Frank Fisher (ffisher)

Frank Fisher

Professor and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies in the Schaefer School of Engineering and Science

Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Carnegie Laboratory 302
(201) 216-8315


  • PhD (2002) Northwestern University (Mechanical Engineering)
  • MA (2000) Northwestern University (Learning Sciences (School of Education and Social Policy))
  • MS (1998) Northwestern University (Mechanical Engineering)
  • BS (1995) University of Pittsburgh (Applied Mathematics)
  • BS (1995) University of Pittsburgh (Mechanical Engineering)


Research Interests - Technical


  • 08/22 - current, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Schaefer School of Engineering & Science, Stevens Institute of Technology

  • 09/18 - current, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology

  • 04/13 - 8/18, Interim Department Director / Department Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology

  • 08/10 - 8/18, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology

  • 08/04 - 08/10, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology

  • 09/02 - 07/04, Post-doctoral Research Associate, Biologically Inspired Materials (BIMat) Center, Northwestern University

  • 06/00 - 08/02, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University

  • 09/99 - 09/00, Graduate Student, VaNTH ERC for Bioengineering Educational Technologies, Northwestern University

Institutional Service

  • co-op redesign committee Chair
  • FLI-Network Member
  • NCAA on-campus Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) Chair
  • ME PhD CCT Committee (Solid Mechanics) Chair
  • ME PhD Nano/Micro RCT Committee Chair
  • Stevens CAREER Club: Mentoring Member
  • member of the Associate Director Search Committee Member
  • SES Grant Proposal Enhancement Programs (GPEP) review Member
  • AEFIS Implementation Project Member
  • P&T Faculty Mentoring and Departmental Review Member
  • ME Undergraduate Committee Member
  • PhD doctoral advisor replacement Member
  • Online Teaching Practices and Assessment Task Force Member
  • Departmental COVID-19 task force Member
  • COVID-19 ME Department Response Team Member
  • external review of Career Center Member
  • Family Day at Stevens (9/26/19) Member
  • SES May 2019 retreat: Undergraduate Breakout Session Chair
  • Wittpenn Walk Faculty Presentation 2019 Member
  • Review of Teaching Award Nominations Committee Member
  • Excellence in All We Do Member
  • Faculty Satisfaction & Engagement Working Group Member
  • Stevens New Employee Connections Orientation Member
  • External Review Committee for CFEA Member

Professional Service

  • Conference Paper review (miscellaneous) Conference Paper review
  • External faculty P&T review
  • Journal reviewer Journal reviewer
  • Co-Chair, 2020 Fall Mid-Atlantic Section meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference Co-Chair
  • NSF NSF CAREER Panel Reviewer

Honors and Awards

  • NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award

  • 2018-19 Stevens Institute of Technology Employee Excellence Award for “Excellence In All We Do”

  • 2016 Alexander Crombie Humphreys Distinguished Teaching Associate Professor

  • 2014 Distinguished Faculty Mentor Award from the Stevens Student Government Association (SGA)

  • Fulbright Specialist Roster (Engineering Education), J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board

  • 2009 National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Frontiers of Engineering Education (FOEE) Symposium participant

  • 2009 Stevens Alumni Association Outstanding Teacher Award

  • 2009 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Ferdinand P. Beer and E. Russell Johnston Jr. Outstanding New Educator Award

  • Harvey N. Davis Distinguished Teaching Assistant Professor award (2006)

  • Selected for inclusion in Who’s Who in Engineering Education

  • Searle Center for Teaching Excellence Teaching Assistant Fellow, Northwestern University (2000-2001, 2001-2002)

  • Nugent Teaching Assistant Fellowship, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University (1998)

  • Fesseden-Trott Scholarship, School of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh

  • University Scholar, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Pittsburgh

Selected Publications

Book Chapter

  1. Park, J.; Pan, H.; Mezger, M. J.; Nicolich, S. M.; Centrella, J. M.; Fisher, F.; Boz, N.; Malik, M.; Aktas, S.; He, J.; Kalyon, D. (2017). Mixing, coating, and shaping. Energetic Materials: Advanced Processing Technologies for Next-Generation Materials (pp. 169-191).

Conference Proceeding

  1. Fontaine, M.; Fisher, F.; Lytle, A. (2024). Establishing Baseline Measurements of Adaptive Expertise in First-Year STEM Students. ASEE.
  2. De Rosa, A.; Lytle, A.; Fisher, F. (2023). Adaptive Expertise: A Potential Tool for Supporting S-STEM Student Retention and Graduation. Baltimore, MD: 2023 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference.
  3. De Rosa, A.; Lytle, A.; Fontaine, M.; Fisher, F. (2023). Adaptive Expertise: A potential tool for supporting S-STEM student retention and graduation. ASEE.
  4. De Rosa, A.; Buckley, J.; Fisher, F.; Lytle, A. (2023). Measuring adaptiveness among college students and working professionals. Penn State University, State College, Pennsylvania: 2023 ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Spring Conference.
  5. De Rosa, A.; Fisher, F.; Fontaine, M.; Lytle, A. (2022). Measurements of Adaptive Expertise among low-income STEM students. Penn State University Harrisburg, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: 2022 ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Fall Conference.
  6. Lytle, A.; De Rosa, A.; Fisher, F. (2021). A review of psychosocial factors associated with undergraduate engagement and retention in STEM. 2021 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Fall Conference .
  7. De Rosa, A. J.; Fisher, F. (2021). A review of Adaptive Expertise and its integration within undergraduate engineering curricula. Philadelphia, PA: ASEE.
  8. Fisher, F. (2020). An extended Annular Coated Inclusion model with imperfect interfaces. 2020 American Society for Composites (ASC) 35th Technical Conference.
  9. Fisher, F. (2020). Impact of ultrasonication on carbon nanotube demixing and damage in polymer nanocomposites. 2020 American Society for Composites (ASC) 35th Technical Conference.
  10. Baxter, G.; Sheppard, K.; Fisher, F.; Holahan, P.; Lowes, S.; Metz, S. (2020). FOUNDATIONS – Integrating Evidence-based Teaching and Learning Practices into the Core Engineering Curriculum: Student Perceptions of the Instructional Practices. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Proceedings. ASEE.
  11. Fisher, F.. Performance of Modified Simple and Double Expansion Chamber Mufflers using Acoustic Black Holes. Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) NOISE-CON 2020.
  12. Ganapathi, J. I.; Kalyon, D.; Fisher, F. (2020). Impact of ultrasonication on carbon nanotube demixing and damage in polymer nanocomposites. Proceedings of the American Society for Composites - 35th Technical Conference, ASC 2020 (pp. 349-361).
  13. Sheppard, K.; Baxter, G.; Fisher, F.; Holahan, P.; Lowes, S.; Metz, S. (2019). FOUNDATIONS – Integrating Evidence-based Teaching and Learning Practices into the Core Engineering Curriculum: Experience with the First Faculty Cohort. 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings (vol. 2019). American Society for Engineering Education.
  14. Sheppard, K.; Baxter, G.; Fisher, F.; Lowes, S.; Holahan, P.; Metz, S. (2019). FOUNDATIONS – Integrating Evidence-based Teaching and Learning Practices into the Core Engineering Curriculum. Hoboken: 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 16 - 19, 2019, .
  15. Baxter, G. P.; Fisher, F.; Holahan, P.; Sheppard, K.; Lowes, S.; Metz, S. S. (2019). FOUNDATIONS - Integrating evidence-based teaching and learning practices into the core engineering curriculum. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings.
  16. Ganapathi, J.; Kalyon, D.; Fisher, F. (2019). Characterization of Nanoparticle Dispersion and Optimal Mixing Conditions for Polymer Nanocomposites. Hoboken: 35th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-35), May 26 - 30, 2019.
    1 Castle Point on Hudson.
  17. Ding, j.; Du, K.; Fisher, F.; Yang, E. (2015). Transferring Graphene Nanostructures onto a Transparent Flexible Substrate. The 59th International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN 2015).
  18. Kim, Y.; Kumar, K.; Fisher, F.; Yang, E. (2014). Controlled CVD Growth of Carbon Nanotubes on Monolayer Graphene Substrates. ECS Meeting Abstracts (28 ed., pp. 1562).
  19. Besser, R.; Fisher, F.; Choi, C.; Shi, Y.; Cappelleri, D.; Pochiraju, K.; Sun, H.; Voiculescu, I.; Lin, Q.; Attinger, D. (2010). 2010 Metro Area MEMS/NEMS Workshop: NanoManufacturing.
  20. Mago, G.; Kalyon, D.; Fisher, F. (2010). Processing-induced crystallization of semicrystalline polymer nanocomposites. International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (Proceedings).
  21. Bartolucci, S. F.; Mago, G.; Gevgilili, H.; Vural, S.; Dikovics, K.; Kalyon, D.; Fisher, F. (2010). Investigation of the properties of PEEK-nanotube composites prepared by solution methods. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (PART A ed., vol. 12, pp. 279-282).
  22. Yang, E.; Strauf, S.; Fisher, F.; Choi, D. (2009). Carbon-based nanodevices for sensors, actuators, and electronics. Micro-and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications (vol. 7318, pp. 731813).
  23. Kumar, K.; Sul, O.; Tsai, Y.; Choi, D.; Prasad, M.; Fisher, F.; Strauf, S.; Yang, E. (2009). Nanoscale Graphene and Carbon Nanotube Lithography using an Atomic Force Microscope. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (vol. 43857, pp. 417--418).
  24. Mago, G.; Velasco-Santos, C.; Martinez-Hernandez, A. L.; Kalyon, D.; Fisher, F. (2008). Effect of functionalization on the crystallization behavior of mwnt-pbt nanocomposites. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (vol. 1056, pp. 295-300).
  25. Mago, G.; Dutreuil, J. A.; Fisher, F.; Kalyon, D. (2008). Effect of uniaxial deformation, annealing and carbon nanotubes on the morphology and mechanical properties of poly (butylene terephthalate) and PBT nanocomposites. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (vol. 11 PART B, pp. 1127-1136).
  26. Mago, G.; Fisher, F.; Kalyon, D. (2007). Effect of shearing on the crystallization behavior of poly (butylene terephthalate) and pbt nanocomposites. Proceedings of the Materials Division, The ASME Non-Destructive Evaluation Division and The ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division, 2006 (pp. 497-506).
  27. Fisher, F.; Hadim, H.; Esche, S.; Ubell, R.; Chassapis, C. (2007). Feasibility of a fully online undergraduate mechanical engineering degree for non-traditional learners. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings.
  28. Fisher, F.; Chassapis, C. (2006). Guided CAE software learning modules for the undergraduate mechanical engineering curriculum. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings.

Editorial, Journal

  1. Mago, G.; Kalyon, D.; Jana, S. C.; Fisher, F. (2010). Polymer nanocomposite processing, characterization, and applications. Journal of Nanomaterials (vol. 2010).

Journal Article

  1. Iyer Ganapathi, J.; Lee, S.; Kalyon, D.; Fisher, F.. Impact of ultrasonication on carbon nanotube demixing and damage in polymer nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (pp. 49370). Wiley.
  2. Zhang, Z.; Ding, J.; Ocko, B. M.; Lhermitte, J.; Strzalka, J.; Choi, C.; Fisher, F.; Yager, K. G.; Black, C. T. (2020). Nanoconfinement and salt synergistically suppress crystallization in polyethylene oxide. Macromolecules (4 ed., vol. 53, pp. 1494--1501). American Chemical Society.
  3. Iyer Ganapathi, J.; Lee, S.; Kalyon, D.; Fisher, F. (2020). Impact of ultrasonication on carbon nanotube demixing and damage in polymer nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (44 ed., vol. 137).
  4. Zhang, Z.; Ding, J.; Ocko, B. M.; Lhermitte, J.; Strzalka, J.; Choi, C. H.; Fisher, F.; Yager, K. G.; Black, C. T. (2020). Nanoconfinement and Salt Synergistically Suppress Crystallization in Polyethylene Oxide. Macromolecules (4 ed., vol. 53, pp. 1494-1501).
  5. Zhang, Z.; Ding, J.; Ocko, B. M.; Fluerasu, A.; Wiegart, L.; Zhang, Y.; Kobrak, M.; Tian, Y.; Zhang, H.; Lhermitte, J.; Choi, C. H.; Fisher, F.; Yager, K. G.; Black, C. T. (2019). Nanoscale viscosity of confined polyethylene oxide. Physical Review E (6 ed., vol. 100).
  6. Dong, L.; Grissom, M. D.; Safwat, T.; Prasad, M.; Fisher, F. (2018). Resonant frequency tuning of electroactive polymer membranes via an applied bias voltage. Smart Materials and Structures (11 ed., vol. 27).
  7. Ding, J.; Fu, S.; Zhang, R.; Boon, E.; Lee, W.; Fisher, F.; Yang, E. (2017). Graphene-vertically aligned carbon nanotube hybrid on PDMS as stretchable electrodes.. Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology (46 ed., vol. 28, pp. 465302).
  8. Nie, M.; Kalyon, D.; Pochiraju, K.; Fisher, F. (2017). A controllable way to measure the interfacial strength between carbon nanotube and polymer using a nanobridge structure. Carbon (vol. 116, pp. 510-517).
  9. Iyer Ganapathi, J.; Kalyon, D.; Fisher, F. (2017). Effect of multistage sonication on dispersive mixing of polymer nanocomposites characterized via shear-induced crystallization behavior. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (14 ed., vol. 134).
  10. Senturk-Ozer, S.; Aktas, S.; He, J.; Fisher, F.; Kalyon, D. (2017). Nanoporous nanocomposite membranes via hybrid twin-screw extrusion - Multijet electrospinning. Nanotechnology (2 ed., vol. 28).
  11. Ding, J.; Fisher, F.; Yang, E. (2016). Direct Transfer of Corrugated Graphene Sheets for Stretchable Electrodes. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B (34 ed., vol. 5, pp. 2166--2746).
  12. Iyer Ganapathi, J.; Fisher, F.; Kalyon, D. (2016). Distributive mixing of carbon nanotubes in poly(caprolactone) via solution and melt processing: Viscoelasticity and crystallization behavior versus mixing indices. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics (21 ed., vol. 54, pp. 2254-2268).
  13. Nie, M.; Kalyon, D.; Fisher, F. (2015). Reverse Kebab Structure Formed inside Carbon Nanofibers via Nanochannel Flow. Langmuir (36 ed., vol. 31, pp. 10047-10055).
  14. Ding, J.; Du, K.; Wathuthanthri, I.; Choi, C.; Fisher, F.; Yang, E. (2014). Transfer patterning of large-area graphene nanomesh via holographic lithography and plasma etching. Journal of Vacuum Science \& Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena (6 ed., vol. 32, pp. 06FF01). AVS.
  15. Nie, M.; Kalyon, D.; Fisher, F. (2014). Interfacial load transfer in polymer/carbon nanotube nanocomposites with a nanohybrid shish kebab modification. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (17 ed., vol. 6, pp. 14886-14893).
  16. Kumar, K.; Kim, Y.; Li, X.; Ding, J.; Fisher, F.; Yang, E. (2013). Chemical vapor deposition of carbon nanotubes on monolayer graphene substrates: reduced etching via suppressed catalytic hydrogenation using C2H4. Chemistry of Materials. Chemistry of Materials (19 ed., vol. 25, pp. 3874--3879). American Chemical Society.
  17. Kim, Y.; Kumar, K.; Fisher, F.; Yang, E. (2012). Out-of-plane growth of CNTs on graphene for supercapacitor applications. Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology (1 ed., vol. 23, pp. 015301). IOP Publishing.
  18. Shepard, K. B.; Gevgilili, H.; Ocampo, M.; Li, J.; Fisher, F.; Kalyon, D. (2012). Viscoelastic behavior of poly(ether imide) incorporated with multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics (21 ed., vol. 50, pp. 1504-1514).
  19. Kumar, K.; Sul, O.; Strauf, S.; Choi, D. S.; Fisher, F.; Prasad, M.; Yang, E. (2011). A study on carbon-nanotube local oxidation lithography using an atomic force microscope. IEEE transactions on nanotechnology (4 ed., vol. 10, pp. 849--854). IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology.
  20. Mago, G.; Kalyon, D.; Fisher, F. (2011). Nanocomposites of polyamide-11 and carbon nanostructures: Development of microstructure and ultimate properties following solution processing. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics (18 ed., vol. 49, pp. 1311-1321).
  21. Modi, S. H.; Dikovics, K. B.; Gevgilili, H.; Mago, G.; Bartolucci, S. F.; Fisher, F.; Kalyon, D. (2010). Nanocomposites of poly(ether ether ketone) with carbon nanofibers: Effects of dispersion and thermo-oxidative degradation on development of linear viscoelasticity and crystallinity. Polymer (22 ed., vol. 51, pp. 5236-5244).
  22. Mago, G.; Fisher, F.; Kalyon, D. (2008). Effects of multiwalled carbon nanotubes on the shear-induced crystallization behavior of poly(butylene terephthalate). Macromolecules (21 ed., vol. 41, pp. 8103-8113).
  23. Mago, G.; Kalyon, D.; Fisher, F. (2008). Membranes of polyvinylidene fluoride and PVDF nanocomposites with carbon nanotubes via immersion precipitation. Journal of Nanomaterials (1 ed., vol. 2008).

Letter, Journal

  1. Bartolucci, S. F.; Mago, G.; Fisher, F.; Troiano, E.; Kalyon, D. (2012). Unusual fracture surface morphology of fatigued carbon nanofiber/poly(ether ether ketone) composites. Carbon (6 ed., vol. 50, pp. 2359-2361).


  1. Kim, Y.; Kumar, K.; Yang, E.; Fisher, F. (2017). Popcorn-like growth of graphene-carbon nanotube multi-stack hybrid three-dimensional architecture for energy storage devices.
  2. Bartolucci, S. F.; Mago, G.; Fisher, F.; Troiano, E.; Kalyon, D. (2012). Unusual fracture surface morphology of fatigued carbon nanofiber/poly(ether ether ketone) composites. Carbon (6 ed., vol. 50, pp. 2359-2361).
  3. Mago, G.; Kalyon, D.; Jana, S. C.; Fisher, F. (2010). Polymer nanocomposite processing, characterization, and applications. Journal of Nanomaterials (vol. 2010).


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