Internal Bridges
Stevens continues to have a healthy fiscal profile, despite numerous unanticipated budgetary impacts this year. During FY20, the Budget Advisory Committee unanimously endorsed the continued use and fine-tuning of the Responsibility Center Management model. The School of Business successfully finished its reaccreditation with the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, and external unit reviews were completed for two academic units. Administrative unit reviews for three units were started but paused in March 2020 due to the many urgent demands associated with the global pandemic. Stevens’ reliance on its technology enterprise was tested during a cyberattack in August 2019 and then again as an abrupt switch to remote teaching and business operations was implemented in March 2020. New cybersecurity initiatives to improve Stevens’ security posture were put in place, substantial progress was made on the Workday Student project, and best-in-class technology for teaching and learning was quickly implemented to support remote operations. A strong and accomplished new Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer was also recruited.
The Gateway Academic Center was completed, numerous renovations and upgrades were made throughout the campus, and significant progress was made on the construction of the Student Housing/University Center project, with a target completion date of May 2022.