Ph.D. Studies at Stevens
Why Stevens for Your Ph.D.
By the Numbers
Student & Alumni Showcase

Mohamed Abdelkader
Abdelkader analyzes satellite images of rivers, lakes, ice and other features, helping key agencies like NASA, NOAA and USDA plan and prepare for floods, water shortages and other emergencies.

Vishakha Sharma
As senior principal data scientist at Roche, Vishakha Sharma M.S. ’09 Ph.D. ’15 is transforming healthcare diagnostics through a line of software applications that reduce time to treatment and support improvements to clinical care.

Alaa Ahmed
Ahmed, '23, conducted research at our world-renowned Davidson Lab to design and test a new energy converter that turns wave power into usable electricity.

Louis Gomez
To pursue his Ph.D., Louis Gomez selected a Stevens computer science lab to develop AI-driven methods to inform better medical decisions.
Research News
Featured Faculty

Professor Johannes Weickenmeier
An NSF CAREER Award recipient, his research focuses on neurodegenerative disease at Stevens' Center for Neuromechanics.

Dr. Ying Wang
Recognized for her research at the intersection of AI, cybersecurity, healthcare and wireless infrastructure.

Professor Muhammed Hajj
Director of the Davidson Laboratory, Hajj leads resiliency research at Stevens. The university recently received nearly $1 million in Federal funding for flood prediction research.