Charge Adjustment Schedule

Fall and Spring Academic Semesters

Through the first week of the semester (less deposits) - Tuition and Fees


After the first week of the semester through the second week of the semester - Tuition Only


After the second week of the semester through the fourth week - Tuition Only


After the fourth week of the semester through the seventh week - Tuition Only




*Includes StevensOnline Courses

Summer Sessions

Through the first day of classes (less deposits) - Tuition and Fees


After the first day of the session through the first week of the semester - Tuition Only


After the first week of the session through the second week - Tuition Only


After the second week of the session through the third week - Tuition Only




The exact dates for the above can be found in the 

Academic Calendars

Fee Refund Policy

In order to have the resources available to provide students with various academic and support services, Stevens establishes its annual budget and must incur personnel and other expenses, well in advance of a particular semester or academic year. This includes budgets and expenses for each programmatic area. For these reasons, and in accordance with Stevens’ charge adjustment schedule all fees are deemed earned and not subject to any refund after the first week of the fall or spring semester, or after the first day of summer semester classes, regardless of whether any individual student actually utilizes a particular service.