Writing Instruction Tutorial


Rules and Points to Remember

All headings of the same level of importance should be aligned vertically. (Periods following the Roman numerals should be lined up.) It is easy to check at a glance that each subentry is truly a subdivision of the larger statement just above it. A lone subhead is a quick indication of faulty division, for division must result in two or more parts. Ten rules that will help you master the correct form for topic and sentence outlines are as follows:

  1. Center the title above the outline.
  2. Place the thesis statement under the title.
  3. Indent each subdivision, keeping the ranking symbols aligned.
  4. Place a period after each ranking symbol except those enclosed in parentheses.
  5. Divide a heading into two or more subheadings, never one.
  6. Maintain some symmetry, avoiding a long string of subheadings by splitting the heading above if necessary.
  7. Use consistent phrasing for all entries of a particular level (parallel form for topic outlines).*
  8. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word in each entry unless other words are normally capitalized.
  9. Do not use periods after entries unless they are complete sentences. (Periods are not used in topic outlines.)
  10. Do not omit entries for introduction and conclusion. (They have been omitted in these examples but they should be included in the outlines you turn in.)

*The seventh rule in the list above needs some explanation. Consistency is simple in the sentence outline: each entry must be a complete sentence. In a topic outline consistency must be maintained through each rank. The first example below demonstrates inconsistent phrasing; the second example has consistent phrasing.

  1. Summer recreation
    1. Aquatic (adjective)
    2. Golf (noun)
    3. To go on a camping trip (infinitive phrase)
  1. Summer recreation
    1. Water skiing (gerund)
    2. Golfing (gerund)
    3. Camping (gerund)

Such consistency must be maintained throughout each particular rank in each division of the outline. For example, if a noun in used after the first Roman numeral, then nouns must be used after all Roman numerals, for they are of the same rank. However, it is permissible to use infinitive phrases after A., B., and so on under the Roman numerals, then change to prepositional phrases after 1. and 2. under A. or B., for these are two different ranks.


Outlining is division; subdivision means division into at least two parts. If a single minor topic must be mentioned, express it in its major heading, or add another minor topic. An outline is a pattern for writing used to plan and project the order and content of the completed research paper. It is constructed by dividing the thesis logically into topic headings for development in separate paragraphs of the essay. An outline must be constructed logically if the research paper written from it is to be coherent and clear.

Topic Outline

Dealing with Frustration

Thesis: People react to frustration in different ways and for different reasons.

  1. Effects observable in behavior
    1. Childhood tantrums
    2. Adolescent withdrawal
    3. Request for outside help
    4. Decision to cope with problem
  2. Causes attributed to the individual
    1. Inclination to overestimate abilities
      1. Unrealistic goals
      2. Unfavorable comparisons
    2. Habit of craving what is out of reach
    3. Inability to accept some problems as insoluble
  3. Causes attributable to society
    1. Competitive pressures
    2. Conflicting values