Campus & Community

CRAFT Hosts Fall 2024 Reception

The Center for Research toward Advancing Financial Technologies (CRAFT) recently held its Fall 2024 reception at the Stevens Institute of Technology campus in Hoboken

The event began with CRAFTs director, Dr. Steve Yang, detailing the government, universities, and industry roles in National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers and the current fintech research ecosystem. Dr. Yang also provided an update on the CRAFTs research roadmap, which will continue its focus on AI, language AI, decentralized finance, blockchain and quantum technology.

Stevens Ph.D. student Dong Woo Kim presented an Ignition project on "Efficient Quantum Partial Differential Equation Solvers for Finance,” led by primary investigators Chihoon Lee and Zhenyu Cui. The main objective of this project is to explore the use cases and evaluate the potential of recent advances in quantum computing to partial differential equations (PDEs) arising in financial applications.

This was followed by a presentation about the CRAFT proposal process by Stevens assistant professor Zachary Feinstein, the director of the Fintech Certificate Program. 

The evening concluded with a networking session between academics and industry professionals.