Stevens Employees to Show Off Duck Pride on Red and Gray Fridays
Starting this Friday, March 31, Stevens faculty and staff are encouraged to celebrate school spirit by wearing Stevens red and gray. Whether on campus or working remotely, participation in Red and Gray Fridays aims to foster a spirit of camaraderie in the workplace.
“This initiative is intended to create a livelier and more engaging atmosphere in the workplace and to strengthen the sense of community and belonging among our team members,” says Vice President for Human Resources and Chief Human Resources Officer Sheraine Gilliam.
While wearing any type of red and gray clothing is encouraged to show your pride, the Office of the President and the Division of Human Resources will be distributing newly branded Stevens T-shirts to all employees in the coming weeks.
Red and Gray Fridays participants are encouraged to share their school spirit on social media using the hashtags #redandgrayfridays and #stevensinstituteoftechnology.
Other upcoming Employee Connection Events include the annual Employee Recognition Ceremony and Brunch and Attila’s Spirit Day, both on April 26, and Stevens’ first Bring Your Child to Work Day on April 27.