operations Research in Banking: An Overview", Management Science and Information Technology, G. Prastacos (ed.), HELORS (in Greek). 281-307.

9. G.P. Prastacos, G. Papadopoulos. (1986). "A Comparison of Alternative Inventory Policies for Perishable Products ", Scientific Annals, K Prodromidis (ed.), Athens University of Economics and Business. 351-366.

10. G.P. Prastacos. (1984). "Operational Efficiency in the Service Sector", Scientific Annals, G Bitros (ed.), Athens University of Economics and Business. 277-295.

11. G. Prastacos. (1983). "An Optimal Rotation Policy for an Age-Differentiated Product in a Multi-Echelon Inventory system", New Results in Inventory Theory, A. Chikan (ed.), North-Holland. 777-784.

12. G. Prastacos, M.Xafa. (1981). "Optimal Decisions on Production and Export of Interrelated Products", Economics and Management of Inventories, A. Chikan (ed.), North-Holland. 291-300.

13. G.P. Prastacos. (1981). "Systems analysis in Regional Blood Management", The Computer and Blood Banking,J. Mohr and A. Kluge (eds.), Springer-Verlag. 110-131.

14. G.P. Prastacos. (1981). "Optimal Investment Strategies Under Uncertainty", Operational Research 81, J. P. Brans (ed.), North Holland. 843-858.


1. G. Prastacos (2020). “Values Matter: What You Can Learn From the Best Companies to Work For”, LinkedIn, July, 17, 2020.

2. G. Prastacos (2020). “A course of action for leaders confronting viral uncertainty”, LinkedIn, April 10, 2020

3. G. Prastacos (2017). “Behind the scenes of a turn-around project”, LinkedIn, September 8, 2017.

4. G. Prastacos (2017). “Five keys for Business Deans to help students get great jobs”, LinkedIn, April 24, 2017.

5. G. Prastacos (2016). “Brexit's impact: How will UK's departure from the EU change the way the world works?, LinkedIn, June 24, 2016.

6. Multiple interviews (2000-2020) in numerous magazines and newspapers, including: Financial Times, Bloomberg Radio, NJ Business, BizEd Magazine, Digital Learning, Ed Tech Magazine, Times of India, European CEO, People Matters, Kathimerini, International Herald Tribune, Business Partners, and more.

Selected Publications

Book Chapter

  1. Iordanoglou, D.; Lianidou, T.; Dominick, P.; Begley, T.; Marchese, M.; Prastacos, G. (2023). Management Skills in the Digital Era: Implications for Business Education . Leading and Managing in the Digital Era: Shaping the Future of Work and Business Education.. Springer.

Conference Proceeding

    Conference presentation

      Journal Article


        BIA 674 Supply Chain Analytics