
Many Stevens students devoted this summer to intensive research and service learning projects.

Summertime, and the livin’ is ... easy? Not so for many Stevens students, who use the summer months to engage in intensive research or service learning projects. 

The Facts

223: Number of undergraduate students who conducted research on Stevens’ campus this past summer  

13: Number of undergraduate students who conducted research at off-campus locations such as Syracuse University and the University of Liverpool 

75: Number of Ph.D. students who dedicated their summer to pursuing their research fields — 62 from the School of Engineering and Science, 13 from the School of Business and two in interdisciplinary data science 

93: Number of students who participated in study, service learning, internships or research abroad, spanning the globe from Morocco and New Zealand to Spain and China 

175: Number of undergraduates doing research as part of the Pinnacle Scholars Summer Research Program