Gregory Morgan (gmorgan)

Gregory Morgan


School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Morton 320
(201) 216-8245


  • PhD (2005) Johns Hopkins University (Philosophy)
  • MA (2000) Johns Hopkins University (Philosophy)
  • MS (1998) University of Pittsburgh (Molecular Biology)
  • MA (1997) University of Pittsburgh (History and Philosophy of Science)
  • BA (1993) University of Otago (Economics)
  • BS (1993) University of Otago (Biochemistry)
  • Other (1993) University of Otago (Bioethics)


I work in the History and Philosophy of Science, especially the History and Philosophy of Biology, and Applied Ethics.

The central thrust of my past research concerned the history of early structural virology and I have explored various philosophical issues raised by the history.

I have recently published "Cancer Virus Hunters," (JHU Press 2022) a history of tumor virology, the study of viruses that cause cancer; and am working on "Philosophy of Virology," (under contract UPitt Press) an introduction to the philosophical issues raised by viruses.

General Information

Prior to working at Stevens I was an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Spring Hill College in Mobile, AL

Institutional Service

  • Faculty Senate Member
  • Faculty Senate Chair
  • Faculty Handbook Revisions Committee Member
  • CAL P&T Chair

Professional Service

  • International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology Prize committee
  • Site selection committee for ISHPSSB Member

Honors and Awards

Phi Beta Kappa for the PhD.
Co-winner of the History of Science Society's 2009 Price-Webster Award for best article in Isis.
2012-13 Sydney Brenner Fellowship at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Library and Archives and Genentech Center for History of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

Professional Societies

  • HSS – History of Science Society Member
  • ISHPSSB – International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology Member
  • PSA – Philosophy of Science Association Member

Grants, Contracts and Funds

NSF doctoral improvement award
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Award, 2016

Selected Publications

Abstract Only

  1. Morgan, G. (2019). Are viruses alive and should we care?. ISHPSSB Proceedings (vol. 2021).


  1. Morgan, G. J. (2022). Cancer Virus Hunters: A History of Tumor Virology. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Book Review

  1. Morgan, G. (2019). Pioneers in Microbiology, the Human Side of Science. Quarterly Review of Biology (vol. September 2019, pp. 301).