Celebrating the School of Business Class of 2024

Excitement filled the PNC Bank Arts Center on Wednesday, May 22 as more than 600 undergraduate and graduate members of the School of Business Class of 2024 eagerly awaited to walk across the stage to receive their diplomas in recognition of their hard work and persistence during their time at Stevens Institute of Technology. Thousands of family members and friends joined these graduates to commemorate the milestone occasion during each respective ceremony.

Marques Brownlee ’15 — also known as MKBHD — is a video producer, host, tech-reviewer and Internet personality best known for his technology-focused YouTube channel provided the commencement speech during the undergraduate ceremony. “Find something that gets you excited,” he encouraged the graduating class. “This is the perfect time to take a minute and ask yourself those big questions, like ‘Who am I?’ ‘What do I really want to do?’ ‘What do I care about?’ ‘How do I make an impact?’ But whatever it is you decide to do, making a dent in the universe is much easier when it’s a part of the universe that you care deeply about.”

Michael Kakos MMS ’71, a respected scientist, entrepreneur and global business leader, gave the remarks during the graduate ceremony, highlighting Stevens’ global community. “I’m impressed by the fact that you represent some 14 countries, from Afghanistan to Australia, India to Sierra Leone, Saudi Arabia to Sweden, Korea to the United States. You brought your talents and life experiences to this community.” He encouraged graduates to leverage their education to help those struggling. “They need your technical and analytics skills to solve the world’s greatest challenges and they need you to image a better future.”

Meet the Class of 2024

Graduates from across the School of Business shared their future plans, reflected on their time at the School of Business and Stevens and offered advice for future students.

Amna Shamshad | Master of Science in Business Intelligence and Analytics

Headshot of Amna ShamshaAfter graduation, I will be working as a Siemens Graduate Engineer at Siemens Smart Infrastructure.

The School of Business prepared me by equipping me with the critical thinking and technical skills necessary to thrive in a rapidly evolving tech-centric business environment.

I will miss the collaborative community and the invaluable mentorships I've experienced during my time at Stevens School of Business the most.

To future students, I advise embracing every learning opportunity, step out of the comfort zone and actively seek out internships that align with your career aspirations to gain practical experience.

Arjun Koshal | Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance

Headshot of Arjun KoshalI will join Merck as a Statistical Programming Scientist on the clinical trials team. My next goal will be to pursue a graduate degree in applied mathematics or machine learning.

The faculty, advisors, and peers encouraged me in all my pursuits throughout my time at Stevens. I am very grateful for the lessons they taught me along the way.

I will miss the wonderful campus life, the city of Hoboken and the amazing views from my dorm on the 19th floor of the North Tower.

Try to push for campus opportunities like TA, RA, and peer tutoring. These roles will allow you to develop strong relationships with your professors and peers, prepare you for internship positions, and eventually lead to career development.

Jenna Rubenchik | Master of Science in Financial Engineering

Headshot of Jenna RubenSince graduating in December, I’ve been working as a Market Risk Analyst for JPMorgan Chase & Co., specifically working on the FRTB implementation of the Basel rules.

The most valuable skill I’ve attained from my education is the ability to problem-solve and think critically. This has instilled in me the confidence to approach problems logically, analytically and with composure.

Aside from the stunning views and the lively Hoboken atmosphere, I miss the Stevens community. I have met so many inspiring and brilliant individuals who have become my closest friends and were even at my wedding!

Be open to all possibilities. You may think you know what you’re interested in but be sure to learn about concepts you wouldn’t think you’d like. You will discover new passions, friendships, and valuable skills.

Lea Burton | Bachelor of Science in Business, Marketing Innovation and Analytics

Headshot of Lea BurtonSince earning my Bachelor of Science in business a semester early, I’ve been living my post-grad plan: working full-time in Manhattan as an Executive at Brunswick Group, a strategic communications advisory firm that helps companies and their top leadership navigate critical issues like financial situations, litigations, crisis, and social dilemmas.

The School of Business paralleled and prepared me for “the real world” in that both insist one juggle high expectations, tight deadlines, unfamiliar situations and challenging assignments while having to prioritize everything else in life.

I’ll miss the supportive community, walking through a beautiful campus full of familiar faces daily, and constantly learning new things.

Give your all in what is important to you, you will never regret doing your best. Also, savor it and be kind, life is fleeting and we’re all just humans.

Matthew Crowley | Master of Science in Management

Headshot of Matthew CrowleyI will be joining Ernst & Young this upcoming summer as a full-time FSO Tax Staff in their Diversified Staff Group based out of the New York City office.

The Stevens School of Business prepared me by putting me in courses with wonderful teachers and students alike. I have built strong connections with profound professors who have shown their students how to continuously learn and grow through every obstacle thrown their way.

I am going to miss the everyday interactions with the friends I have gained through Stevens the most. Whether it be from classes, athletics, Greek life or clubs I have met lifelong friends during my time here and I cannot wait to see everything they accomplish!

Work hard and find joy in everything you do! Your time at Stevens will be difficult but rewarding. Being able to navigate this journey with a dedicated mind and a smile on your face will make it all worthwhile.

Natalie Zoladkiewicz | Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

Natalie ZoladkiewiczAfter graduating, I will be working full-time at JPMorgan Chase as a Software Engineer based in the New York Metro area.

The School of Business provided me with a solid business understanding, allowing me to implement software solutions that align with the client's needs. This background in a traditionally non-business role provides me with a unique perspective, enabling me to communicate with cross-functional teams more effectively.

The close-knit community of students and professors is what I will miss most about Stevens. Although tough academically, Stevens offered a support system to help me excel.

Be open-minded and use your first-year courses to discover your interests. I walked into Stevens with no coding experience and walked out with a technical role, all because I enjoyed my first computer science class and adjusted my curriculum around that interest.

Nathanael Vachon | Bachelor of Science in Business and Technology: Marketing & Information Systems

Headshot of Nathanael VachonMy post-grad plans involve me working full-time for Uber Technologies as an Ads Localization Project Manager, which essentially means I coordinate the translation of sales materials for our global markets. I’ll stay with Uber until July, when I’ll leave to join IBM as an Automation Consultant, serving federal agencies to improve their data systems & processes.

The School of Business supplied me with hard skills, such as process mapping, that will be critical to my success at IBM, while also cultivating my social skills, including conversation and curiosity, which have unlocked the career opportunities that I’ve now seized.

What I’ll miss most about my time at Stevens is the feeling of being at the epicenter of innovation and hard work, both due to the cultures of Stevens and, on a larger scale, New York City. I felt like I was in a place that generated opportunities and excitement every day.

My advice for future students/first-years is two-fold. First, if you recognize your fear of something, such as a subject matter (for me, it was science/computer science) or social event, pursue that thing in which you fear; don’t let it guide your decision-making and cause you to miss out on things that could be fulfilling to your spirit. Second, get comfortable with failure by doing a lot of things, especially things you know will be challenging. Learn to process failure/disappointment and learn to bounce back.

Om Mehta | Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance

Headshot of Om MehtaI am attending UChicago's M.S. in Financial Mathematics program and interning at Jefferies as a Market Risk summer associate this summer.

The school of business' SHIFT trading competition and coursework throughout my four years prepared me.

The fact that I was able to make a difference, leading the Python for Business club and being a TA, in addition to SSMIF and other activities was what I appreciated most about this school. I was a very average high school student at best. So, the ease of going from that to what I am now is something I'm very grateful that this school provided––equal opportunity.

Never take your foot off the gas, celebrate the small victories, even if they don't seem worth it to you, and always know: there's someone who's had it worse and done it better––so continue putting in the work to be great.

Parth Chaitanya Ashar | Master of Science in Information Systems

Headshot of Parth Chaitanya AsharPost-graduation, I'm eager to explore the intersection of AI with business and risk. My goal is to leverage advanced technologies to drive innovation within the tech industry, building on my background and experiences.

The School of Business at Stevens not only enriched my knowledge but also shaped my character. The encouragement and support from faculty and staff have been pivotal in transforming educational challenges into opportunities for personal and professional growth. I've emerged as a more resilient and insightful individual, deeply transformed by each experience and interaction.

I’ll particularly miss my time as a Graduate Assistant at the front desk of the School of Business, where I had the incredible opportunity to foster collective mutual growth among my peers. Every diverse encounter on our vibrant campus, set against the backdrop of NYC's breathtaking skyline, taught me something new. Most importantly, I'll miss Megan, my manager, who was always much more than just a boss to me.

Embrace every challenge and opportunity. The journey beyond your comfort zone is where significant growth and learning occur. I am passionate about guiding those embarking on similar paths; the rewards and possibilities are truly boundless.

Shweta Churi | Master of Science in Information Systems

Headshot of Shweta ChuriI look forward to working as a product manager in a growing company where I can apply the skills I learned from my course. I am eager to collaborate with a team and tackle real-world problems, leveraging my knowledge and experience to drive meaningful projects and deliver impactful solutions.

The School of Business provided a comprehensive foundation that has thoroughly prepared me for the next phase of my life. I have gained a deep understanding of key business principles and strategies. The emphasis on real-world applications and problem-solving has equipped me with the necessary skills. Furthermore, the mentorship and guidance from experienced faculty members have been invaluable in shaping my professional development. The opportunities to work on diverse projects and participate in networking events have broadened my perspective and strengthened my ability to work effectively in teams.

The breathtaking NYC skyline views and, most importantly, the incredible people I met during my time there. The friendships and connections I've made with classmates, faculty, and staff have been invaluable. The supportive community and collaborative environment truly made my experience special.

My advice to future students is to be yourself, don't try to fit in. The right people will find you. Stay curious, be proactive, and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Engage actively in your classes and don't hesitate to ask questions or seek help from professors and peers. Make sure to participate in extracurricular activities, and networking events as these experiences are invaluable for your personal and professional growth.

Yash Jalan | Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance

Headshot of Yash JalanI will be working at Bank of America on the Interest Rate and FX Solutions desk as an analyst.

The School of Business helped me build a strong foundation in technical skills, gain real-life applications through different organizations and form a network. Most importantly, I learned to work in a collaborative environment and find my niche within team dynamics. Having this experience will serve me well as I enter my career.

Some of the things I will miss will be the view that you get from Babbio, the friendships that I made along the way and the faculty I was able to form a close relationship with.

Nothing is ever as important as it seems in the moment. While most of your focus may be on the tests or job interviews you have, remember that the impact you make, the people you surround yourself with, and the knowledge you’ve gained are the components of your Stevens experience that will stay ingrained in you forever.