Cristina Comaniciu
Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Other (2003) Princeton University (Electrical Engineering Postdoctoral fellow)
- PhD (2002) Rutgers University (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
- BE (1993) Polytechnic University of Bucharest (Electronics and Telecommunications)
game theoretic and machine learning and evolutionary algorithms for applications in networks, wireless resource allocations, smart grids, and security
physical layer secrecy: energy-security tradeoffs
resource allocation for network slicing
cooperative and non-cooperative games for cognitive radio networks
Adversarial learning and applications of GANs
physical layer secrecy: energy-security tradeoffs
resource allocation for network slicing
cooperative and non-cooperative games for cognitive radio networks
Adversarial learning and applications of GANs
Institutional Service
- Faculty Search Committee Chair
- Institute Graduate Curriculum Committee Member
- Ph.D. program committee Chair
- ECE Faculty Advisory council Member
- ECE Graduate Recruitment and Orientation Chair
- Associate Department Chair Chair
- ECE Graduate Curriculum Committee Chair
- Graduate Admissions Committee Chair
- SES Graduate Studies committee Member
- Student well being committee Chair
- Stevens Excellence Doctoral Fellowship Member
- Faculty search committee Member
- Interdisciplinary PhD in Data Science Committee Member
- SES Strategic Planning committee Member
- Undergraduate Advisor search committee Chair
- ECE Faculty Advisory council Member
- ECE Graduate Curriculum Committee Chair
- ECE Graduate Recruitment and Orientation Chair
- Student well being committee Chair
- Associate Department Chair Chair
- Interdisciplinary PhD in Data Science Committee Member
- Institute Graduate Curriculum Committee Member
- ECE Graduate Curriculum Committee Chair
- SES Graduate Studies committee Member
- ECE Graduate Admissions Committee Chair
- Faculty search committee Member
- Undergraduate Advisor search committee Chair
- ECE Strategic Plan Committee Chair
- Associate Department Chair Chair
- Faculty search committee Member
- Graduate Contingency Planning Committee Member
- ECE Graduate Curriculum Committee Chair
- SES Graduate Studies committee Member
- Associate Department Chair Chair
- Graduate Admissions Committee Chair
- Institute Graduate Curriculum Committee Member
- Faculty search committee Member
- ECE Graduate Curriculum Committee Chair
- SES Graduate Studies committee Member
- Associate Department Chair Chair
- Graduate Admissions Committee Chair
- Institute Graduate Curriculum Committee Member
- Faculty search committee Member
Professional Service
- IEEE Journals reviewer
- Quaid-i-Azam University International Promotion and Tenure Evaluator
- Quaid-i-Azam University International Ph.D. Thesis Evaluator
- IEEE Journals reviewer
- University of Padova, "University Research Project" Reviewer
- IEEE Journals reviewer
Associate Department Chair for Graduate Studies
Honors and Awards
2020 ECE Outstanding Service Award for faculty
2014 Paper Featured in IEEE Best Readings in Cognitive Radio, Topic: Machine Learning, Self-Configuration, Distributed Adaptation and Co-Existence
2012 Rutgers School of Engineering Distinguished Young Alumna Medal of Excellence
2011 Women Leaders in Academia, Rutgers University
2010 IEEE Outstanding Industrial Panel Chair Award, Sarnoff Symposium
2007 IEEE Marconi Best Paper Prize Award in Wireless Communications
2004 WINSEC Award for Outstanding Contributions
2014 Paper Featured in IEEE Best Readings in Cognitive Radio, Topic: Machine Learning, Self-Configuration, Distributed Adaptation and Co-Existence
2012 Rutgers School of Engineering Distinguished Young Alumna Medal of Excellence
2011 Women Leaders in Academia, Rutgers University
2010 IEEE Outstanding Industrial Panel Chair Award, Sarnoff Symposium
2007 IEEE Marconi Best Paper Prize Award in Wireless Communications
2004 WINSEC Award for Outstanding Contributions
Professional Societies
- IEEE – IEEE Member
Grants, Contracts and Funds
Professor Comaniciu's work has been sponsored by several grants awarded by NSF, ONR, and the European Union.
Patents and Inventions
Selected Publications
E. Bolluyt, C. Comaniciu, “A Novel Method to Enforce Non Differentiable Objectives with Gradient Backpropagation, to be submitted IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence.
E. Bolluyt, C. Comaniciu, “Stabilized DC-GAN for Multi-Object Image Generation using Minibatch Discrimination”, to be submitted (second review), IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
T. Sinatra, C. Comaniciu, M. Hohil, T. LaPeruta, “Cooperative Monitoring for detecting Adversarial Communication”, Proc. SPIE 11746, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications III, 1174612, April 2021; https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2588038
C. Comaniciu, Discrete Event Driven Simulations for Complex Networks, Siemens Corporate Research, presentation, Princeton, NJ, February 2020
E.D. Bolluyt, C Comaniciu, Dynamic Influence on Replicator Evolution for the Propagation of Competing Technologies, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol 23, issue 5, 2019E. Bolluyt, C. Comaniciu, Collapse Resistant Deep Convolutional GAN for Multi-Object Image Generation, Proc. 18th IEEE Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2019
F. Zhao, H. Man, C. Comaniciu, Robust Multiple External Stimuli Classification in Functional MRI Images, Proc. IEEE 13th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2016
R. Zhang, C. Comaniciu, H. Vincent Poor, On Rate, Secrecy, and Network Connectivity Tradeoffs for Wireless Networks, IEEE Communication Letters, volume 20, issue 8, 2016.
Shi Q, Comaniciu C, Jaffres-Runser K. An auction-based mechanism for cooperative sensing in cognitive networks Ieee Transactions On Wireless Communications. 12: 3649-3661. DOI: 10.1109/Twc.2013.051413.121209, 2013
Comaniciu C, Poor HV. On energy-secrecy trade-offs for gaussian wiretap channels Ieee Transactions On Information Forensics and Security. 8: 314-323. DOI: 10.1109/Tifs.2012.2232910, 2013
Comaniciu C, Poor HV, Zhang R. An information theoretic framework for energy efficient secrecy Icassp, Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 2906-2910. DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2013.6638189, 2013
Jaffrès-Runser K, Schurgot MR, Wang Q, Comaniciu C, Gorce JM. A cross-layer framework for multiobjective performance evaluation of wireless ad hoc networks Ad Hoc Networks. 11: 2147-2171. DOI: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2013.04.006, 2013
Zhang R, Comaniciu C, Poor HV. Outage capacity and partial secrecy for energy efficient physical layer security in Gaussian fading channels International Symposium On Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, Wpmc, 2012
Schurgot MR, Comaniciu C, Jaffrès-Runser K. Beyond traditional DTN routing: Social networks for opportunistic communication Ieee Communications Magazine. 50: 155-162. DOI: 10.1109/Mcom.2012.6231292 1, 2012
Schurgot MR, Comaniciu C, Jaffres-Runser K. Modeling opportunistic data delivery in dynamic wireless networks Globecom - Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference. 5272-5278. DOI: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2012.6503958 12012Zeydan E, Kivanc D, Comaniciu C, Tureli U. Energy-efficient routing for correlated data in wireless sensor networks Ad Hoc Networks. 10: 962-975. DOI: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2011.12.009