Stevens’ Systems Engineering Faculty Papers Among the “Most Downloaded”
A spotlight on “Top Content” authored by faculty at the Stevens School of Systems and Enterprises and published by Wiley and INCOSE
When systems engineers and practitioners look for content to broaden their system thinking skills and keep current on the latest breakthroughs in the areas of system science, system of systems, and other related areas, they often turn to the International Council on Systems Engineering, INCOSE, which is the world's largest professional network of systems engineers.
Stevens’ relationships with INCOSE is longstanding. In fact, one of INCOSE’s products, the Body of Knowledge and Curriculum to Advance Systems Engineering (BKCASE), was created in 2009 in a collaborative effort led by the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) at Stevens. BKCASE, which will soon be surpassing one million visitors, is a living online resource which provides fast access to systems engineering references for users in government, industry and academia.
Stevens insights – a hit in the systems engineering community
Through its resources and diverse publications, INCOSE provides informative articles on the practice of systems engineering in industry, government and all sectors of society. Two of INCOSE’s most visible publications are INSIGHT, a magazine, and Systems Engineering, a scholarly journal. Based on the number of downloads, a number of papers and articles from the faculty at Stevens are among the most popular reads in the systems engineering community. Among the topics explored in these papers and articles are system modularity, limitations in enterprise engineering, and agile systems-security for systems engineering.
Below are a few interesting articles for systems engineering practitioners looking to stay abreast of the latest research:
From Modular to Distributed Open Architectures: A Unified Decision Framework
Dr. Babak Heydari, assistant professor of systems engineering introduces a "conceptual, yet quantifiable, architecture framework by extending the notion of system modularity" to large scale distributed complex systems. This work was a result of a three-year DARPA program. Dr. Heydari is continuing to pursue this area further as a part of his National Science Foundation CAREER project.The article is co-authored by Dr. Mohsen Mosleh, a recent graduate of the systems engineering doctoral program at Stevens and recipient of the 2015 INCOSE Foundation Doctoral award for promising research in Systems Engineering and Integration.
The Epistemology of Enterprises
Dr. Michael Pennock, assistant professor of systems engineering and Dr. William Rouse, Alexander Crombie Humphreys professor, director of the Stevens Center for Complex Systems & Enterprises (CCSE), and member of the National Academy of Engineering, are co-authors of this research paper.They point out that the "inherent complexity of social systems introduces epistemic limitations that inhibit our ability to model social systems and predict their behavior." In this popular paper, they explore the "epistemic limitations on the engineering of enterprises."
Agile System-Security: Sustainable Systems Evolve with Their Environment
In the July 2016 special feature of INSIGHT magazine, Stevens adjunct professor, Rick Dove, authors the theme article and assembles and edits the twelve companion articles that "lay groundwork for, and perspectives on, agile system-security guidance for systems engineering."