Ashley Lytle
Associate Professor of Psychology
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
- PhD (2016) Stony Brook University (Social/Health Psychology)
- MA (2013) Stony Brook University (Social/Health Psychology)
stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, intergroup relations, STEM engagement and retention, health, gender, sexual orientation, age, race/ethnicity, belief systems
Journal Articles
Lytle, A., Monahan, C., & Levy, S. R. (2023). Do media portrayals of super-agers reduce or increase ageism toward older adults? Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1080/02701960.2023.2218817
Russo, G. D., Lytle, A., Hoffenson, S., Wu, L., & Mahoney, C. (2023). An experimental study of consumer attitudes and intentions in electricity markets. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 100116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clrc.2023.100116
Nowacek, N., & Lytle, A. (2023). Using art and creative practice to provide education about ageism and age stereotypes. Educational Gerontology, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1080/03601277.2023.2184980
Lytle, A., & Shin, J. E. L. (2023). Self and professors’ incremental beliefs as predictors of STEM engagement among undergraduate students. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 21(3), 1013-1029. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-022-10272-8
Lytle, A. & Shin, J. (2023). Resilience and grit predict fewer academic and career concerns among first-year undergraduate students during COVID-19. Social Psychology of Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-022-09741-3
Lytle, A., Levy, S. R., & Macdonald, J. (2022). The worldwide ageism crisis. Journal of Social Issues
Zhao, Q., Zhuo, C., Landis, C., Lytle, A., Rao, A., Zanotto, D., & Guo, Y. (2022). Guided walking and gait monitoring by assistive robot and wearable sensors: Feasibility study with older adults. Wearable Technologies, 3, e28. https://doi.org/10.1017/wtc.2022.23
Lytle, A. & Levy, S.R. (2022). Reducing ageism toward older adults and highlighting older adults as contributors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Social Issues. https://doi.org/10.1111/josi.12545
Lytle, A., Macdonald, J., Monahan, C., Apriceno, M., Levy, S.R. (2022). Age stereotypes and perceived control of health predict COVID-19 health- and economy-focused beliefs. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships
Lytle, A., Macdonald, J., & Levy, S.R. (2022). An experimental investigation of a simulated online intergenerational friendship. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/02701960.2021.2023810
Lianidou, T., Lytle, A., & Kakarika, M. (2021). Deep-Level dissimilarity and leader-member exchange (LMX) quality: The role of status. Journal of Managerial Psychology
Lytle, A., Kowal, M., Macdonald, J., & Levy, S.R. (2021). An examination of intergenerational contact experiences using 10,338 journal entries from 2414 young adults. The Gerontologist. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnab171
Monahan, C., Lytle, A., Inman, E., Apriceno, M., Macdonald, J., & Levy, S.R. (2021). Endorsement of stereotypes of older adults, older men, and male leaders predict expected job performance, voting stance, and voting intentions in the 2020 election. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.
Apriceno, M., Lytle, A., Monahan, C., Macdonald, J., & Levy, S.R. (2021). Prioritizing healthcare and employment resources during COVID-19: Roles of benevolent and hostile ageism. The Gerontologist. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnaa165
Lytle, A., Apriceno, M., Macdonald, J., Monahan, C., & Levy, S.R. (2020). Pre-pandemic attitudes toward older adults predict behavioral intentions during COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Gerontology: Series B. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbaa210
Lytle, A., Macdonald, J., Apriceno, M., & Levy, S.R. (2020). Reducing ageism with brief videos about aging education, ageism, and intergenerational contact. The Gerontologist. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnaa167
Karl, K. & Lytle, A. (2020). Nuclear weapons risk communication: Evaluating the impact of message exposure and format. Journal of Risk Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/13669877.2020.1819387
Monahan, C., Macdonald, J., Lytle, A., Apriceno, M., & Levy, S.R. (2020). COVID-19 and ageism: How positive and negative responses impact older adults and society. American Psychologist, Advance Online Publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/amp0000699Monahan, C., Lytle, A.,
Lytle, A., Macdonald, J., Apriceno, M., & Levy, S.R. (2020). Reducing ageism with brief videos about aging education, ageism, and intergenerational contact. The Gerontologist. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnaa167
Karl, K. & Lytle, A. (2020). Nuclear weapons risk communication: Evaluating the impact of message exposure and format. Journal of Risk Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/13669877.2020.1819387
Lytle, A., Nowacek, N., & Levy, S. R. (2020). Instapals: Reducing ageism by facilitating intergenerational contact and providing aging education. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 41(3). https://doi.org/10.1080/02701960.2020.1737047
Lytle, A., & Shin, J.E. (2020). Incremental Beliefs, STEM Efficacy, and STEM Interest among First Year Undergraduate Students. Journal of Science Education and Technology
Lytle, A., & Karl, K. (2020). Understanding Americans’ perceptions of nuclear weapons risk and subsequent behavior. International Journal of Communications, 14, https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/12369/2909
Lytle, A., Apriceno, M., & Kowal, M. (2019). How intergroup contact and demographic factors influence attitudes towards and perceptions of addiction. Addiction Research and Theory. doi: 10.1080/16066359.2019.1680647
Lytle, A., Apriceno, M., Dyar, C., & Levy, S.R. (2018). Sexual Orientation and Gender Differences in Aging Perceptions and Concerns among Older Adults. Innovations in Aging, 2(3), 1-9. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igy036.
Lytle, A. (2018). Intergroup Contact Theory: Recent Developments and Future Directions. Social Justice Research, 31(4), 374-385.doi: 10.1007/s11211-018-0314-9
Bernardo, A., Levy, S. R., & Lytle, A. (2018). Culturally relevant meanings of the Protestant work ethic and attitudes towards poor persons. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 21, e40, 1-9. doi:10.1017/sjp.2018.48
Ramírez, L.F., Palacios-Espinosa, X., Dyar, C., Lytle, A., & Levy, S.R. (2018). The Relationships among Aging Stereotypes, Aging Anxiety, Social Support, Religiosity, and Expected Health among Colombians. Journal of Adult Development, 1-14. doi: 10.1007/s10804-018-9299-8
Lytle, A., Macdonald, J., Dyar, C., & Levy, S.R. (2018). Ageism and Sexism in the 2016 United States Presidential Election. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. doi: 10.1111/asap.12147
Lytle, A., & Levy, S.R. (2017). Reducing Ageism: Education about Aging and Extended Contact with Older Adults. The Gerontologist. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnx177.
Dyar, C., Lytle, A., London, B., & Levy, S. R. (2017). An experimental investigation of the application of binegative stereotypes. Psychology Of Sexual Orientation And Gender Diversity, 4(3), 314-327. doi:10.1037/sgd0000234
Lytle, A.,Dyar, C., Levy, S.R., & London, B. (2017). Contact with Bisexual Individuals Reduces Binegativity among Heterosexuals and Lesbian Women and Gay Men. European Journal of Social Psychology, doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2241.
Lytle, A., Dyar, C., Levy, S. R., & London, B. (2017). Essentialist beliefs: Understanding contact with and attitudes towards lesbian and gay individuals. British Journal Of Social Psychology, 56(1), 64-88. doi:10.1111/bjso.12154
Shin, J. E. L., Rosenthal, L., Levy, S. R., Lytle, A., London, B., & Lobel, M. (2016). The roles of the Protestant work ethic and perceived identity compatibility in graduate students' feelings and attitudes toward STEM and non-STEM fields. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 22, 309-327.
Lytle, A., & Levy, S. R. (2015). Reducing heterosexuals’ prejudice toward gay men and lesbian women via an induced cross-orientation friendship. Psychology Of Sexual Orientation And Gender Diversity, 2(4), 447-455. doi:10.1037/sgd0000135
Dyar, C., Lytle, A., London, B., & Levy, S.R. (2015). Application of bisexuality research to the development of a set of guidelines for intervention efforts to reduce binegativity. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 1(4), 352-362. doi:10.1037/tps0000045
Levy, S.R., Lytle, A., Monahan, C., Macdonald, J., & Apriceno, M. (2021). Ageism Reduction Programs. In Innovative Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Programs Across the World (pp. 219-231). Routledge. doi: 10/4324/9781003042464-16
Lytle, A. (2019). Heterosexism and ageism. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_596-1
Levy, S. R. & Lytle, A. (2019). Intergenerational programs on anti-ageism. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_598-1
Lytle, A. & Macdonald, J. (2019). Leadership, politics, and ageism. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_600-1
Levy, S. R., Apriceno, M., Macdonald, J., & Lytle, A. (2018). Ageism. In D. S. Dunn (Ed)., Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology. New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press.
Levy, S.R., Shin, J.E., Lytle, A., & Rosenthal, L. (2016). Systemic approaches to reduce prejudice in schools. In E.C. Lopez, S.G. Nahari, & S.L. Proctor (Eds.), The Handbook of Multicultural School Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Second Edition (pp. 237-257). New York, NY, US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group
Levy, S.R., Lytle, A., Shin, J.E., & Hughes, J. (2015). The development of prejudice and stereotypes in children and adolescents. In T. Nelson (Ed.). Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination: Second Edition. (pp. 455-583). New York, NY, US: Psychology Press.
Journal Articles
Lytle, A., Monahan, C., & Levy, S. R. (2023). Do media portrayals of super-agers reduce or increase ageism toward older adults? Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1080/02701960.2023.2218817
Russo, G. D., Lytle, A., Hoffenson, S., Wu, L., & Mahoney, C. (2023). An experimental study of consumer attitudes and intentions in electricity markets. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 100116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clrc.2023.100116
Nowacek, N., & Lytle, A. (2023). Using art and creative practice to provide education about ageism and age stereotypes. Educational Gerontology, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1080/03601277.2023.2184980
Lytle, A., & Shin, J. E. L. (2023). Self and professors’ incremental beliefs as predictors of STEM engagement among undergraduate students. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 21(3), 1013-1029. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-022-10272-8
Lytle, A. & Shin, J. (2023). Resilience and grit predict fewer academic and career concerns among first-year undergraduate students during COVID-19. Social Psychology of Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-022-09741-3
Lytle, A., Levy, S. R., & Macdonald, J. (2022). The worldwide ageism crisis. Journal of Social Issues
Zhao, Q., Zhuo, C., Landis, C., Lytle, A., Rao, A., Zanotto, D., & Guo, Y. (2022). Guided walking and gait monitoring by assistive robot and wearable sensors: Feasibility study with older adults. Wearable Technologies, 3, e28. https://doi.org/10.1017/wtc.2022.23
Lytle, A. & Levy, S.R. (2022). Reducing ageism toward older adults and highlighting older adults as contributors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Social Issues. https://doi.org/10.1111/josi.12545
Lytle, A., Macdonald, J., Monahan, C., Apriceno, M., Levy, S.R. (2022). Age stereotypes and perceived control of health predict COVID-19 health- and economy-focused beliefs. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships
Lytle, A., Macdonald, J., & Levy, S.R. (2022). An experimental investigation of a simulated online intergenerational friendship. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/02701960.2021.2023810
Lianidou, T., Lytle, A., & Kakarika, M. (2021). Deep-Level dissimilarity and leader-member exchange (LMX) quality: The role of status. Journal of Managerial Psychology
Lytle, A., Kowal, M., Macdonald, J., & Levy, S.R. (2021). An examination of intergenerational contact experiences using 10,338 journal entries from 2414 young adults. The Gerontologist. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnab171
Monahan, C., Lytle, A., Inman, E., Apriceno, M., Macdonald, J., & Levy, S.R. (2021). Endorsement of stereotypes of older adults, older men, and male leaders predict expected job performance, voting stance, and voting intentions in the 2020 election. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.
Apriceno, M., Lytle, A., Monahan, C., Macdonald, J., & Levy, S.R. (2021). Prioritizing healthcare and employment resources during COVID-19: Roles of benevolent and hostile ageism. The Gerontologist. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnaa165
Lytle, A., Apriceno, M., Macdonald, J., Monahan, C., & Levy, S.R. (2020). Pre-pandemic attitudes toward older adults predict behavioral intentions during COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Gerontology: Series B. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbaa210
Lytle, A., Macdonald, J., Apriceno, M., & Levy, S.R. (2020). Reducing ageism with brief videos about aging education, ageism, and intergenerational contact. The Gerontologist. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnaa167
Karl, K. & Lytle, A. (2020). Nuclear weapons risk communication: Evaluating the impact of message exposure and format. Journal of Risk Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/13669877.2020.1819387
Monahan, C., Macdonald, J., Lytle, A., Apriceno, M., & Levy, S.R. (2020). COVID-19 and ageism: How positive and negative responses impact older adults and society. American Psychologist, Advance Online Publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/amp0000699Monahan, C., Lytle, A.,
Lytle, A., Macdonald, J., Apriceno, M., & Levy, S.R. (2020). Reducing ageism with brief videos about aging education, ageism, and intergenerational contact. The Gerontologist. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnaa167
Karl, K. & Lytle, A. (2020). Nuclear weapons risk communication: Evaluating the impact of message exposure and format. Journal of Risk Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/13669877.2020.1819387
Lytle, A., Nowacek, N., & Levy, S. R. (2020). Instapals: Reducing ageism by facilitating intergenerational contact and providing aging education. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 41(3). https://doi.org/10.1080/02701960.2020.1737047
Lytle, A., & Shin, J.E. (2020). Incremental Beliefs, STEM Efficacy, and STEM Interest among First Year Undergraduate Students. Journal of Science Education and Technology
Lytle, A., & Karl, K. (2020). Understanding Americans’ perceptions of nuclear weapons risk and subsequent behavior. International Journal of Communications, 14, https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/12369/2909
Lytle, A., Apriceno, M., & Kowal, M. (2019). How intergroup contact and demographic factors influence attitudes towards and perceptions of addiction. Addiction Research and Theory. doi: 10.1080/16066359.2019.1680647
Lytle, A., Apriceno, M., Dyar, C., & Levy, S.R. (2018). Sexual Orientation and Gender Differences in Aging Perceptions and Concerns among Older Adults. Innovations in Aging, 2(3), 1-9. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igy036.
Lytle, A. (2018). Intergroup Contact Theory: Recent Developments and Future Directions. Social Justice Research, 31(4), 374-385.doi: 10.1007/s11211-018-0314-9
Bernardo, A., Levy, S. R., & Lytle, A. (2018). Culturally relevant meanings of the Protestant work ethic and attitudes towards poor persons. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 21, e40, 1-9. doi:10.1017/sjp.2018.48
Ramírez, L.F., Palacios-Espinosa, X., Dyar, C., Lytle, A., & Levy, S.R. (2018). The Relationships among Aging Stereotypes, Aging Anxiety, Social Support, Religiosity, and Expected Health among Colombians. Journal of Adult Development, 1-14. doi: 10.1007/s10804-018-9299-8
Lytle, A., Macdonald, J., Dyar, C., & Levy, S.R. (2018). Ageism and Sexism in the 2016 United States Presidential Election. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. doi: 10.1111/asap.12147
Lytle, A., & Levy, S.R. (2017). Reducing Ageism: Education about Aging and Extended Contact with Older Adults. The Gerontologist. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnx177.
Dyar, C., Lytle, A., London, B., & Levy, S. R. (2017). An experimental investigation of the application of binegative stereotypes. Psychology Of Sexual Orientation And Gender Diversity, 4(3), 314-327. doi:10.1037/sgd0000234
Lytle, A.,Dyar, C., Levy, S.R., & London, B. (2017). Contact with Bisexual Individuals Reduces Binegativity among Heterosexuals and Lesbian Women and Gay Men. European Journal of Social Psychology, doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2241.
Lytle, A., Dyar, C., Levy, S. R., & London, B. (2017). Essentialist beliefs: Understanding contact with and attitudes towards lesbian and gay individuals. British Journal Of Social Psychology, 56(1), 64-88. doi:10.1111/bjso.12154
Shin, J. E. L., Rosenthal, L., Levy, S. R., Lytle, A., London, B., & Lobel, M. (2016). The roles of the Protestant work ethic and perceived identity compatibility in graduate students' feelings and attitudes toward STEM and non-STEM fields. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 22, 309-327.
Lytle, A., & Levy, S. R. (2015). Reducing heterosexuals’ prejudice toward gay men and lesbian women via an induced cross-orientation friendship. Psychology Of Sexual Orientation And Gender Diversity, 2(4), 447-455. doi:10.1037/sgd0000135
Dyar, C., Lytle, A., London, B., & Levy, S.R. (2015). Application of bisexuality research to the development of a set of guidelines for intervention efforts to reduce binegativity. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 1(4), 352-362. doi:10.1037/tps0000045
Levy, S.R., Lytle, A., Monahan, C., Macdonald, J., & Apriceno, M. (2021). Ageism Reduction Programs. In Innovative Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Programs Across the World (pp. 219-231). Routledge. doi: 10/4324/9781003042464-16
Lytle, A. (2019). Heterosexism and ageism. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_596-1
Levy, S. R. & Lytle, A. (2019). Intergenerational programs on anti-ageism. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_598-1
Lytle, A. & Macdonald, J. (2019). Leadership, politics, and ageism. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_600-1
Levy, S. R., Apriceno, M., Macdonald, J., & Lytle, A. (2018). Ageism. In D. S. Dunn (Ed)., Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology. New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press.
Levy, S.R., Shin, J.E., Lytle, A., & Rosenthal, L. (2016). Systemic approaches to reduce prejudice in schools. In E.C. Lopez, S.G. Nahari, & S.L. Proctor (Eds.), The Handbook of Multicultural School Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Second Edition (pp. 237-257). New York, NY, US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group
Levy, S.R., Lytle, A., Shin, J.E., & Hughes, J. (2015). The development of prejudice and stereotypes in children and adolescents. In T. Nelson (Ed.). Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination: Second Edition. (pp. 455-583). New York, NY, US: Psychology Press.
General Information
Lytle's research explores how prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping impact academic, social, and health outcomes among marginalized groups.
Institutional Service
- HASS Curriculum Committee Member
- Chair for Psychology NTT Search Committee Chair
- Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC) Member
- Search Committee for: Assistant Professor of Quantitative Social Science Member
- Director for Technology Transfer and New Ventures Member
- Junior Faculty Board of Representatives Member
- Search committee for Vice President for Research and Innovation Member
- Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC) Member
- Junior Faculty Board of Representatives Member
- Board of Trustees - Facilities Committee Member
- Search Committee for: Assistant Professor of Quantitative Sociology Member
- Quantitative Social Science Search Committee Member
- Academic Appeals Committee Member
- Task Force on Mental Health Member
- Safe Zone Facilitator Member
- Search Committee for Assistant Professor of Quantitative Social Science Member
- Improving the Evaluation of Teaching Member
- Young Alumni Board of Trustee Selection Committee Member
- External search committee member for the School of Business Richard R. Roscitt Endowed Chair in Leadership Member
Professional Service
- Journal Reviewer
- Journal Reviewer
Honors and Awards
2016 - President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
2015 - Department of Psychology Award for Excellence in Teaching, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
2009 - Phi Beta Kappa, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, USA
2015 - Department of Psychology Award for Excellence in Teaching, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
2009 - Phi Beta Kappa, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, USA
Professional Societies
- GSA – Gerontological Society of America Member
- GSA – Gerontological Society of America Member
- APA – American Psychological Association Member
Grants, Contracts and Funds
2022: America’s Talent Initiative (ATI) Promising Practice Accelerator award: Assessing ADAPT’s Promise to Bridge Equity-Based Retention Gaps in STEM (PIs: Frank Fisher, Alex De Rosa, Ashley Lytle, & J. Nimar).
2022 – 2028: National Science Foundation: Fostering Adaptive Expertise to Increase Retention and Graduation of Low-Income STEM Students (PI: Frank Fisher, Co-PIs: Ashley Lytle, Alex De Rosa, Susan Metz, Jean Zu).
2020 - 2023: National Science Foundation: Supporting Sustainable Evolution of Electrical Energy Systems via Closed-Loop Consumer Behavior and Market System Modeling (PI: Steven Hoffenson, Co-PIs: Ashley Lytle, Lei Wu).
2018 - 2022: National Science Foundation: Aging In Place Through Enhanced Mobility and Social Connectedness: An Integrated Robot and Wearable Sensor Approach (PI: Yi Guo, Co-PI: Ashley Lytle, Co-PI: Damiano Zanotto).
2017 - 2018: Thompson Family Foundation: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Nuclear RiskCommunication Tools (PI: Kristyn Karl, Co-PI: Ashley Lytle).
2017 - 2018: Stevens Institute of Technology: Intergenerational Contact (PI: Ashley Lytle).
2022 – 2028: National Science Foundation: Fostering Adaptive Expertise to Increase Retention and Graduation of Low-Income STEM Students (PI: Frank Fisher, Co-PIs: Ashley Lytle, Alex De Rosa, Susan Metz, Jean Zu).
2020 - 2023: National Science Foundation: Supporting Sustainable Evolution of Electrical Energy Systems via Closed-Loop Consumer Behavior and Market System Modeling (PI: Steven Hoffenson, Co-PIs: Ashley Lytle, Lei Wu).
2018 - 2022: National Science Foundation: Aging In Place Through Enhanced Mobility and Social Connectedness: An Integrated Robot and Wearable Sensor Approach (PI: Yi Guo, Co-PI: Ashley Lytle, Co-PI: Damiano Zanotto).
2017 - 2018: Thompson Family Foundation: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Nuclear RiskCommunication Tools (PI: Kristyn Karl, Co-PI: Ashley Lytle).
2017 - 2018: Stevens Institute of Technology: Intergenerational Contact (PI: Ashley Lytle).
Selected Publications
Book Chapter
- Levy, S. R.; Lytle, A.; Monahan, C.; Macdonald, J.; Apriceno, M. (2021). Ageism Reduction Programs. . Innovative Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Programs..
- Levy, S. R.; Lytle, A. (2019). Intergenerational programs on anti-ageism. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer .
https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_598-1. - Lytle, A.; Macdonald, J. (2019). Leadership, politics, and ageism.. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer .
https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_600-1. - Lytle, A. (2019). Heterosexism and ageism. . Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging (978-3-319-69892-2 ed.). Springer.
Conference Proceeding
- Fontaine, M.; Fisher, F.; Lytle, A. (2024). Establishing Baseline Measurements of Adaptive Expertise in First-Year STEM Students. ASEE.
https://peer.asee.org/establishing-baseline-measurements-of-adaptive-expertise-in-first-year-stem-students. - Dello Rosso, G.; Lytle, A.; Hoffenson, S.; Wu, L. (2023). An Experimental Study of the Effect of Monetary Incentives and Fees on Consumer Energy Behavioral Intentions. The Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on System Engineering Research-System Engineering Towards a Smart and Sustainable.
- De Rosa, A.; Lytle, A.; Fontaine, M.; Fisher, F. (2023). Adaptive Expertise: A potential tool for supporting S-STEM student retention and graduation. ASEE.
https://peer.asee.org/board-209-adaptive-expertise-a-potential-tool-for-supporting-s-stem-student-retention-and-graduation. - De Rosa, A.; Lytle, A.; Fisher, F. (2023). Adaptive Expertise: A Potential Tool for Supporting S-STEM Student Retention and Graduation. Baltimore, MD: 2023 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference.
- De Rosa, A.; Buckley, J.; Fisher, F.; Lytle, A. (2023). Measuring adaptiveness among college students and working professionals. Penn State University, State College, Pennsylvania: 2023 ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Spring Conference.
- De Rosa, A.; Fisher, F.; Fontaine, M.; Lytle, A. (2022). Measurements of Adaptive Expertise among low-income STEM students. Penn State University Harrisburg, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: 2022 ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Fall Conference.
- Dello Russo, G.; Hoffenson, S.; Lytle, A.; Wu, L. (2022). Agent-Based Modeling of Consumer and Producer Behavior in Sustainable Energy Markets. Denver, CO: IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting.
- Lytle, A.; De Rosa, A.; Fisher, F. (2021). A review of psychosocial factors associated with undergraduate engagement and retention in STEM. 2021 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Fall Conference .
- Lytle, A.; Macdonald, J.; Dyar, C.; Levy, S. R. (2018). Ageism and Sexism in the 2016 United States Presidential Election. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy (1 ed., vol. 18, pp. 81-104).
Erratum, Journal
- Lytle, A.; Shin, J. E. (2020). Correction to: Incremental Beliefs, STEM Efficacy and STEM Interest among First-Year Undergraduate Students (Journal of Science Education and Technology, (2020), 29, 2, (272-281), 10.1007/s10956-020-09813-z). Journal of Science Education and Technology (2 ed., vol. 29, pp. 282).
Journal Article
- Lytle, A. (2024). Reducing ageism: comparing the efficacy of videos, written information, and infographics as intervention mediums. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education .
- Shin, L.; Lytle, A. (2024). The roles of impostorism and academic help-seeking in undergraduate students’ sense of belonging and college completion intention. Social Psychology of Education.
- Lytle, A.; Nowacek, N. (2024). Between Islands – an intergenerational contact and creative practice program. . Journal of Intergenerational Relationships.
- Lytle, A. (2023). Do media portrayals of super-agers reduce or increase ageism toward older adults? . Gerontology & Geriatrics Education,.
- Lytle, A.; Shin, J. E. (2023). Resilience and grit predict fewer academic and career concerns among first-year undergraduate students during COVID-19.. Social Psychology of Education.
- Lytle, A.; Shin, J. E. (2023). Self and professors’ incremental beliefs as predictors of STEM engagement among undergraduate students. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.
- Lytle, A.; Nowacek, N. (2023). Using art and creative practice to provide education about ageism and age stereotypes. . Educational Gerontology.
- Russo, G. D.; Hoffenson, S.; Lytle, A.; Wu, L. (2023). An Experimental Study of Consumer Attitudes and Intentions in Electricity Markets. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption.
- Lytle, A.; Macdonald, J.; Monahan, C.; Apriceno, M.; Levy, S. (2022). Age stereotypes and perceived control of health predict COVID-19 health- and economy-focused beliefs. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships.
- Lytle, A.; Levy, S. (2022). Reducing ageism toward older adults and highlighting older adults as contributors during the COVID-19 pandemic.. Journal of Social Issues.
- Lytle, A.; Levy, S.; Macdonald, J. (2022). The worldwide ageism crisis. Journal of Social Issues.
- Lytle, A.; Macdonald, J.; Levy, S. (2022). An Experimental Investigation of a Simulated Online Intergenerational Friendship. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education. .
- Lytle, A.; Shin, J. (2022). Self and Professors’ Incremental Beliefs as Predictors of STEM Engagement among Undergraduate Students. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education..
- Lytle, A.; Apriceno, M. (2022). Understanding intergenerational tension during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of ambivalent ageism. . Journal of Intergenerational Relationships.
- Lytle, A.; , M.; Macdonald, J.; Levy, S. (2021). An examination of intergenerational contact experiences using 10,338 journal entries from 2414 young adults. . The Gerontologist. .
- Lytle, A.; Kowal, M.; Macdonald, J.; Levy, S. (2021). An Examination of Intergenerational Contact Experiences Using 10,338 Journal Entries from 2414 Young Adults Across 11 years. The Gerontologist.
- Lianidou, T.; Lytle, A.; Kakarika, M. (2021). Deep-Level dissimilarity and leader-member exchange (LMX) quality: The role of status. . Journal of Managerial Psychology.
- Monahan, C.; Lytle, A.; Inman, E.; Macdonald, J.; Apriceno, M.; Levy, S. (2021). Endorsement of Stereotypes of Older Adults, Older Men, and Male Leaders Predict Expected Job Performance, Voting Stance, and Voting Intentions in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.
- Lytle, A.; Macdonald, J.; Apriceno, M.; Levy, S. (2021). Reducing ageism with brief Videos about aging education, ageism, and intergenerational contact. . The Gerontologist. The Gerontologist.
- Apriceno, M.; Lytle, A.; Monahan, C.; Macdonald, J.; Levy, S. (2021). Prioritizing Healthcare and Employment Resources during COVID-19: Roles of Benevolent and Hostile Ageism. . The Gerontologist. The Gerontologist.
- Karl, K.; Lytle, A. (2020). Nuclear Threat Risk Communication: Evaluating the Impact of Message Exposure and Format. Journal of Risk Research. Glen Ridge.
- Lytle, A.; Apriceno, M.; Macdonald, J.; Monahan, C.; Levy, S. (2020). Pre-pandemic attitudes toward older adults predict behavioral intentions during COVID-19 pandemic. . Journal of Gerontology: Series B.. Journal of Gerontology: Series B..
- Monahan, C.; Macdonald, J.; Lytle, A.; Apriceno, M. B.; Levy, S. R. (2020). COVID-19 and Ageism: How positive and negative responses impact older adults and society. American Psychologist (7 ed., vol. 75, pp. 887-896).
- Lytle, A.; Apriceno, M. B.; Kowal, M. (2020). How intergroup contact and demographic factors influence attitudes toward and perceptions of addiction. Addiction Research and Theory (5 ed., vol. 28, pp. 425-432).
- Lytle, A.; Nowacek, N.; Levy, S. R. (2020). Instapals: Reducing ageism by facilitating intergenerational contact and providing aging education. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education (3 ed., vol. 41, pp. 308-319).
- Monahahn, C.; Macdonald, J.; Lytle, A.; Apriceno, M.; Levy, S. (2020). COVID-19 and ageism: How positive and negative responses impact older adults and society. . American Psychologist. American Psychologist.
- Lytle, A.; Shin, J. E. (2020). Incremental Beliefs, STEM Efficacy and STEM Interest Among First-Year Undergraduate Students. Journal of Science Education and Technology (2 ed., vol. 29, pp. 272-281).
- Lytle, A.; Nowacek, N. (2020). Instapals: Reducing ageism by facilitating intergenerational contact and providing aging education. .
- Lytle, A.; Shin, J. L. (2020). Incremental beliefs, STEM efficacy, and STEM interest among first year undergraduate students. . Journal of Science Techology and Education (pp. 1-10).
- Lytle, A.; Karl, K. (2020). Understanding Americans’ Attitudes toward Nuclear Weapons and Estimated Risk of Nuclear Attack. International Journal of Communication (14 ed., pp. 299-323). International Journal of Communication.
- Monahan, C.; Lytle, A.; Apriceno, M.; Macdonald, J.; Inman, E.; Levy, S. R. (2020). Endorsement of Stereotypes of Older Adults, Older Men, and Male Leaders Predict Expected Job Performance, Voting Stance, and Voting Intentions in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.
- Karl, K.; Lytle, A. (2020). Nuclear weapons risk communication: evaluating the impact of message exposure and format. Journal of Risk Research.
- Lytle, A.; Apriceno, M.; Kowal, M. (2019). How Intergroup Contact and Demographic Factors Influence Attitudes towards and Perceptions of Addiction. Addiction Research and Theory .
- Lytle, A.; Levy, S. R. (2019). Reducing ageism: Education about aging and extended contact with older adults. Gerontologist (3 ed., vol. 59, pp. 580-588).
- Lytle, A.; Apriceno, M.; Dyar, C.; Levy, S. R. (2018). Sexual Orientation and Gender Differences in Aging Perceptions and Concerns among Older Adults. Innovations in Aging (3 ed., vol. 2, pp. 1-9).
- Lytle, A.; Dyar, C.; Levy, S. R.; London, B. (2017). Contact with bisexual individuals reduces binegativity among heterosexuals and lesbian women and gay men. European Journal of Social Psychology (5 ed., vol. 47, pp. 580-599).
- Lytle, A.; Dyar, C.; Levy, S. R.; London, B. (2017). Essentialist beliefs: Understanding contact with and attitudes towards lesbian and gay individuals. British Journal of Social Psychology (1 ed., vol. 56, pp. 64-88).
- Dyar, C.; Lytle, A.; London, B.; Levy, S. R. (2017). An experimental investigation of the application of binegative stereotypes. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity (3 ed., vol. 4, pp. 314-327).
Magazine/Trade Publication
- Karl, K.; Lytle, A. (2019). This is not a drill: Lessons from the false Hawaiian missile alert. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist.
Newspaper Article
- Karl, K.; Lytle, A.; Wellerstein, A. (2019). A nuclear bomb might not kill you. But not knowing how to respond might.. Washington Post.
- Lytle, A.; Shin, J. E. (2020). Correction to: Incremental Beliefs, STEM Efficacy and STEM Interest among First-Year Undergraduate Students (Journal of Science Education and Technology, (2020), 29, 2, (272-281), 10.1007/s10956-020-09813-z). Journal of Science Education and Technology (2 ed., vol. 29, pp. 282).
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