Alexei Miasnikov (amiasnik)

Alexei Miasnikov


Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science

Department of Mathematical Sciences

North Building 311
(201) 216-8321


Combinatorial, geometric, algorithmic and asymptotic group theoryAlgorithmic and model theoretic algebra. Mathematical logic and recursion theoryAverage and generic computational complexityCryptographyStatistical methods in pure mathematics

Institutional Service

  • SES Research Committee Member
  • SES Research Committee Member

Professional Service

  • Siberian Mathematical Journal Editor
  • Applied Discrete Mathematics Editor
  • The journal of Groups, Complexity, Cryptology Editor
  • Foundational Member of The Steering Committee of International Conferences GAGTA

Professional Societies

  • AMS – American Math Society Fellow

Selected Publications


  1. Bassino, F.; Kapovich, I.; Lohrey, M.; Miasnikov, A.; Nicaud, C.; Nikolaev, A.; Rivin, I.; Shpilrain, V.; Ushakov, A.; Weil, P. (2020). Complexity and randomness in group theory: GAGTA BOOK 1. Complexity and Randomness in Group Theory: GAGTA BOOK 1 (pp. 1-374).

Book Chapter

  1. Kharlampovich, O.; Myasnikov, A. (2021). 3 Quantifier elimination algorithm to boolean combination of ∃∀-formulas in the theory of a free group. Groups and Model Theory (pp. 87-126). De Gruyter.
  2. Kharlampovich, O.; Myasnikov, A.; Sohrabi, M. (2021). 4 Rich groups, weak second-order logic, and applications. Groups and Model Theory (pp. 127-192). De Gruyter.

Conference Proceeding

  1. Miasnikov, A.; Nikolaev, A. (2020). On Parameterized Complexity of the Word Search Problem in the Baumslag-Gersten Group. Proceedings of the 45th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (pp. 360–363). New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.

Journal Article

  1. Miasnikov, A.; Sohrabi, M. (2022). The Diophantine problem in the classical matrix groups.. No. Izvestiya Mathematics (6 ed., vol. 85). IOP Publishing Ltd..
  2. Miasnikov, A.; Amaglobeli, M.; Remeslennikov, V. (2022). Description of coordinate groups of irreducible algebraic sets over free 2-nilpotent groups. Doklady mathematics (2 ed., vol. 105). Springer.
  3. Grecianu, A.; Miasnikov, A.; Serbin, D. (2021). Hierarchy for groups acting on hyperbolic Z^n-spaces. International Journal of Algebra and Computation (8 ed., vol. 31, pp. 1663 - 1690). World Scientific.
  4. Miasnikov, A. G.; Sohrabi, M. (2021). Complete first-order theories of some classical matrix groups over algebraic integers. Journal of Algebra (vol. 582, pp. 206-231). Elsevier BV.
  5. Miasnikov, A.; Daniyarova, E.; Remeslennikov, V. (2021). Algebraic Geometry over Algebraic Structures. VIII. Geometric Equivalences and Special Classes of Algebraic Structures. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (6 ed., vol. 257, pp. 797-813). Springer.
  6. Miasnikov, A.; Garreta, A.; Ovchinnikov, D. (2020). Diophantine problem, full rank presentations, and random nilpotent groups. Journal of Algebra (vol. 556, pp. 1-34).
  7. Miasnikov, A.; Kharlampovich, O.; Lopez, L. (2020). Diophantine Problem in Some Metabelian Groups . Mathematics of Computation (325 ed., vol. 89, pp. 2507-2519).
  8. Sklinos, R.; Kharlampovich, O.; Miasnikov, A. (2019). Fraisse limits of limit groups. J. Algebra (545 ed., pp. 563-595). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  9. Taam, A.; Kharlampovich, O.; Miasnikov, A. (2019). Effective construction of covers of canonical Hom-diagrams for equations over torsion-free hyperbolic groups. Groups Complexity Cryptology (2 ed., vol. 11, pp. 83-101). Berlin: De Gruyter.
  10. MacDonald, J.; Miasnikov, A.; Ovchinnikov, D. (2019). Low-complexity computations for nilpotent subgroup problems. International Journal of Algebra and Computation (4 ed., vol. 29, pp. 639-661).
  11. Miasnikov, A.; Vassileva, S.; Weiß, A. (2019). The Conjugacy Problem in Free Solvable Groups and Wreath Products of Abelian Groups is in TC 0. Theory of Computing Systems (4 ed., vol. 63, pp. 809-832).
  12. Jain, S.; Miasnikov, A.; Stephan, F. (2019). The complexity of verbal languages over groups. Journal of Computer and System Sciences (vol. 101, pp. 68-85).
  13. Miasnikov, A. (2019). Undecidability of equations in free Lie algebras. Transactions of AMS (4 ed., vol. 371, pp. 2987-2999).
  14. Garreta, A.; Miasnikov, A.; Ovchinnikov, D. (2018). Random nilpotent groups, polycyclic presentations, and Diophantine problems. Groups, Complexity, Cryptology (2 ed., vol. 9, pp. 99-115).
  15. Miasnikov, A.; Kharlampovich, O. (2018). Undecidability of the first order theories of free non-commutative Lie algebras. Journal of Symbolic Logic (3 ed., vol. 83, pp. 1204-1216).
  16. Miasnikov, A. (2018). Algebraic geometry over algebraic structures X: Ordinal dimension. IJAC (8 ed., vol. 28, pp. 1425-1448).
  17. Miasnikov, A.; Romanovskii, N. (2018). Characterization of finitely generated groups by types. IJAC (8 ed., vol. 28, pp. 1613-1632).
  18. Miasnikov, A. (2018). Equations in Algebras. IJAC (8 ed., vol. 28, pp. 1517-1533).
  19. Miasnikov, A. (2018). What does a group algebra of a free group "know" about the group?. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (6 ed., vol. 169 (2018), pp. 523-547 ).